Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 25 72 34.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
48 58 0 41 defined $host && length $host
75 40 52 0 $ipv and not $ipv =~ /[46*]/
83 41 0 0 $ipv ne 4 and $proto ne "ssl"
85 41 0 0 @rows > 1 and $rows[0][1] == 0
99 0 0 0 $ipv =~ /4/ and not $info->{'host'} =~ /:/
116 0 80 0 not $ENV{'NO_IPV6'} and eval { do { require Socket6 } }
80 0 0 not $ENV{'NO_IPV6'} and eval { do { require Socket6 } } and eval { do { require IO::Socket::IP } } || eval { do { require IO::Socket::INET6 } }
133 0 0 0 scalar keys %ipv6mapped and grep {$ipv6mapped{$_->[0]};} @info
0 0 0 scalar keys %ipv6mapped and grep {$ipv6mapped{$_->[0]};} @info and not my $only = $class->_bindv6only
138 0 0 0 $host eq "*" and $i6->[0] eq "::"
0 0 0 $host eq "*" and $i6->[0] eq "::" and not length $only
0 0 0 $host eq "*" and $i6->[0] eq "::" and not length $only and not eval { do { die $! unless "IO::Socket::INET6"->new->configure({"LocalAddr", "", "LocalPort", 0, "Listen", 1, "ReuseAddr", 1, "Domain", Socket6::AF_INET6()}) } }

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
45 100 0 $info->{'port'} ||= 0
60 34 61 $proto || 'tcp'
73 27 40 $info->{'ipv'} || $ipv || $ENV{'IPV'} || ''
113 0 0 $port = (getservbyname $port, $proto)[2] or die "Could not determine port number from host [$host]:$_[2]\n"
137 0 0 $ipv6mapped{$i4->[0]} || (next)
177 0 0 readline $fh || (return '')

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
40 23 0 68 $port =~ s( (?<=[\w*\]]) [,|\s:/]+ (tcp|udp|ssl|ssleay|unix|unixdgram|\w+(?: ::\w+)+) $ )[]xi or $port =~ s[ / (\w+) $ ][]x
48 1 99 0 $info->{'host'} ||= defined $host && length $host ? $host : "*"
60 5 95 0 $info->{'proto'} ||= $proto || 'tcp'
77 40 1 51 not $ipv or $ipv =~ /[*]/
0 0 51 $ipv =~ /6/ or $info->{'host'} =~ /:/
79 0 0 0 $@ || "Could not find valid addresses for [$info->{'host'}]:$info->{'port'} with ipv set to '*'"
93 40 0 1 $_info->{'host'} ne $info->{'host'} or $_info->{'port'} ne $info->{'port'}
116 0 0 0 eval { do { require IO::Socket::IP } } || eval { do { require IO::Socket::INET6 } }