Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 6 18 33.3

line true false branch
34 3 4 if (defined $ENV{'PAR_PROGNAME'} and $ENV{'PAR_PROGNAME'} =~ /(.+)/)
37 0 7 unless defined $Progname
39 7 0 if ((() = 'File::Spec'->splitdir($Progname)) > 1 or not $ENV{'PAR_PROGNAME'})
40 7 0 if (open my $fh, $Progname)
41 7 0 if -s $fh
43 0 0 if (-s "$Progname$Config::Config{'_exe'}")
50 0 0 if exists $ENV{'PAR_TEMP'} and $dir eq $ENV{'PAR_TEMP'}
52 0 0 if (-s $name)
54 0 0 if (-s $name)