Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 2 45 4.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
58 0 0 5 defined $key and exists $$self{$key}
111 0 0 0 defined $whichTraits and exists $$self{$whichTraits}
122 0 0 0 $trait =~ /^\d+$/ and $trait < 16
0 0 0 $trait =~ /^\d+$/ and $trait < 16 and $trait > -1
0 0 0 $trait =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/ and $1 < 16
0 0 0 $trait =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/ and $1 < 16 and $1 > -1
0 0 0 $trait =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/ and $1 < 16 and $1 > -1 and $2 < 16
0 0 0 $trait =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/ and $1 < 16 and $1 > -1 and $2 < 16 and $2 > -1
0 0 0 $trait =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/ and $1 < 16 and $1 > -1 and $2 < 16 and $2 > -1 and $1 < $2
396 0 0 0 $self->Type eq 'query' and defined $self->stopTime
523 0 0 0 defined $result and $result->is_success

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
261 0 0 0 $confirm eq 'no' or $confirm eq 'yes'
283 0 0 0 $type eq 'subscription' or $type eq 'query'
298 0 1 0 ref $caller || $caller
505 0 0 0 $self->state eq 'closed' or $self->Type eq 'query'