Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 9 92 9.7

line true false branch
78 0 0 if (exists $args{'rw_all'} and @{$args{'rw'};})
82 0 0 if (exists $args{'ro_all'} and @{$args{'ro'};})
86 0 0 unless (@{$args{'rw'};} or exists $args{'rw_all'} or @{$args{'ro'};} or exists $args{'ro_all'})
101 0 0 if ($args{'rw_all'}) { }
108 0 0 if ($args{'ro_all'}) { }
150 0 0 if ($self->get_rw_all) { }
153 0 0 unless ($self->has_rw($rw))
164 0 0 if ($self->get_rw_all) { }
167 0 0 if ($self->has_rw($rw))
207 0 0 if ($self->get_ro_all) { }
210 0 0 unless ($self->has_ro($ro))
221 0 0 if ($self->get_ro_all) { }
224 0 0 if ($self->has_ro($ro))
255 0 0 if (not $self->has_sec($sec))
264 0 0 if ($self->has_sec($sec))
293 0 0 if (not $self->has_root($root))
302 0 0 if ($self->has_root($root))
314 0 0 if ($self->get_actual)
318 0 0 if (defined $self->get_anon)
322 0 0 if ($self->get_nosuid)
326 0 0 if ($self->get_ro_all) { }
0 0 elsif (my(@ro) = $self->get_ro) { }
332 0 0 if ($self->get_rw_all) { }
0 0 elsif (my(@rw) = $self->get_rw) { }
338 0 0 if (my(@root) = $self->get_root)
342 0 0 if (my(@sec) = $self->get_sec)
348 0 0 $self->get_type eq 'permanent' ? :
357 0 0 if ($self->get_type eq 'permanent')
373 0 0 if ($self->get_actual ne $other->get_actual)
377 0 0 if ($self->get_nosuid ne $other->get_nosuid)
381 0 0 if (defined $self->get_anon and defined $other->get_anon) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $self->get_anon or defined $other->get_anon) { }
382 0 0 if ($self->get_anon ne $other->get_anon)
389 0 0 if ($self->get_rw_all and not $other->get_rw_all)
393 0 0 if (not $self->get_rw_all and $other->get_rw_all)
397 0 0 if ($self->get_ro_all and not $other->get_ro_all)
401 0 0 if (not $self->get_ro_all and $other->get_ro_all)
405 0 0 if (join(',', sort($self->get_rw)) ne join(',', sort($other->get_rw)))
410 0 0 if (join(',', sort($self->get_ro)) ne join(',', sort($other->get_ro)))
415 0 0 if (join(',', sort($self->get_sec)) ne join(',', sort($other->get_sec)))
420 0 0 if (join(',', sort($self->get_root)) ne join(',', sort($other->get_root)))
452 1 9 if ($key eq 'nosuid') { }
4 5 elsif ($key eq 'ro' or $key eq 'rw') { }
4 1 elsif ($key eq 'sec' or $key eq 'root') { }
1 0 elsif ($key eq 'actual' or $key eq 'anon') { }
455 2 2 if ($value) { }