Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 70 202 34.6

line true false branch
412 1 9 if (exists $me->{'params'}{'gamma'} and defined $me->{'params'}{'gamma'} and $me->{'params'}{'gamma'} != 1) { }
464 3 0 if ($opt->{'gamma'} != 1)
473 2 0 if ($opt->{'gamma'} != 1)
547 1 3 if ($opt->{'display_gamma'} != 1)
553 4 0 if ($opt->{'byte'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($opt->{'clip'}) { }
567 0 2 if ($opt->{'display_gamma'} != 1)
571 2 0 if ($opt->{'clip'})
622 1 1 $a->is_inplace ? :
637 0 1 $a->is_inplace ? :
667 1 0 if ($opt->{'byte'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($opt->{'clip'}) { }
1004 0 0 if (0 + @_ % 2) { }
1012 0 0 if (defined $name) { }
1025 1 1 unless (0 + @_)
1030 23 3 $PDL::Transform::Color::pc_tab->{$k}{'phot'} ? :
1039 1 0 (0 + @_) % 2 ? :
1045 0 1 if ($lut_name =~ s/\-C([0-5])$//i)
1052 0 1 unless ($lut_name)
1073 0 1 unless (defined $PDL::Transform::Color::pc_tab->{$lut_name})
1078 0 1 if defined $me->{'params'}{'domain'}
1081 0 1 unless defined $me->{'params'}{'irange'}
1082 0 1 unless (ref $me->{'params'}{'irange'} eq 'ARRAY')
1086 0 0 if ($me->{'params'}{'irange'}[0] == $me->{'params'}{'irange'}[1] and (defined $me->{'params'}{'irange'}[0] and defined $me->{'params'}{'irange'}[1]))
1093 0 1 if ($mod_combo)
1094 0 0 if $me->{'params'}{'combination'}
1099 0 1 if ($me->{'params'}{'combination'} < 0 or $me->{'params'}{'combination'} > 5)
1106 0 1 if ($me->{'params'}{'lut'}{'type'} eq 'hsv') { }
1111 0 0 if ($me->{'params'}{'combination'})
1117 0 0 if $me->{'params'}{'combination'} > 2
1137 0 1 do { not defined $min } ? :
1 0 defined $min || defined $max ? :
1145 0 1 if ($min == $max or not &isfinite($min) or not &isfinite($max))
1155 0 1 if ($opt->{'lut'}{'split'})
1158 0 0 if ($split == 0.5) { }
1167 0 1 if ($opt->{'lut'}{'phot'} and $opt->{'perceptual'})
1171 1 0 if ($opt->{'clip'})
1172 0 1 if ($split) { }
1179 0 1 if (defined $opt->{'lut'}{'igamma'})
1183 0 1 if ($split)
1184 0 0 if ($split == 0.5) { }
1193 0 0 if ($opt->{'clip'})
1207 0 1 if (defined $opt->{'lut'}{'ogamma'})
1215 0 1 if ($me->{'params'}{'lut'}{'type'} eq 'hsv')
1219 0 1 if (abs $me->{'params'}{'gamma'} - 1 > 1e-05)
1223 1 0 unless ($me->{'params'}{'lsRGB'})
1292 0 2 if (defined $me->{'params'}{'rgb_system'}) { }
1327 0 0 if ($me->{'params'}{'use_system_gamma'})
1338 0 1 if ($in->is_inplace)
1349 0 1 if ($in->is_inplace)
1384 0 1 if ($in->is_inplace)
1396 0 0 if ($in->is_inplace)
1440 0 0 if ($XYZ->is_inplace)
1458 0 0 if ($in->is_inplace)
1559 0 0 if ($in->is_inplace)
1576 0 0 if ($in->is_inplace)
1659 0 2 if (defined $opt->{'htgamma'} and $opt->{'htgamma'} != 1)
1663 0 2 if ($opt->{'clip'})
1667 0 2 if ($opt->{'byte'})
1679 0 2 if ($opt->{'byte'})
1683 0 2 if (defined $opt->{'htgamma'} and $opt->{'htgamma'} != 1)
1776 1 1 if $me->{'params'}{'hsv'}
1791 0 2 if ($opt->{'hue_linear'}) { }
1813 1 1 if ($opt->{'hsv'}) { }
1822 0 2 if ($opt->{'lgamma'} != 1)
1826 0 2 if ($in->is_inplace)
1840 0 2 if ($opt->{'lgamma'} != 1)
1847 1 1 if ($opt->{'hsv'}) { }
1855 0 2 if ($opt->{'hue_linear'}) { }
1867 0 2 if ($in->is_inplace)
1944 0 0 unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($new_illuminant, 'PDL'))
1947 0 0 unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($me->{'params'}{'from'}, 'PDL'))
1952 0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($me->{'params'}{'method'}, 'PDL')) { }
0 0 elsif ($me->{'params'}{'method'} =~ /^B/i or length $me->{'params'}{'method'} == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($me->{'params'}{'method'} =~ /^[VK]/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($me->{'params'}{'method'} =~ /^[XC]/i) { }
1953 0 0 if ($me->{'params'}{'method'}->ndims == 2 and $me->{'params'}{'method'}->dim(0) == 3 and $me->{'params'}{'method'}->dim(1) == 3) { }
1987 0 0 if ($opt->{'basis'} =~ /^X/i) { }
2001 0 0 if ($opt->{'basis'} =~ /^X/i) { }
2008 0 0 if (exists $me->{'params'}{'gamma'} and defined $me->{'params'}{'gamma'} and $me->{'params'}{'gamma'} != 1) { }
2088 0 0 if ($me->{'params'}{'use_system_gammas'}) { }
2156 0 18 if any($D < 40) or any($D > 250)
2275 0 20 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($name, 'PDL'))
2276 0 0 if ($name->nelem == 2 || $name->nelem == 3 and $name->dim(0) == $name->nelem) { }
2286 0 20 if ($name =~ /^A/i) { }
0 20 elsif ($name =~ /^B/) { }
1 19 elsif ($name =~ /^C/) { }
18 1 elsif ($name =~ /^D(.*)$/i) { }
1 0 elsif ($name =~ /^E/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($name =~ /^FL?([\d+])(\.[\d])?$/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($name =~ /^HP?(\d)/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($name =~ /^L/i) { }
2299 0 0 if $flno < 1 or $flno > 12 or $flsubno and $flno != 3 or $flsubno > 15
2305 0 0 if ($flno == 3 and $flsubno) { }
2312 0 0 if $hpno < 1 or $hpno > 5
2459 0 0 do { ref $new_rgb eq 'HASH' } ? :
0 0 ref $new_rgb ? :
2462 0 0 if ($PDL::Transform::Color::rgbtab->{$new_rgb_name}) { }
2470 0 0 unless exists $new_rgb->{$k} and defined $new_rgb->{$k} and UNIVERSAL::isa($new_rgb->{$k}, 'PDL') and $new_rgb->{$k}->nelem == 3 and $new_rgb->{$k}->dim(0) == 3
2472 0 0 unless defined $new_rgb->{'gamma'}
2473 0 0 if $bad