Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 114 136 83.8

line true false branch
29 0 1206 unless defined $min and defined $max
36 0 1206 unless $min =~ /^[-+]?(?:inf|[$base_digits]+)$/
37 0 1206 unless $max =~ /^[-+]?(?:inf|[$base_digits]+)$/
42 299 2113 if ref $$val
45 86 2027 if $$val =~ /^-?$/
46 70 2043 if $$val =~ /^[+]?inf$/
47 66 2047 if $$val =~ /^-inf$/
54 387 819 if (inf_type($min) or inf_type($max)) { }
0 819 elsif (not _is_negative($min) and _is_negative($max)) { }
24 795 elsif (_is_negative($min) and not _is_negative($max)) { }
62 131 664 $digdiff > 0 ? :
63 11 784 $digdiff < 0 ? :
64 53 742 _is_negative($max) ? :
67 4 1202 if ($out_of_order)
68 2 2 unless $$opts{'autoswap'}
80 210 876 if ($$self{'min'} eq $$self{'max'}) { }
97 0 1586 $$opts{'readable'} ? :
99 0 1586 if $$opts{'readable'}
101 0 1586 $$opts{'readable'} ? :
103 1154 432 if ($$opts{'comment'})
106 0 1154 $$opts{'readable'} ? :
107 0 1154 $$opts{'readable'} ? :
109 1258 328 if @{$$self{'tranges'};} != 1
119 9 430 if (_is_negative($min) and _is_negative($max)) { }
12 418 elsif (_is_negative($min) and not _is_negative($max)) { }
0 418 elsif (not _is_negative($min) and _is_negative($max)) { }
138 102 316 if ($min eq $max)
142 24 292 if ($max == pos_inf()) { }
160 292 137 unless substr($padded_min, $digit, 1) eq substr($max, $digit, 1)
172 169 148 $trailer_len ? :
181 148 144 $trailer_len ? :
183 148 144 if $trailer_len
193 169 148 $trailer_len ? :
208 123 803 $pos < 0 ? :
216 262 664 unless defined $digit_range
229 4 23 if ($other->isa('Number::Range::Regex::CompoundRange'))
233 14 9 if ($$upper{'min'} <= $$lower{'max'}) { }
234 8 6 if $$upper{'max'} <= $$lower{'max'}
242 144 192 ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH' ? :
245 0 336 if @other > 1
247 12 324 if ($other->isa('Number::Range::Regex::CompoundRange'))
251 65 259 if ($$upper{'min'} < $$lower{'max'} + 1) { }
89 170 elsif ($$upper{'min'} == $$lower{'max'} + 1) { }
252 1 64 if ($$opts{'warn_overlap'})
254 0 1 $$opts{'warn_overlap'} eq '1' ? :
260 37 28 if ($$lower{'max'} >= $$upper{'max'}) { }
274 4 16 if ($other->isa('Number::Range::Regex::CompoundRange'))
277 0 16 unless $self->touches($other)
279 10 6 if ($$self{'min'} < $$other{'min'}) { }
280 2 8 if ($$self{'max'} <= $$other{'max'}) { }
291 4 2 if ($$self{'max'} <= $$other{'max'}) { }
304 2 15 if ($other->isa('Number::Range::Regex::CompoundRange'))
307 0 15 unless $self->touches($other)
309 3 12 if ($$self{'min'} == $$other{'min'}) { }
310 1 2 if ($$self{'max'} < $$other{'max'}) { }
1 1 elsif ($$self{'max'} == $$other{'max'}) { }
322 4 8 if ($$lower{'max'} < $$upper{'max'}) { }
1 7 elsif ($$lower{'max'} == $$upper{'max'}) { }
342 36 3 if ($$self{'min'} != neg_inf())
345 36 3 if ($$self{'max'} != pos_inf())
354 0 70 if (not $other->isa('Number::Range::Regex::SimpleRange')) { }
355 0 0 if $other->overlaps($self)
357 0 70 unless $other->isa('Number::Range::Regex::SimpleRange')
359 61 9 if $$upper{'min'} <= $$lower{'max'}
368 0 472 if (not $other->isa('Number::Range::Regex::SimpleRange')) { }
369 0 0 if $other->touches($self)
371 0 472 unless $other->isa('Number::Range::Regex::SimpleRange')
373 167 305 if $$upper{'min'} <= $$lower{'max'} + 1