Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 60 0.0

line true false branch
64 0 0 if $Net::ParSCP::VERBOSE
80 0 0 unless @ready
85 0 0 unless (defined $name and $name)
96 0 0 if (defined $numBytesRead and not $numBytesRead)
98 0 0 if ($Net::ParSCP::VERBOSE)
100 0 0 if length $output{$name}
105 0 0 if (close $handle) { }
109 0 0 $! ? :
111 0 0 unless $Net::ParSCP::VERBOSE
137 0 0 if @localpaths
139 0 0 if (exists $source{$clusterexp}) { }
155 0 0 if (exists $$rh{$entry1}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $$rh{$entry2}) { }
172 0 0 ref $destination ? :
187 0 0 exists $$name{$m} ? :
192 0 0 $sm ? :
197 0 0 if exists $$name{$sm}
200 0 0 $m eq 'localhost' ? :
201 0 0 if $Net::ParSCP::VERBOSE
202 0 0 unless ($DRYRUN)
204 0 0 if (exists $pid{$m}) { }
211 0 0 unless defined $pid
222 0 0 if $DRYRUN
229 0 0 unless $ce
233 0 0 unless $set->members > 1
243 0 0 unless (/^([^:]*):([^:]*)$/)
248 0 0 if ($1) { }
252 0 0 unless $set
286 0 0 unless $DRYRUN
288 0 0 wantarray ? :