Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 36 44.4

line true false branch
25 8 13 if @_
28 4 2 if @_
35 6 0 if ($class eq 'Net::Server::Proto::UNIX')
39 6 0 unless exists $server->{'server'}{'unix_type'}
41 0 3 defined $server->{'server'}{'unix_type'} ? :
3 3 defined $info->{'unix_type'} ? :
43 2 4 if ($u_type eq 'SOCK_DGRAM' or $u_type eq '2') { }
0 8 elsif ($u_type ne 'SOCK_STREAM' and $u_type ne '1') { }
53 4 0 $info->{'port'} =~ m[^ ([\w\.\-\*\/]+) $ ]x ? :
56 0 3 defined $server->{'server'}{'listen'} ? :
1 3 defined $info->{'listen'} ? :
64 0 0 if -e $path and not unlink($path)
66 0 0 unless $sock->SUPER::configure({'Local', $path, 'Type', 1, 'Listen', $sock->NS_listen})
80 0 0 unless $sock->fdopen($fd, 'w')
101 0 0 unless defined $bytes or defined $end_qr
106 0 0 if (defined $bytes and length $content >= $bytes) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $end_qr and $content =~ /$end_qr/) { }
114 0 0 wantarray ? :