Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 52 0.0

line true false branch
191 0 0 if $ENV{'NNTPSERVER'}
194 0 0 if (defined $ENV{'DEBUG'} and $ENV{'DEBUG'} eq '1') { }
206 0 0 if (/=/) { }
214 0 0 if (index($ngname, '*') > -1) { }
219 0 0 if (/$ngname/)
229 0 0 if $verbose
247 0 0 if $verbose
254 0 0 unless $show_level
255 0 0 unless $verbose >= $show_level
277 0 0 unless $newsgroups
286 0 0 if ($first == 0 and $first == $last)
290 0 0 if $last - $self->msg_limit > $first
299 0 0 unless (defined $msghead)
305 0 0 if (&arrary_search(, $msghead))
312 0 0 unless $msgfound
317 0 0 if ($newsarticle =~ m[Content-Type: text/html])
355 0 0 if $argname eq 'from'
356 0 0 if $argname eq 'subject'
358 0 0 if (defined $$args{$argname})
360 0 0 if ($argval =~ /$$args{$argname}/i)
366 0 0 if (defined $$args{"no$argname"})
367 0 0 if ($argval =~ /$$args{"no$argname"}/i)
375 0 0 if ($i == 0 and defined $$args{'body'})
391 0 0 if (defined $$args{'body'}) { }
392 0 0 if ($newsarticle =~ /$$args{'body'}/i)
408 0 0 if ($elt =~ /$look_for/)