Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 52 68 76.4

line true false branch
563 12100 1197900 if $p == $q
564 216528 981372 if (f_dominates($P->[$p], $P->[$q], f_ineq2maxerr(&{$f_ineq;}($VP->[$p])), f_ineq2maxerr(&{$f_ineq;}($VP->[$q])))) { }
211582 769790 elsif (f_dominates($P->[$q], $P->[$p], f_ineq2maxerr(&{$f_ineq;}($VP->[$q])), f_ineq2maxerr(&{$f_ineq;}($VP->[$p])))) { }
571 2194 9906 if ($np->[$p] == 0)
586 9906 206622 if ($np->[$q] == 0)
625 2395800 1962744 if ($P1->[$kM] <= $P2->[$kM])
633 428110 1751162 if ($err1 < $err2 or $err1 == $err2 and $P1_dominate_P2_count == $M) { }
678 0 1138 if ($fmax - $fmin < "1e-05")
704 6048 6052 if ($rank->[0] < $rank->[1] or $rank->[0] == $rank->[1] and $Dist->[0] > $Dist->[1]) { }
792 9422 8728 if ($#VP1 == 0 or rand 1 < 0.5) { }
797 4610 4812 $u < 0.5 ? :
799 4494 4928 rand 1 < 0.5 ? :
847 6048 6052 if ($P1_dominate_P2_p == 1) { }
859 120 5930 if (rand 1 > 1 - $percentMut / 100)
872 978 17172 if (rand 1 > 1 - $percentMut / 100)
917 0 207 unless (grep /^$key$/, @keys_ok)
927 23 120 if ($gen == 0)
930 1150 0 if ($startPop eq 'nostartPop') { }
957 0 275 unless defined $pid
962 253 22 if $pid
976 11 11 if ($fork == $nProc)
979 0 22 unless open my $fileoP, ">>", $nameFileP
980 0 22 unless open my $fileoQ, ">>", $nameFileQ
1006 0 242 unless open my $fileiP, "<", $nameFileP
1007 0 242 unless open my $fileiQ, "<", $nameFileQ
1032 0 121 unless open $FILEO, ">", $filesDir . "/VPt_gen" . sprintf("%05d", $gen) . ".txt"
1037 0 121 unless open $FILEO, ">", $filesDir . "/Pt_gen" . sprintf("%05d", $gen) . ".txt"
1046 0 121 if (defined $par_plot)
1085 19 18131 if ($VQtp1->[$p][$d] < $bounds->[$d][0])
1086 57 18093 if ($VQtp1->[$p][$d] > $bounds->[$d][1])
1102 1 120 if ($gen == $nGen)
1103 0 1 if ($verboseFinal == 1)
1189 0 0 if ($x < $xmax and $x > $xmin and $y < $ymax and $y > $ymin and $rank->[$kp] < $#nameFront) { }
1205 0 0 defined $ylabelv[$_] ? :