Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 5 109 4.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
122 0 0 0 $resp and $resp->is_success
137 0 0 0 $resp and $resp->is_success
236 0 0 0 $$hash{'data'} && $$hash{'data'}{$_}
418 0 0 0 @$_rows and not $found
0 0 0 @$_rows and not $found and $PAGE > 1
560 0 0 0 $$args{'type'} and $$args{'type'} =~ /^\w+$/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
29 0 1 shift() || {}
70 0 0 $args ||= {}
109 0 0 $$args{'domain'} || $$args{'contact_id'} || $$args{'user_id'} || ''
272 0 0 $response || {'type', 'parse_error', 'parse_error', $@}
366 0 0 $$args{'rows_per_page'} || 10000
371 0 0 $$args{'unique_key'} || ''
451 0 0 $resp->data->{'rows_per_page'} || (return 'Net::YAR::Fault'->new({'method', "${meth}_all", 'type', 'error', 'code', 'missing_rows_per_page', 'response', $resp}))
457 0 0 $resp->data->{'n_pages'} || 0
477 0 0 $$args{'rows_per_page'} ||= 10000
478 0 0 $$args{'page'} ||= 1
479 0 0 $$args{'extra_rows'} ||= 10
557 0 0 shift() || 'Net::YAR::_ChainProxy'
558 0 0 shift() || {}
597 0 0 $$self{'data'} ||= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
33 0 0 1 $$self{'api_user'} or $$self{'user'}
34 0 0 1 $$self{'api_pass'} or $$self{'pass'}
35 0 0 1 $$self{'api_host'} or $$self{'host'}
36 0 0 0 $$self{'api_port'} or $$self{'port'}
37 0 0 0 $$self{'api_path'} or $$self{'path'}
38 0 0 0 $$self{'use_ssl'} or $$self{'ssl'}
62 0 1 0 (shift())->{'serialize_type'} ||= eval { do { require JSON } } ? 'json' : (eval { do { require YAML::Syck } } ? 'yaml' : (eval { do { require YAML } } ? 'yaml' : (eval { do { require XML::Simple } } ? 'xml' : (eval { do { require Data::URIEncode } } ? 'uri' : die(q[Can't find a module that can encode and decode (need one of JSON, YAML::Syck, YAML, Data::URIEncode, XML::Simple)])))))
163 0 0 0 $$args{'serialize'} || $$args{'serialize_type'} || $self->serialize_type
176 0 0 0 $Net::YAR::JSON_ENCODE ||= 'JSON'->VERSION > 1.98 ? 'encode' : 'objToJSon'
236 0 0 0 not $$hash{'data'} && $$hash{'data'}{$_} or ref $$hash{'data'}{$_} ne 'HASH'
243 0 0 0 $Net::YAR::JSON_DECODE ||= 'JSON'->VERSION > 1.98 ? 'decode' : 'jsonToObj'
268 0 0 0 $$data{'response'} || confess('Invalid response')
281 0 0 0 not $$obj_args{'type'} or $$obj_args{'type'} eq 'error'
0 0 0 not $$obj_args{'type'} or $$obj_args{'type'} eq 'error' or $$obj_args{'type'} eq 'parse_error'
316 0 0 0 $_[0]{'lwp_args'} ||= &$default()
351 0 0 0 not UNIVERSAL::can($err, 'type') or $err->type ne 'invalid_method'
499 0 0 0 $$args{'unique_hash_file'} || "/tmp/iter_[$$args{'unique_key'}]_$$.db"
569 0 0 0 $$self{'yar'} || croak('Net::YAR::_ChainProxy object modified since new - missing yar')
570 0 0 0 $$self{'type'} || croak('Net::YAR::_ChainProxy object modified since new - missing type')
594 0 0 0 shift() || confess('Missing class')
595 0 0 0 shift() || confess('Missing args')