Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 77 94 81.9

line true false branch
213 10 0 if (my $signature = $self->signature)
215 2 8 if ($signature == 1)
218 0 10 if $signature % 4
225 14 130 if ($page_in_sig == 1)
231 72 72 if ($page_in_sig % 2)
232 22 50 if ($page_in_sig > $half + 1) { }
36 14 elsif ($page_in_sig < $half) { }
265 13 4 if (my $signature = $self->signature) { }
266 3 10 if ($signature == 1) { }
1 9 elsif ($signature % 4) { }
270 0 3 if (my $modulo = $total_input_pages % 4)
280 6 3 if (my $modulo = $total_input_pages % $signature)
306 44 0 if ($string =~ /$re/six) { }
365 0 17 unless copy($self->input, $name)
380 17 0 if ($input) { }
384 0 0 unless $input
408 15 2 if (my $dimensions = $sizes{lc $self->paper}) { }
2 0 elsif ($paper =~ /\A\s* $measure_re \s*:\s* $measure_re \s*\z/six) { }
431 0 10 if $self->_is_closed
433 0 10 if $needed < 0
435 5 5 if ($needed)
437 2 3 if ($self->cover)
444 2 3 if ($last)
460 0 10 unless move($self->out_pdf, $self->output)
469 32 580 unless $float
470 28 552 if ($float < 0.001 and $float > -0.001)
489 124 16 defined $src_page_number ? :
492 0 140 if $llx + $lly
494 124 16 $in_page ? :
496 0 140 if $inllx + $inlly
507 0 140 if (not $self->bottom || $self->top) { }
28 112 elsif (not $self->bottom) { }
24 88 elsif (not $self->top) { }
519 0 140 if (not $self->inner || $self->outer) { }
56 84 elsif (not $self->inner) { }
28 56 elsif (not $self->outer) { }
524 22 34 if ($self->twoside and not $page_number % 2) { }
535 8 20 if ($self->twoside and not $page_number % 2) { }
546 92 48 if ($self->signature and $self->twoside)
549 0 92 unless defined $paper_thickness
552 46 46 if ($page_number % 2) { }
563 124 16 if ($in_page)
592 112 28 if ($bottom_middle_mark)
611 98 42 if ($right_middle_mark)
632 116 24 if ($top_middle_mark)
652 98 42 if ($left_middle_mark)
719 7 10 unless ($self->_is_closed)