Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 43 44 97.7

line true false branch
115 1 20 if ref(my $class = shift())
118 1 19 unless @_ > 0
123 1 18 if @_ % 2
129 6 10 unless $ranges and 'ARRAY' eq ref $ranges and @$ranges and not grep((!($_ && 'ARRAY' eq ref $_ && @$_ >= 1 && $_->[0] >= 0)), @$ranges)
147 2 22 unless $prev_range > $range->[0]
160 2 6 exists $arg{'joiner'} ? :
1 7 exists $arg{'skip_zeroes'} ? :
3 5 exists $arg{'rounding'} ? :
163 6 10 exists $arg{$_} && $arg{$_} && 'CODE' eq ref $arg{$_} ? :
183 1 58 unless ref(my $self = shift())
188 5 53 if ($value < 0)
201 145 42 if ($t or @result and not $self->{'skip_zeroes'})
211 58 129 unless defined $value
218 5 53 $sign ? :
226 130 57 if ($value >= $range) { }
228 89 41 $range ? :
232 18 112 if ($self->{'rounding'}) { }
238 72 40 $range ? :
252 84 61 if ($self->{'formatter'}) { }
259 8 53 $value == 1 ? :
61 0 defined $string ? :
273 10 48 if ($self->{'post_process'}) { }