Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 20 25 80.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
19 1 0 10 -e $$args{'location'} and -x $$args{'location'}
26 1 1 4 ref $$args{'levels'} eq 'ARRAY' and @{$$args{'levels'};} > 0
2 1 3 ref $$args{'levels'} eq 'ARRAY' and @{$$args{'levels'};} > 0 and @{$$args{'levels'};} < 4
2 1 2 ref $$args{'levels'} eq 'ARRAY' and @{$$args{'levels'};} > 0 and @{$$args{'levels'};} < 4 and @{$$args{'levels'};} == grep({$_ < 3 if $_ > 0;} @{$$args{'levels'};})
45 1 1 1 ref $$args{'fastcgi_cache_key'} eq 'ARRAY' and @{$$args{'fastcgi_cache_key'};} > 0
2 1 0 ref $$args{'fastcgi_cache_key'} eq 'ARRAY' and @{$$args{'fastcgi_cache_key'};} > 0 and @{$$args{'fastcgi_cache_key'};} == grep(/scheme|request_method|host|request_uri/u, @{$$args{'fastcgi_cache_key'};})
105 0 0 4 -e $path_to_purge and -w $path_to_purge

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
79 2 2 $method || 'GET'
85 4 0 $uri->path || '/'