Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 26 50.0

line true false branch
16 0 1 @_ ? :
34 4 19 if ($method =~ /^((?:[^:]+|:[^:])*)::(.*)/s)
39 15 8 if (exists $$methods{$method} and not defined $class)
40 11 4 if ref $$methods{$method} eq 'CODE'
42 2 2 if ref $$methods{$method} eq 'SCALAR'
48 4 4 if (defined $class and $class ne 'SUPER' || exists $$ISA{$class}) { }
49 0 4 unless (exists $$ISA{$class})
58 8 0 unless $@
59 0 0 unless $@ =~ /^No such method/
62 0 0 unless ($is_base)
64 0 0 if exists $$methods{'AUTOLOAD'} and not defined $class
69 0 0 unless $@
70 0 0 unless $@ =~ /^No such method/