Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 94 144 65.2

line true false branch
102 0 1260 if defined $iana_protocol_numbers{$k}
612 7 1 if (defined $options{$_}) { }
647 11 13 if $_ = shift() and /(\d{10})/
694 8 1 wantarray ? :
889 0 5 unless $trace
892 0 5 unless $records
897 0 5 unless open INPUT, '<', $trace
902 1 4 if $options{'tcpdump'}
923 1 4 defined wantarray ? :
980 0 5000 unless $t_usec < 1
983 5 4995 unless (defined $Trace{'starts'})
1012 0 5000 if ($Trace{'ends'} > $timestamp)
1019 0 0 if wantarray
1039 0 5000 unless $version == 4
1058 4475 525 if ($flags_offset & 16384)
1069 0 5000 if ($flags_offset & 8192)
1087 5000 0 if ($dscp == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($dscp % 8 == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($dscp % 2 == 0) { }
1111 0 0 if (4 < $dscp and $dscp < 20) { }
0 0 elsif ($dscp == 23) { }
1138 0 5000 if ($ecn)
1146 0 5000 if ($ecn == 3)
1157 5000 0 if ($ihl == 20) { }
0 0 elsif ($ihl > 20) { }
1180 4210 790 if ($protocol eq 'TCP')
1192 1365 2845 if ($syn)
1197 45 1320 if $ack
1199 0 1365 if $tcp_payload > 0
1210 5 1360 if $tcp_hl == 20
1216 2880 1330 if ($ack)
1217 0 2880 if ($tcp_hl < 20) { }
1225 2530 350 if ($tcp_hl == 20) { }
1228 755 1775 if $tcp_payload == 0
1246 1860 2350 if ($tcp_payload > 0)
1247 0 1860 if (wantarray)
1267 0 0 if $collisions++ == 3
1300 0 0 if $Trace{'unidirectional'} and exists $senders{$if}{"$dst,$dst_port,$src,$src_port"}
1312 372 1488 if ($options{'ns2'})
1314 2 370 unless (defined $ns2_fh{$if})
1315 0 2 unless open $ns2_fh{$if}, '>', "$options{'ns2'}-if$if.bin"
1341 842 3368 if ($options{'tcpdump'})
1343 273 569 $syn ? :
10 832 $fin ? :
231 611 $psh ? :
7 835 $rst ? :
0 842 $cwr ? :
0 842 $ece ? :
521 321 $syn + $fin + $psh + $rst + $cwr + $ece ? :
662 180 $tcp_payload || $syn || $fin || $rst ? :
576 266 $ack ? :
0 842 $urg ? :
1375 1 4 if $options{'tcpdump'}
1379 0 5 if $Trace{'Transport'}{'TCP'}{'Concurrent Segments'} and wantarray
1465 0 5 unless $Trace{'records'} == $total_packets
1468 0 5 unless $total_records == $Trace{'records'}
1471 1 4 if defined wantarray
1475 0 17 if $options{'Verbosity'}
1492 6 1 if $no_records == int $no_records
1523 0 3 unless ref $FH eq 'GLOB' and ref $href eq 'HASH'
1536 0 3 if $Trace{'Link Capacity'}
1539 0 3 if $Trace{'Transport'}{'TCP'}{'Concurrent Segments'}
1543 2 1 if (defined $if)
1561 2 0 if ($$href{'Transport'}{'TCP'}{'Total'}{'Packets'}) { }
1613 3 0 if ($$href{'Transport'}{'TCP'}{'Total ACKs'})
1623 3 0 if ($$href{'Transport'}{'TCP'}{'rwnd'})
1641 3 0 if ($$href{'Transport'}{'TCP'}{'SYN'})
1660 3 0 if ($$href{'Transport'}{'TCP'}{'Options ACKs'})
1709 0 2 unless open LOG, '>', $if_summary
1746 0 1 unless $Trace{'IP'}{'Total'}{'Bytes'} and $Trace{'IP'}{'Total'}{'Packets'} and $Trace{'ends'}
1758 0 1 unless open LOG, '>', $Trace{'summary'}
1772 294 725 $value ? :