Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 1 269 0.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
47 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 64
133 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 32
138 0 0 0 not defined $packet_len and length $$in_b >= 4
140 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 32
148 0 0 0 defined $packet_len and $wait_for_packet
149 0 0 0 $packet_len > length $$in_b && !$in_fh_closed
151 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 32
154 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 32
163 0 0 0 length $$in_b < $in_buffer_max_size and not $in_fh_closed
170 0 0 0 $rb eq '' and $wb eq ''
173 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 32
177 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 32
181 0 0 0 $debug & 2048 and $bytes
193 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 32
197 0 0 0 $debug & 1024 and $bytes
207 0 0 0 $n < 0 and $! == 4
208 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 32
214 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 32
227 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 1
235 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 1
279 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 1
335 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 1
344 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 4096
362 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
380 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
402 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
437 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
494 36 0 0 $debug and $debug & 16384
497 0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2
0 0 0 $debug and $debug & 2

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
154 0 0 $packet_len // 'undef'
178 0 0 $bytes // 'undef'
194 0 0 $bytes // 'undef'
208 0 0 $packet_len // 'undef'
214 0 0 $packet_len // 'undef'
335 0 0 $id // '-'
339 0 0 $self->command_name($cmd) || 'unknown'
360 0 0 $status_messages[$status] // 'failure'
361 0 0 $lang //= 'en'
402 0 0 $id // '-'
421 0 0 $cmd //= 'undef'
422 0 0 $id //= 'id'
437 0 0 $self->command_name($cmd) // '-'
0 0 $_[0] // '-'
444 0 0 $self->command_name($cmd) || 'unknown'
454 0 0 buf_shift_uint32($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
457 0 0 buf_shift_str($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_str($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
497 0 0 buf_shift_utf8($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 0 buf_shift_str($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 0 buf_shift_str($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_utf8($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 0 buf_shift_uint32($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_attrs($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_str($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 0 buf_shift_uint64($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_str($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_utf8($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_utf8($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_attrs($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 0 buf_shift_str($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_attrs($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 0 buf_shift_utf8($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_utf8($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_utf8($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_utf8($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_utf8($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 0 buf_shift_attrs($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 0 buf_shift_utf8($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 0 buf_shift_str($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_uint64($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 0 buf_shift_uint32($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_utf8($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_utf8($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_utf8($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 0 buf_shift_utf8($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_utf8($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)
0 0 buf_shift_str($_[3]) // (goto BAD_PACKET)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
72 0 0 0 $fh ||= do { no strict 'refs'; \*{uc "STD$name";} }
160 0 0 0 $wait_for_packet or length $$out_b
338 0 0 0 $$self{'_packet_handler_cache'}[$cmd] ||= do { my $name = $self->command_name($cmd) || 'unknown'; $self->can('unsupported_command') unless $self->can("handle_packet_${name}_v$$self{'protocol_version'}") or $self->can("handle_packet_$name") }
340 0 0 0 $self->can("handle_packet_${name}_v$$self{'protocol_version'}") or $self->can("handle_packet_$name")
360 0 0 0 $msg //= $status_messages[$status] // 'failure'
401 0 0 0 uc $self->command_name($cmd) || $cmd
443 0 0 0 $$self{'_command_handler_cache'}[$cmd] ||= do { my $name = $self->command_name($cmd) || 'unknown'; sub { (shift())->unsupported_command($cmd, $_[0]); } unless $self->can("handle_command_${name}_v$$self{'protocol_version'}") or $self->can("handle_command_$name") }
447 0 0 0 $self->can("handle_command_${name}_v$$self{'protocol_version'}") or $self->can("handle_command_$name")