Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 50 82.0

line true false branch
113 2 111 if ($self->has_netrc)
117 2 0 $self->netrc eq '1' ? :
126 44 69 if $self->has_username
133 1 32 if $@
161 626 2 unless ref $_
181 0 667 if ($http_method eq 'PUT') { }
421 246 elsif ($http_method =~ /^(?:GET|DELETE)$/) { }
246 0 elsif ($http_method eq 'POST') { }
192 0 246 if ($content_type and $content_type eq 'application/json') { }
201 2 4 ref $_ ? :
2 244 &first(sub {
212 648 19 if $authenticate
234 596 45 if $self->has_username and $self->has_password
268 664 2 length $content ? :
269 0 666 if $obj and $self->decode_html_entities
272 5 661 if (my $since = delete $args->{'-since'} and defined $obj)
280 5 647 if (ref $obj and &reftype($obj) eq 'HASH' and exists $obj->{'error'} || exists $obj->{'errors'})
284 655 5 if $res->is_success and defined $obj
286 3 2 $obj ? :
302 1 4 if &blessed($since) and $since->isa('DateTime')
304 1 3 if (my($y, $m, $d) = $since =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$/)
325 0 3 unless $self->_contains_statuses($data)
330 3 3 if $datetime_parser->parse_datetime($data->[$i]{'created_at'}) <= $since_dt
345 0 3 unless ref $e and &reftype($e) eq 'HASH'
356 0 0 unless /The specified user is not a $type of this list/