Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 70 120 58.3

line true false branch
12 0 123 if (exists $ENV{'PDL_NICESLICE_ENGINE'})
14 0 0 if (exists $engine_ok{$engine} and $engine_ok{$engine}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $engine_ok{$engine} and not $engine_ok{$engine}) { }
16 0 0 if $PDL::verbose
18 0 0 if $PDL::verbose
69 2 0 $_[0] ? :
71 0 2 defined $_[1] ? :
74 0 2 unless @match
105 0 0 unless defined $arg
106 0 0 if ($arg) { }
111 0 2 if $#srcstr < 0
139 2235 4312 if @partialargs
143 0 12216 if $ct == 1000
146 8139 4077 if @partialargs
170 0 7326 if $debug
171 258 7068 if $arg =~ /^\s*:??\s*$/
173 3 7065 if $arg =~ /$prefixpat/msx
175 2522 4546 if ($arg =~ /(?
177 0 2522 if @args > 3
179 0 2522 if not defined $args[0] or $args[0] =~ /^\s*$/
180 0 2522 if not defined $args[1] or $args[1] =~ /^\s*$/
181 2521 1 if not defined $args[2] or $args[2] =~ /^\s*$/
185 3267 1279 if $arg =~ s/^\s*\((.*)\)\s*$/$1/
187 0 1279 if $arg =~ /^\s*\[/
192 246 1033 if $arg =~ s/^\s*\*//
201 0 4846 if $debug
205 0 4846 $txt =~ /^\s*$/s ? :
213 0 4846 if $debug
223 1037 3 unless defined $verb
230 0 5596 if $verb
236 748 4848 if ($prefix =~ /for(each)?(\s+(my|our))?\s+\$\w+(\s|$RE_cmt)*$/s or $prefix =~ /->\s*\$\w+$/s) { }
253 0 4848 if $debug
256 0 4848 if @mods > 1
259 0 4848 if $debug
262 7 4841 if (@mods) { }
265 0 7 if $debug
266 1 6 if @modflags > 1 and grep /\?/, @modflags
269 5 1 if (@modflags) { }
271 1 8 if ($mod1 eq '?') { }
1 7 elsif ($mod1 eq '_') { }
4 3 elsif ($mod1 eq '|') { }
3 0 elsif ($mod1 eq '-') { }
272 0 1 if $seen{$mod1}++
277 0 1 if $seen{$mod1}++
283 1 3 if $seen{$mod1}++
288 0 3 if $seen{$mod1}++
315 3955 891 $prefix =~ /->(\s*$RE_cmt*)*$/ ? :
327 157 881 $ct > 0 ? :
357 0 1 unless (defined $txt)
364 0 1 if ($PDL::debug > 1)
392 0 12 if (defined $terminator and /$terminator/)
397 0 12 if (defined $reinstator and /$reinstator/)
400 0 12 if (/^\s*(__END__|__DATA__)\s*$/)
410 0 1 if $off
411 0 1 if $end
416 0 0 if (defined $reinstator and /$reinstator/)
420 0 0 if (defined $terminator and /$terminator/)
430 0 1 if ($@)
433 0 0 unless $err =~ /[$_]/
440 0 1 if ($PDL::debug > 1)