Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1 306 0.3

line true false branch
929 0 0 if (not _compile($name)) { }
941 0 34 if (not exists $$CODE{$name}) { }
944 0 0 unless $$self{'flag'}{'COOKIE'}
0 0 if (-e $_ and not unlink($_) and $^W)
0 0 unless $$self{'flag'}{'POST'}
0 0 unless $$self{'flag'}{'GET'}
0 0 unless $$self{'flag'}{'POST'}
0 0 $_[0] =~ m[([^\\/\:]+)$] ? :
0 0 defined($Shift = shift()) ? :
0 0 if (lc $_ eq $name)
0 0 unless ref $value eq 'ARRAY'
0 0 if $^W
0 0 if ($rtype == 3 and @$value > 1)
0 0 if (defined $value) { }
0 0 unless ($MonStr)
0 0 unless defined $query
0 0 if ($$self{'set'}{'GET'}{'EscNull'})
0 0 if (length $value or $$self{'set'}{'COOKIE'}{'IncEmpty'})
0 0 if (length $name)
0 0 if (not $$self{'flag'}{'COOKIE'}++)
0 0 unless defined $query
0 0 if ($$self{'set'}{'GET'}{'EscNull'})
0 0 if (length $value or $$self{'set'}{'GET'}{'IncEmpty'})
0 0 if (length $name)
0 0 if (not $$self{'flag'}{'GET'}++)
0 0 if ($length > $$self{'set'}{'POST'}{'MaxSize'}) { }
0 0 if ($length > $$self{'set'}{'MULTI'}{'MaxSize'}) { }
0 0 elsif (not exists $$ctype{'a'}{'boundary'} && length $$ctype{'a'}{'boundary'}) { }
0 0 if (not exists $$ctype{'a'}{'_MAIN_'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$ctype{'a'}{'_MAIN_'} eq 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') { }
0 0 elsif ($$ctype{'a'}{'_MAIN_'} eq 'multipart/form-data') { }
0 0 if (not length $length) { }
0 0 elsif (not $length =~ /^\d+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($length > 0) { }
0 0 if ($self->env('REQUEST_METHOD') eq 'POST')
0 0 if ($reason)
0 0 unless ($$self{'flag'}{'POST'}++)
0 0 if ($$self{'set'}{'MULTI'}{'EscNull'})
0 0 if $r
0 0 if ($$s{'fcount'})
0 0 if $r
0 0 if ($$s{'fcount'})
0 0 if $r
0 0 if (exists $$s{'header'}{'content_disposition'}{'filename'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $$s{'header'}{'content_type'}{'_MAIN_'} and $$s{'header'}{'content_type'}{'_MAIN_'} eq 'multipart/mixed') { }
0 0 if (length $$s{'name'} > $$self{'set'}{'MULTI'}{'MaxNameSize'}) { }
0 0 if (exists $$s{'header'}{'content_disposition'}{'_MAIN_'} and $$s{'header'}{'content_disposition'}{'_MAIN_'} eq 'form-data' and exists $$s{'header'}{'content_disposition'}{'name'} and length $$s{'header'}{'content_disposition'}{'name'})
0 0 if (not $$s{'stream'}->readto($CRLF x 2, {'Out', \$temp, 'Limit', 8192, 'Mode', 'E'})) { }
0 0 elsif ($$s{'stream'}{'Readed'} != $$s{'stream'}{'Stored'}) { }
0 0 if ($$s{'rewind'}++ and not $$s{'stream'}->readto($$s{'bound'}, {'Mode', 'E'})) { }
0 0 elsif (not $$s{'stream'}->readsome(2, {'Out', \$temp})) { }
0 0 elsif ($temp eq '--') { }
0 0 elsif ($temp ne $CRLF) { }
0 0 if $^W
0 0 unless (close $handler)
0 0 if $^W
0 0 if $^W
0 0 if (exists $$s{'header'}{'content_type'}{'_MAIN_'}) { }
0 0 if ($$self{'set'}{'MULTI'}{'EscNull'})
0 0 if (not close $handler) { }
0 0 elsif ($$s{'stream'}{'Stored'} != $$s{'stream'}{'Readed'}) { }
0 0 if (not $$s{'stream'}->readto($CRLF . $$s{'bound'}, {'Out', $handler, 'Mode', 'E'})) { }
0 0 if (($handler, $$file{'temp'}) = $self->_tempfile)
0 0 if (length $$file{'base'})
0 0 if (length $$file{'full'})
0 0 if $^W
0 0 unless (close $handler)
0 0 if $^W
0 0 if $^W
0 0 if (exists $$mheader{'content_type'}{'_MAIN_'}) { }
0 0 if ($$self{'set'}{'MULTI'}{'EscNull'})
0 0 if (not close $handler) { }
0 0 elsif ($$s{'stream'}{'Stored'} != $$s{'stream'}{'Readed'}) { }
0 0 if (not $$s{'stream'}->readto($CRLF . $mbound, {'Out', $handler, 'Mode', 'E'})) { }
0 0 if (($handler, $$file{'temp'}) = $self->_tempfile)
0 0 if (length $$file{'base'})
0 0 if (length $$file{'full'})
0 0 if ($temp eq 'file' || $temp eq 'attachment' and exists $$mheader{'content_disposition'}{'filename'})
0 0 if (exists $$mheader{'content_disposition'}{'_MAIN_'})
0 0 if (not $$s{'stream'}->readto($CRLF x 2, {'Out', \$temp, 'Limit', 8192, 'Mode', 'E'})) { }
0 0 elsif ($$s{'stream'}{'Readed'} != $$s{'stream'}{'Stored'}) { }
0 0 if ($mrewind++ and not $$s{'stream'}->readto($mbound, {'Mode', 'E'})) { }
0 0 elsif (not $$s{'stream'}->readsome(2, {'Out', \$temp})) { }
0 0 elsif ($temp eq '--') { }
0 0 elsif ($temp ne $CRLF) { }
0 0 if (not $$s{'fcount'}) { }
0 0 if (not exists $$s{'header'}{'content_type'}{'boundary'} && length $$s{'header'}{'content_type'}{'boundary'}) { }
0 0 if ($$self{'set'}{'MULTI'}{'EscNull'})
0 0 if ($$s{'stream'}{'Stored'} or $$self{'set'}{'MULTI'}{'IncEmpty'})
0 0 if (not $$s{'stream'}->readto($CRLF . $$s{'bound'}, {'Out', \$value, 'Limit', $$s{'mvsize'}, 'Mode', 'E'})) { }
0 0 elsif ($$s{'stream'}{'Stored'} != $$s{'stream'}{'Readed'}) { }
0 0 if ($$self{'set'}{'POST'}{'EscNull'})
0 0 if (($mvsize -= length $value) < 0) { }
0 0 if (length $name > $$self{'set'}{'POST'}{'MaxNameSize'}) { }
0 0 elsif (length $value or $$self{'set'}{'POST'}{'IncEmpty'}) { }
0 0 if (length $name)
0 0 if (not $stream->readto('=', $name_attr)) { }
0 0 wantarray ? :
0 0 if (exists $$self{'data'}{$type}{$name}) { }
0 0 if (defined $name) { }
0 0 if ($name eq 'filename') { }
0 0 if (length $name and $name ne '_MAIN_')
0 0 if ($line =~ s/^([^=]+)=//) { }
0 0 if (length $group and length $value)
0 0 if ($line =~ s/^([^:]+):([^;,]+)[;,]?//)
0 0 unless ($RandChars)
0 0 if (@{$$self{'cookie'};})
0 0 unless exists $$self{'header'}{'Status'}
0 0 if (exists $$self{'header'}{'Location'})
0 0 if (exists $$RType{$name} and $$RType{$name} == 2) { }
0 0 if (exists $$self{'header'}{$name})
0 0 if (exists $ENV{'MOD_PERL'}) { }
0 0 if $^W
0 0 if $^W
0 0 if $^W
0 0 if $^W
0 0 if $^W
0 0 if (not defined $$attr{$_} or -d $$attr{$_} and -w $$attr{$_}) { }
0 0 defined $$attr{$_} && $$attr{$_} >= 0 ? :
0 0 if (not exists $$self{'set'}{$name}{$_}) { }
0 0 elsif (/IncEmpty|EscNull/) { }
0 0 elsif (/TempDir/) { }
0 0 if (not exists $$self{'set'}{$name}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$self{'flag'}{$name}) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $attr ne 'HASH') { }
0 0 defined($Shift = shift()) ? :
0 0 ref($Shift = shift()) eq 'HASH' ? :
0 0 $$attr{'Raw'} ? :
0 0 if defined $$attr{'Expires'}
0 0 if defined $$attr{'Path'}
0 0 if defined $$attr{'Domain'}
0 0 if $$attr{'Secure'}
0 0 if (defined $value) { }
0 0 unless ($TempMode)
0 0 unless defined $tempdir
0 0 if $^W
0 0 if (fileno $handler)
0 0 if $^W
0 0 if (not -w $tempdir) { }
0 0 exists $ENV{$_[1]} && defined $ENV{$_[1]} ? :
0 0 unless $$self{'flag'}{'POST'}
0 0 if $^W
0 0 if ($$self{'hsent'}) { }
0 0 defined($Shift = shift()) ? :
0 0 if $^W
0 0 if ($$self{'hsent'}++) { }
0 0 if $^W
0 0 if ($$self{'hsent'}) { }
0 0 if ($dec < 128) { }
0 0 elsif ($dec < 2048) { }
0 0 if ($] > 5.007) { }
0 0 unless ($Char2Hex)
945 0 0 if ($@ ne '' and $^W)