Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1 68 1.4

line true false branch
26 0 0 if $terminal
35 0 2 unless exists $attr{'package'}
52 0 0 if ($@)
62 0 0 unless socket $sock, 2, 1, $proto
63 0 0 unless setsockopt $sock, 1, 2, "\cA\000\000\000"
65 0 0 unless bind $sock, sockaddr_in($NetServer::Portal::Port, "\000\000\000\000")
74 0 0 if ($@)
75 0 0 if ($@ =~ /No such file/) { }
95 0 0 unless my $paddr = accept($sock, $e->w->fd)
114 0 0 unless ($NetServer::Portal::Client::Clients)
129 0 0 if $to and $to eq 'back'
131 0 0 if ($$o{'screen'})
132 0 0 if $to and $to eq ref $$o{'screen'}
135 0 0 if $$o{'screen'}->can('leave')
141 0 0 if $login
143 0 0 if $to and not exists $$o{'screens'}{$to}
145 0 0 if ($to) { }
146 0 0 if ($user)
151 0 0 unless ref $$o{'screen'}
154 0 0 if $$o{'screen'}->can('enter')
166 0 0 unless $login
168 0 0 if (not $pkg) { }
180 0 0 if (@_ == 0) { }
0 0 elsif (@_ == 1) { }
188 0 0 if (length $l < $col) { }
0 0 elsif (length $l > $col) { }
199 0 0 if ($$o{'needs_clear'})
209 0 0 if not defined syswrite($$o{'io'}->fd, $buf, length $buf)
214 0 0 if ($e->got eq 't')
219 0 0 unless sysread $e->w->fd, $in, 200
221 0 0 if ($in =~ s/\s*\n$//) { }
230 0 0 if ($in =~ /^\!/) { }
235 0 0 if $$o{'io'}
242 0 0 unless ($NetServer::Portal::Client::Clients)