Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 20 149 13.4

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
253 0 0 $@ = "${SRec}: invalid destination address '${PeerAddr}:${PeerPort}'" and return
405 0 0 &{$ThrowMsg;}($Nest, $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}, "${SRec}: bad socket name") and return
856 0 0 &{$ThrowMsg;}($Nest, $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}, "${SRec}: bad socket name") and return
865 0 0 &{$ThrowMsg;}($Nest, $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}, "${SRec}: bad socket name") and return
874 0 0 &{$ThrowMsg;}($Nest, $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}, "${SRec}: bad socket name") and return
883 0 0 &{$ThrowMsg;}($Nest, $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}, "${SRec}: bad socket name") and return
892 0 0 &{$ThrowMsg;}($Nest, $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}, "${SRec}: bad socket name") and return
901 0 0 &{$ThrowMsg;}($Nest, $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}, "${SRec}: bad socket name") and return
910 0 0 &{$ThrowMsg;}($Nest, $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}, "${SRec}: bad socket name") and return
919 0 0 &{$ThrowMsg;}($Nest, $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}, "${SRec}: bad socket name") and return
928 0 0 &{$ThrowMsg;}($Nest, $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}, "${SRec}: bad socket name") and return
937 0 0 &{$ThrowMsg;}($Nest, $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}, "${SRec}: bad socket name") and return
946 0 0 &{$ThrowMsg;}($Nest, $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}, "${SRec}: bad socket name") and return

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
138 4 0 0 $BufLen and $BufLen > 0
4 0 0 $BufLen and $BufLen > 0 and $BufLen < 32767
0 0 0 $BufLen and $BufLen > 0 and $BufLen < 32767 and $BufLen < $$SRec{'BuffSize'}
147 2 0 0 $$SRec{'EOF'} and $$SRec{'Input'}[0]{'Data'} =~ s/\A([.\n]+)//m
173 0 0 0 $BufLen and $BufLen > 0
0 0 0 $BufLen and $BufLen > 0 and $BufLen < 32767
0 0 0 $BufLen and $BufLen > 0 and $BufLen < 32767 and $BufLen < $$SRec{'BuffSize'}
207 0 0 0 $BufLen and $BufLen > 0
0 0 0 $BufLen and $BufLen > 0 and $BufLen < $$SRec{'BuffSize'}
253 0 0 0 defined $PeerIP and defined $Dest
342 0 0 0 defined $Params{$Key} and defined $$SRec{$Key}
358 3 0 0 $Flush and $Timeout
399 2 0 0 not scalar @_ & 1 and $_[1] =~ /\ANet\:\:Socket\:\:NonBlock\=HASH\(\w+\)\Z/iso
718 2 0 1 $$SRec{'Accept'} and $$SRec{'TCP'}
723 0 0 1 &{$Accept;}($Nest, $SRec) and &{$ThrowMsg;}(undef, $$Nest{'debug'}, "${SRec}: incoming connection accepted")
750 0 0 14 defined $OutRec and not $$SRec{'EOF'}
755 2 0 12 not $DataLen and $$SRec{'TCP'}
826 0 1 0 $Params{'Proto'} =~ /\A\s*tcp\s*\Z/io and ref $Params{'Accept'} ne 'CODE'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
147 2 0 2 $$SRec{'Input'}[0]{'Data'} =~ s/\A(.{0,$BufLen}\n)//m or $$SRec{'Input'}[0]{'Data'} =~ s/\A(.{$BufLen}.)//m
2 0 2 $$SRec{'Input'}[0]{'Data'} =~ s/\A(.{0,$BufLen}\n)//m or $$SRec{'Input'}[0]{'Data'} =~ s/\A(.{$BufLen}.)//m or $$SRec{'EOF'} and $$SRec{'Input'}[0]{'Data'} =~ s/\A([.\n]+)//m
156 4 0 0 $$SRec{'TCP'} or length $$SRec{'Input'}[0]{'Data'}
182 0 0 0 $$SRec{'Input'}[0]{'Data'} =~ s/\A(.{0,$BufLen}\n)//m or $$SRec{'Input'}[0]{'Data'} =~ s/\A(.{0,$BufLen}.)//m
190 0 0 0 $$SRec{'TCP'} or length $$SRec{'Input'}[0]{'Data'}
220 0 0 0 $$SRec{'TCP'} or length $$SRec{'Input'}[0]{'Data'}
405 0 0 0 $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}
714 0 0 3 $$SRec{'EOF'} or $$SRec{'Close'}
0 0 3 $$SRec{'EOF'} or $$SRec{'Close'} or &{$BuffSize;}($SRec, 'Input') >= $$SRec{'BuffSize'}
723 0 0 0 $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}
768 2 0 0 $Res == $DataLen or $! == 11
779 0 0 0 $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}
856 0 0 0 $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}
865 0 0 0 $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}
874 0 0 0 $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}
883 0 0 0 $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}
892 0 0 0 $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}
901 0 0 0 $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}
910 0 0 0 $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}
919 0 0 0 $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}
928 0 0 0 $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}
937 0 0 0 $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}
946 0 0 0 $^W || $$Nest{'debug'}