Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 64 29.6

line true false branch
112 2 0 if ($args{'source_file'}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $args{'source_str'}) { }
137 0 2 if ($args{'target_file'}) { }
151 1 3 unless ($self->naked)
161 1 0 if ($self->css_url)
172 1 3 unless ($self->naked)
185 8 13 $args{'elem'}->can('is_inline') && $args{'elem'}->is_inline ? :
245 0 0 if ($type eq 'D') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'O') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'U') { }
259 0 0 if ($elem->desc_term) { }
265 0 0 if ($elem->check_state)
269 0 0 if ($elem->desc_term)
275 0 0 if $elem->children
277 0 0 if ($elem->desc_term) { }
351 0 8 if ($style eq 'B') { }
0 8 elsif ($style eq 'I') { }
0 8 elsif ($style eq 'U') { }
0 8 elsif ($style eq 'S') { }
0 8 elsif ($style eq 'C') { }
0 8 elsif ($style eq 'V') { }
360 0 8 if $tag
363 8 0 if ($self->{'_prev_elem_is_inline'})
368 0 8 if $elem->children
369 0 8 if $tag
397 0 0 if ($inline_images and $looks_like_image) { }
403 0 0 unless $s and $s->isa("Org::Element::Setting")
414 0 0 unless $s and $s->isa("Org::Element::Setting")
420 0 0 defined $img_base ? :
422 0 0 if defined $caption
427 0 0 if defined $caption
432 0 0 if ($elem->description) { }