Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 67 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
29 0 0 0 ref $uri and $uri->can('as_string')
107 0 0 0 $error and $error == 20 || $error == 21 || $error == 1
117 0 0 0 defined $shell and $shell ne $any->{'remote_shell'}
126 0 0 0 $Net::SSH::Any::debug and $Net::SSH::Any::debug & 1024

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
57 0 0 delete $opts->{'io_timeout'} // 120
59 0 0 delete $opts->{'remote_shell'} // 'POSIX'
61 0 0 delete $opts->{'strict_host_key_checking'} // 1
62 0 0 delete $opts->{'compress'} // 1
66 0 0 (delete $opts->{'backend'} // delete $opts->{'backends'}) // \@default_backends
73 0 0 $any->{$_} // scalar $uri->get($_)
155 0 0 $any->_quote_args(\%opts, @_) // (return)
175 0 0 $any->_quote_args(\%opts, @_) // (return)
195 0 0 $any->_quote_args(\%opts, @_) // (return)
206 0 0 $any->_quote_args(\%opts, @_) // (return)
267 0 0 $any->_helper_delegate('Net::SSH::Any::Autodetector', @_) // (return)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
24 0 0 0 $opts->{'uri'} // $opts->{'host'}
0 0 0 ($opts->{'uri'} // $opts->{'host'}) // croak('either host or uri argument must be given')
25 0 0 0 $opts->{'password'} //= delete $opts->{'passwd'}
53 0 0 0 delete $opts->{'key_path'} // delete $opts->{'key_paths'}
66 0 0 0 delete $opts->{'backend'} // delete $opts->{'backends'}
82 0 0 0 defined $backend_opts{$_} or delete $backend_opts{$_}
107 0 0 0 $error == 20 || $error == 21 || $error == 1
120 0 0 0 $any->{'quoter'} //= $any->_new_quoter($any->{'remote_shell'})
216 0 0 0 $opts{'timeout'} //= $any->{'timeout'}
217 0 0 0 $opts{'fs_encoding'} //= $any->_delete_argument_encoding(\%opts)
245 0 0 0 $force_kill //= $any->{'_kill_ssh_on_timeout'}