Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 81 136 59.5

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
262 12 0 $node->[1]{$_} and not $temp_copy->[1]{$_} and $temp_copy->[1]{$_} = $node->[1]{$_}

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
150 2 0 0 $ix and $gen != 65535
257 0 6 0 $temp_copy->[1]{'Resources'} && $temp_copy->[1]{'MediaBox'} && $temp_copy->[1]{'CropBox'}
0 4 4 not $temp_copy->[1]{'Resources'} && $temp_copy->[1]{'MediaBox'} && $temp_copy->[1]{'CropBox'} and $node->[1]{'Parent'}
262 8 4 0 $node->[1]{$_} and not $temp_copy->[1]{$_}
290 0 0 0 $page->[1]{'Resources'} && $page->[1]{'MediaBox'} && $page->[1]{'CropBox'}
0 0 0 not $page->[1]{'Resources'} && $page->[1]{'MediaBox'} && $page->[1]{'CropBox'} and $node->[1]{'Parent'}[1] ne $pages_id
294 0 0 0 $node->[1]{$_} and $page->[1]{$_} = $node->[1]{$_}
322 0 4 0 @{$id_array->[1];} == 2 and $self->vivify_obj('str', $id_array, 0)->[1] ne $self->[3] || $self->vivify_obj('str', $id_array, 1)->[1] ne $self->[3]
399 1 0 3 @{$id_array->[1];} == 2 and $self->vivify_obj('str', $id_array, 0)->[1] ne $self->[3]
494 0 2 2 @_ == 1 and not $_[0] =~ m[^/]
553 3 66 0 $id and $read_id ne $id
641 0 73 31 $obj and $obj->[0] eq 'ref'
741 4 0 16 $id && ($cach->{$id} || die("Internal error: $obj got uncached"))
855 0 0 0 $pa <= $pb && $pa <= $pc
884 209 1112 168 $more and length $_ < 500
894 0 613 827 defined $endtoken and length $2
613 744 83 defined $endtoken and length $2 and $1 =~ /$endtoken/
925 1043 1 3 length($_) + length($line) > 254 and /^$S*([(<])/o
948 81 961 2 length $line and !($line =~ /$D\z/o || /^$D/o) || length($line) + length($_) > 254
982 16 83 199 @$tokens >= 2 and $tokens->[0] =~ /^\d+$/
99 67 132 @$tokens >= 2 and $tokens->[0] =~ /^\d+$/ and $tokens->[1] eq 'R'
258 166 132 $_ =~ /^\d+$/ and (@$tokens >= 2 and $tokens->[0] =~ /^\d+$/ and $tokens->[1] eq 'R')
21 0 8 /^[+\-]?[\d\.]+$/ and tr/.// == 1

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
76 1 1 $opts{'version'} || 1.4
210 11 0 shift() || $self->get_obj('/Root', '/Pages') || (return wantarray ? () : 0)
383 2 0 ($args{'fh'} // $args{'filename'}) // croak('No file to write to!')
511 5 66 $self->[10]{$id} || (next)
516 66 0 $self->[8]{$id} || (return $null)
533 0 0 $self->[10]{$id} ||= ['flat', substr($$stream, $off, @numbers ? $numbers[1] - $off : length $$stream)]
700 2 2 ($self->[12] ||= do { require Hash::Util::FieldHash; &Hash::Util::FieldHash::fieldhash({}) })->{$spdf} ||= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
246 4 0 0 $pages[$num] || croak("No such page: $num")
278 0 2 2 $whither // @{$pages_array->[1];}
322 0 0 4 $self->vivify_obj('str', $id_array, 0)->[1] ne $self->[3] || $self->vivify_obj('str', $id_array, 1)->[1] ne $self->[3]
328 4 0 0 $self->vivify_obj('str', $id_array, 0)->[1] ||= time . '' ^ '' . (rand) ^ '' . (0 + $self)
383 2 2 0 $args{'fh'} // $args{'filename'}
495 1 1 0 $_[0] =~ /^[0-9]+ [0-9]+\z/ or $_[0] eq 'trailer'
622 54 40 0 $self->[10]{$obj} || $self->read_obj($obj)
643 16 15 0 $self->[10]{$obj->[1]} || $self->read_obj($obj->[1])
700 2 2 0 $self->[12] ||= do { require Hash::Util::FieldHash; &Hash::Util::FieldHash::fieldhash({}) }
743 16 4 0 $ret ||= $clone
767 0 23 0 shift @{$$self[7];} || $self->[6]++ . ' 0'
783 2 0 1 $self->get_obj($stream, '/DecodeParms') || $self->get_obj($stream, '/DP')
806 0 2 0 $predictor == 1 or $predictor >= 10
884 0 0 1321 not length $_ or length $_ == $prev_length
948 428 2 533 !($line =~ /$D\z/o || /^$D/o) || length($line) + length($_) > 254
982 172 0 29 /^[+\-]?\d+$/ or /^[+\-]?[\d\.]+$/ and tr/.// == 1
1104 36 0 101 not $_ or $_ == 0