Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 5 438 1.1

line true false branch
80 0 0 unless ($xml)
85 0 0 if (not ref $xml) { }
0 0 elsif ($xml->can('load')) { }
88 0 0 unless ($report = 'PDF::ReportWriter::Report'->new({'report', $xml}))
107 0 0 if ($@)
124 0 0 unless (defined $data_records)
128 0 0 if ($report->can('get_data'))
154 0 0 if (ref $page_list eq 'ARRAY' and scalar @$page_list) { }
178 0 0 unless (defined $opt)
184 0 0 if (exists $$opt{'y_margin'})
190 0 0 if (exists $$opt{'x_margin'})
208 0 0 if ($$opt{'paper'} eq 'A4') { }
0 0 elsif ($$opt{'paper'} eq 'Letter' or $$opt{'paper'} eq 'letter') { }
0 0 elsif ($$opt{'paper'} eq 'bsize' or $$opt{'paper'} eq 'Bsize') { }
0 0 elsif ($$opt{'paper'} eq 'Legal' or $$opt{'paper'} eq 'legal') { }
0 0 elsif ($$opt{'paper'} =~ /^\s*([\d\.]+)\s*[xX]\s*([\d\.]+)\s*(\w*)$/) { }
236 0 0 if ($unit eq 'mm') { }
0 0 elsif ($unit eq 'in') { }
251 0 0 if (exists $$opt{'orientation'} and $$opt{'orientation'})
253 0 0 if ($$opt{'orientation'} eq 'landscape') { }
0 0 elsif ($$opt{'orientation'} ne 'portrait') { }
287 0 0 if ($font eq 'Courier')
292 0 0 if ($font eq 'Helvetica')
297 0 0 if ($font eq 'Times')
326 0 0 if ($x >= $$self{'page_width'} - $$self{'right_margin'})
337 0 0 unless ($$cell{'font_size'})
343 0 0 unless (exists $$cell{'text_whitespace'})
362 0 0 if ($type eq 'data') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'field_headers') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'page_header') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'page_footer') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'group') { }
363 0 0 if ($$cell{'height'} > $$self{'data'}{'max_cell_height'})
369 0 0 unless ($$cell{'background'})
375 0 0 if ($$cell{'height'} > $$self{'data'}{'max_field_header_height'})
378 0 0 unless ($$cell{'background'})
383 0 0 if ($$cell{'height'} > $$self{'data'}{'page_header_max_cell_height'})
387 0 0 if ($$cell{'height'} > $$self{'data'}{'page_footer_max_cell_height'})
392 0 0 if ($$cell{'height'} > $$group{$group_type . '_max_cell_height'})
401 0 0 if (exists $$cell{'aggregate_source'})
412 0 0 if ($type ne 'data' and not $$cell{'image'} and not exists $$cell{'bold'})
416 0 0 if ($$cell{'image'})
420 0 0 unless (exists $$cell{'image'}{'buffer'})
433 0 0 if (exists $$cell{'type'})
435 0 0 if ($$cell{'type'} eq 'currency') { }
0 0 elsif ($$cell{'type'} eq 'currency:no_fill') { }
0 0 elsif ($$cell{'type'} eq 'thousands_separated') { }
489 0 0 if ($type eq 'group')
490 0 0 unless (exists $$group{$group_type . '_upper_buffer'})
494 0 0 unless (exists $$group{$group_type . '_lower_buffer'})
501 0 0 if ($type eq 'data')
502 0 0 unless (exists $$self{'data'}{'upper_buffer'})
506 0 0 unless (exists $$self{'data'}{'lower_buffer'})
513 0 0 if ($type eq 'field_headers')
514 0 0 if (not exists $$self{'data'}{'field_headers_upper_buffer'})
533 0 0 if ($$self{'data'}{'cell_borders'})
543 0 0 unless ($$self{'data'}{'no_field_headers'})
546 0 0 unless ($$self{'data'}{'field_headers'})
565 0 0 if ($$self{'data'}{'page'}{'header'})
570 0 0 if ($$self{'data'}{'page'}{'footer'}) { }
0 0 elsif (not $$self{'data'}{'page'}{'footer'} || $$self{'data'}{'page'}{'footerless'}) { }
603 0 0 if ($$group{$group_type})
613 0 0 unless $$group{'name'} eq 'GrandTotals'
619 0 0 if (ref $data_ref eq 'ARRAY' and ref $$data_ref[0] eq 'ARRAY')
631 0 0 unless ($$self{'pages'})
663 0 0 unless ($want_new_page)
676 0 0 if ($$self{'y'} - ($$size_calculation{'y_needed'} + $$self{'page_footer_and_margin'}) < 0)
692 0 0 if ($$group{'name'} eq $$queued_group{'group'}{'name'})
713 0 0 if ($want_new_page and $row_counter)
736 0 0 if ($$group{'footer'})
759 0 0 if ($$group{'value'} ne $$row[$$group{'data_column'}] or $want_new_page and $$group{'reprinting_header'})
762 0 0 if ($$group{'page_break'})
772 0 0 if ($row_counter and $$group{'footer'} and not $want_new_page)
778 0 0 if ($$group{'header'})
790 0 0 if ($$group{'value'} ne $$row[$$group{'data_column'}])
815 0 0 unless (exists $$self{'data'}{'cell_mapping'}{$$options{'cell'}})
820 0 0 unless (exists $$self{'data'}{'fields'}[$$self{'data'}{'cell_mapping'}{$$options{'cell'}}]{'group_results'}{$$options{'group'}})
840 0 0 if (defined $pdf_tmpl and $pdf_tmpl)
847 0 0 if (my $pdf_doc = 'PDF::API2'->open($pdf_tmpl))
854 0 0 unless ($new_page or $user_warned)
906 0 0 if ($$self{'data'}{'page'}{'header'})
922 0 0 if (not $$self{'group_header_queue'} and $$group{'reprinting_header'} and $$group{'value'} ne '!')
940 0 0 if ($$group{'name'} ne 'GrandTotals')
968 0 0 if ($y_needed <= $$self{'page_height'} and $$self{'y'} - $y_needed < 0)
991 0 5 if (exists $$cell{'barcode'}) { }
4 1 elsif (exists $$cell{'text'}) { }
1005 2 2 if ($$cell{'text'} =~ /[\r\n][^\s]/o)
1063 0 0 if ($$cell{'image'}) { }
1072 0 0 if ($$cell{'image'}{'dynamic'} and ref $$options{'row'} eq 'ARRAY')
1082 0 0 if (not $imgdata{'img_x'} or $$cell{'image'}{'path'} and $$cell{'image'}{'path'} ne $$cell{'image'}{'previous_path'})
1093 0 0 unless ($imgdata{'img_x'})
1098 0 0 unless ($imgdata{'img_y'})
1103 0 0 if ($$self{'debug'})
1107 0 0 if ($$cell{'image'}{'height'} > 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($$cell{'image'}{'scale_to_fit'}) { }
1123 0 0 if ($imgdata{'img_y'} > $$self{'y'} - $$self{'page_footer_and_margin'} - $$cell{'image'}{'buffer'} * 2) { }
1133 0 0 if ($$self{'debug'})
1144 0 0 if ($$self{'debug'})
1149 0 0 $imgdata{'y_scale_ratio'} < $imgdata{'x_scale_ratio'} ? :
1153 0 0 if ($$self{'debug'})
1164 0 0 if ($$self{'debug'})
1179 0 0 if (ref $row eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif ($$cell{'text'}) { }
1190 0 0 if ($$cell{'wrap_text'})
1202 0 0 if ($no_of_new_lines)
1210 0 0 if (not $row_heights[$$cell{'row'}] or $current_height > $row_heights[$$cell{'row'}])
1229 0 0 if ($$self{'group_header_queue'})
1238 0 0 unless ($$self{'data'}{'no_field_headers'})
1290 0 0 if ($type ne 'page_footer' and $$size_calculation{'y_needed'} <= $$self{'page_height'} and $$self{'y'} - $$size_calculation{'y_needed'} < 0)
1299 0 0 if ($type eq 'data')
1305 0 0 if ($type eq 'data' and $$self{'need_data_header'} and not $$self{'data'}{'no_field_headers'})
1350 0 0 if ($this_row != $$cell{'row'})
1359 0 0 if (ref $$options{'current_row'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
1392 0 0 if (exists $$cell{'background'})
1397 0 0 if (exists $$cell{'custom_render_func'})
1404 0 0 if (ref $func_return eq 'HASH') { }
1407 0 0 if (exists $$func_return{'render_text'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $$func_return{'render_image'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $$func_return{'rendering_done'} and $$func_return{'rendering_done'}) { }
1438 0 0 if ($$cell{'image'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$cell{'barcode'}) { }
1456 0 0 if ($type eq 'data' and $$cell{'aggregate_function'})
1462 0 0 if ($aggr_func)
1464 0 0 if ($aggr_func eq 'sum') { }
0 0 elsif ($aggr_func eq 'count') { }
0 0 elsif ($aggr_func eq 'max') { }
0 0 elsif ($aggr_func eq 'min') { }
1483 0 0 if ($cell_value > $$group_res{$$group{'name'}})
1492 0 0 if ($cell_value < $$group_res{$$group{'name'}})
1516 0 0 if ($$cell{'background_func'}) { }
1517 0 0 if ($$self{'debug'})
1527 0 0 unless (defined $background)
1534 0 0 if ($$background{'shape'})
1536 0 0 if ($$background{'shape'} eq 'ellipse') { }
0 0 elsif ($$background{'shape'} eq 'box') { }
1569 0 0 if ($$background{'border'})
1581 0 0 if (not exists $$background{'borders'} or uc $$background{'borders'} eq 'ALL')
1595 0 0 if ($cell_bb =~ /[bB]/)
1602 0 0 if ($cell_bb =~ /[rR]/)
1609 0 0 if ($cell_bb =~ /[tT]/)
1616 0 0 if ($cell_bb =~ /[lL]/)
1651 0 0 if ($$cell{'type'} eq 'ean13')
1653 0 0 unless eval { do { require GD::Barcode::EAN13 } }
1661 0 0 exists $$cell{'quiet_zone'} ? :
0 0 exists $$cell{'upper_mending_zone'} ? :
0 0 exists $$cell{'zone'} ? :
0 0 exists $$cell{'lower_mending_zone'} ? :
1674 0 0 if ($$cell{'type'} eq 'code128')
1684 0 0 if ($$cell{'type'} eq 'code39')
1696 0 0 exists $$cell{'scale'} ? :
1697 0 0 exists $$cell{'x'} ? :
1698 0 0 exists $$cell{'y'} ? :
1703 0 0 if ($align eq 'r') { }
0 0 elsif ($align eq 'c') { }
1745 0 0 exists $img_meth{$$imgdata{'img_type'}} ? :
1749 0 0 unless (defined $img_call)
1763 0 0 if (not $$self{'pdf'}->can($img_call)) { }
1777 0 0 if ($@)
1784 0 0 exists $$cell{'x'} ? :
1785 0 0 exists $$cell{'y'} ? :
1788 0 0 if ($$cell{'align'} and $$cell{'align'} eq 'centre' || $$cell{'align'} eq 'center') { }
0 0 elsif ($$cell{'align'} and $$cell{'align'} eq 'right') { }
1814 0 0 exists $$cell{'italic'} && $$cell{'italic'} ? :
0 0 exists $$cell{'italic'} && $$cell{'italic'} ? :
0 0 exists $$cell{'bold'} && $$cell{'bold'} ? :
1837 0 0 if ($type eq 'header') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'data') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'group_header') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'group_footer') { }
0 0 elsif ($type =~ /^page/) { }
1853 0 0 if (exists $$cell{'aggregate_source'}) { }
1855 0 0 if ($$cell{'text'} eq 'GrandTotals') { }
1873 0 0 if ($$cell{'colour_func'}) { }
1874 0 0 if ($$self{'debug'})
1883 0 0 if ($type ne 'header' and $$cell{'format'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$cell{'type'} and $$cell{'type'} =~ /^custom:(.+)$/) { }
1900 0 0 if ($@)
1917 0 0 if ($$cell{'wrap_text'})
1928 0 0 exists $$cell{'y'} ? :
1932 0 0 exists $$cell{'align'} ? :
1963 0 0 if ($$cell{'text_width'} > 0)
1975 0 0 exists $$cell{'x'} ? :
1977 0 0 if ($align eq 'l') { }
0 0 elsif ($align eq 'c' or $type eq 'header') { }
0 0 elsif ($align eq 'r') { }
0 0 elsif ($align eq 'j') { }
1990 0 0 $cell_abs_pos ? :
2000 0 0 if ($cell_abs_pos) { }
2026 0 0 if ($standard_width)
2035 0 0 if $target > 1
2057 0 0 if ($cell_abs_pos and $y_pos < $line_height)
2078 0 0 if ($text_width == 0)
2086 0 0 if ($$options{'strip_breaks'})
2099 0 0 if ($paragraph eq '')
2112 0 0 if (substr($paragraph, $position, 1) eq ' ')
2120 0 0 if ($position == length $paragraph) { }
2134 0 0 if ($$self{'debug'})
2167 0 0 if (exists $$options{'null_if_zero'} and $$options{'null_if_zero'} and $value == 0)
2171 0 0 exists $$options{'decimal_places'} ? :
2174 0 0 if ($decimals)
2182 0 0 if ($decimals)
2190 0 0 if ($$options{'decimal_fill'})
2191 0 0 if (defined $decimal) { }
2199 0 0 if ($$options{'separate_thousands'})
2205 0 0 if ($$options{'currency'})
2210 0 0 if (defined $decimal) { }
2225 0 0 unless (exists $$self{'pages'} and ref $$self{'pages'})
2324 0 0 exists $$opt{'unlink'} ? :
2328 0 0 unless ($$opt{'command'})
2332 0 0 unless @cups_locations
2336 0 0 unless ($cmd)
2351 0 0 if ($printer = $$opt{'printer'})
2360 0 0 if ($temp_file) { }
2367 0 0 if ($ok) { }
2375 0 0 unless ($ok)
2390 0 0 if $unlink_spool
2434 0 0 if (my $data = $self->report->get_data($ds_name))
2444 0 0 if (ref $row eq 'HASH') { }
2449 0 0 if ($$cell{'delimiter'}) { }