Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 20 95.0

line true false branch
94 3 27 if ($input =~ /^\s*\
121 0 52 if (defined $prev_input and $input eq $prev_input)
128 13 39 if ($input =~ /^\\([0-7]{1,3})(.*)/so) { }
9 30 elsif ($input =~ /^\\([nrtbf\\\(\)])(.*)/iso) { }
5 25 elsif ($input =~ /^\\$cr(.*)/so) { }
2 23 elsif ($input =~ /^\015\012?(.*)/so) { }
10 13 elsif ($input =~ /^(.*?)((?:\\(?:[nrtbf\\\(\)0-7]|$cr)|\015\012?).*)/so) { }
184 1 163 if ($self->{' ishex'}) { }
1 162 elsif ($self->{' isutf'} or utf8::is_utf8($str) and $str =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/) { }
193 3 159 if ($str =~ /[^\n\r\t\b\f\040-\176\200-\377]/) { }