Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 84 106 79.2

line true false branch
59 14 13 if ($geo_handler == 1) { }
6 7 elsif ($geo_handler == 2) { }
7 0 elsif ($geo_handler == 3) { }
172 4 64 if ($args{'vars'}{'format'} and $args{'vars'}{'format'} eq 'raw')
177 0 68 if ($$self{'error'})
193 39 29 if ($$self{'search_string'})
200 22 0 if (defined $$self{'distance_in_metres'} and defined $$self{'x'} and defined $$self{'y'})
207 12 10 if ($self->config->geo_handler eq 1) { }
4 6 elsif ($self->config->geo_handler eq 2) { }
6 0 elsif ($self->config->geo_handler eq 3) { }
222 10 58 unless ($doing_search)
223 1 9 if ($want_raw) { }
231 0 58 if ($$self{'error'})
247 0 58 unless $$self{'results'}
251 3 55 if ($want_raw)
270 6 31 if ($$self{'search_string'} and $numres == 1 and not $$self{'return_tt_vars'})
272 2 4 if (scalar keys %fuzzies)
279 2 0 if $$self{'return_output'}
286 13 40 if ($numres == 0)
300 40 0 $numres ? :
301 3 37 $numres > $startpos + 20 ? :
303 3 37 if ($numres > $startpos + 20)
309 13 27 if ($$self{'distance_in_metres'}) { }
317 40 0 $tt_vars{'first_num'} ? :
345 0 39 if ($config->use_lucy)
376 0 39 unless ($parser)
384 0 39 unless ($tree)
401 58 0 $self->can($method) ? :
448 13 6 if (exists $subres{$page}) { }
480 0 3 if ($results{$page}) { }
520 0 74 if ($content =~ /^#REDIRECT/)
528 2 72 if ($phrase =~ /\s/)
529 1 1 unless ($content =~ /$phrase/i or $node =~ /$phrase/i)
541 28 45 if $node =~ /$phrase/i
552 0 23 if ($results{$node}) { }
567 0 16 if ($results{$node}) { }
621 3 19 if ($$self{'results'}) { }
626 6 6 if (exists $close_hash{$node}) { }
669 0 68 unless $vars_hashref
683 72 404 if (defined $vars{$param})
686 0 72 if $vars{$param} eq ''
692 26 110 if (defined $vars{$param})
695 2 24 if $vars{$param} eq ''
703 7 61 if (defined $vars{'os_x'} and defined $vars{'os_y'} and defined $vars{'os_dist'} and $self->config->geo_handler eq 1) { }
3 58 elsif (defined $vars{'osie_x'} and defined $vars{'osie_y'} and defined $vars{'osie_dist'} and $self->config->geo_handler eq 2) { }
12 46 elsif (defined $vars{'latitude'} and defined $vars{'longitude'} and defined $vars{'latlong_dist'}) { }
717 5 7 if ($self->config->geo_handler eq 1) { }
1 6 elsif ($self->config->geo_handler eq 2) { }
6 0 elsif ($self->config->geo_handler eq 3) { }
755 0 68 if ($vars{'search'} and not $vars{'search'} =~ /^("[^"]*"|[\w \-',()!*%\[\]])+$/i)
772 30 32 if $$self{'return_tt_vars'}
776 2 30 if ($$tt_vars{'format'}) { }
801 32 0 if $$self{'return_output'}