Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 98 146 67.1

line true false branch
65 2 12 if ($pra eq $rb) { }
1 11 elsif ($prb eq $ra) { }
1 10 elsif ($pra and not $prb) { }
3 7 elsif ($prb and not $pra) { }
119 10 15 if $ropts{'data'}
149 4 12 if $name =~ /$IDREG/ or $operation eq 'region'
155 7 5 if $opts{'msg'}
158 12 0 if ($resp) { }
159 0 12 unless $resp->result
160 0 12 if (scalar @ids > 1) { }
12 0 elsif (@ids) { }
167 0 0 $opts{'error'} ? :
181 4 7 $operation eq 'region' ? :
188 3 5 if ($operation eq 'endpoint') { }
208 1 2 unless ($_tagstores->{$tagstore_proj})
212 1 0 if ($resp) { }
214 0 1 if (scalar @proj > 1) { }
1 0 elsif (scalar @proj == 1) { }
223 0 0 if ($resp) { }
241 1 0 if ($tgst) { }
263 7 0 if (exists $result->{'id'}) { }
267 6 1 if ($phase eq 'create' or $phase eq 'delete') { }
268 4 2 $phase eq 'create' ? :
274 7 0 if ($ok) { }
343 0 3 unless (grep {$_ eq $operation;} @SUPPORTED_OPERATIONS)
349 2 1 if $opts{'tagstore'}
352 1 2 if ($opts{'filter'}) { }
2 0 elsif ($tagstore) { }
354 0 1 if (ref $filter ne 'CODE')
370 0 3 unless $resp_list->result
378 9 0 unless exists $items->{$want}{'enabled'}
390 1 2 if $parentattr
399 2 1 if $tagstore
401 0 3 unless my $created = $self->api_identity_create($operation, \@tocreate, $items, $res, $postprocess)
404 0 3 unless $self->api_identity_update($operation, \@checkupdate, $found, $items, $res, $postprocess)
408 0 3 unless $self->api_identity_delete($operation, \@toremove, $found, \%opts, $res, $postprocess)
436 6 3 if ($operation ne 'endpoint')
445 3 6 if $PARENT_ATTR{$operation}
449 79 5 unless exists $new->{$attr}
452 5 0 if (defined $resolved) { }
477 10 0 if ($resp) { }
481 7 3 if ($postprocess)
482 0 7 unless &$postprocess($phase, $operation, $name, $result)
522 3 0 if (@tocreate) { }
526 0 5 unless my $new = $self->api_identity_get_item($operation, $name, $items)
528 0 5 unless _process_response($self, 'create', $resp, $res, $operation, $name, $postprocess)
551 2 1 if (@checkupdate) { }
557 0 4 unless my $update_data = $self->api_identity_get_item($operation, $name, $items)
561 4 12 $attr eq 'enabled' ? :
563 2 14 if $action
565 2 2 if (scalar keys %$update)
568 0 2 unless _process_response($self, 'update', $resp, $res, $operation, $name, $postprocess)
571 2 0 @toupdate ? :
596 0 3 $opts->{'delete'} ? :
598 3 0 if (@toremove) { }
599 0 3 if ($opts->{'ignore'}) { }
605 0 4 if ($opts->{'delete'}) { }
611 3 1 if ($found->{$name}{'enabled'}) { }
621 3 1 if (defined $resp)
622 0 3 unless _process_response($self, 'delete', $resp, $res, $operation, $name, $postprocess)
685 1 0 if ($opts{'tagstore'})
686 1 0 if $opts{'tagstore'}
695 0 2 unless $roles->{$base}
696 0 2 unless my $bid = $self->api_identity_get_id($base, $bval, 'error', 1, 'msg', 'for role sync')
699 2 2 unless $roles->{$base}{$bval}{$who}
700 0 2 unless my $wid = $self->api_identity_get_id($who, $wval, 'error', 1, 'msg', 'for role sync')
703 0 3 unless my $rid = $self->api_identity_get_id('role', $role, 'error', 1, 'msg', 'for role sync')
717 2 0 if (@$urls) { }
726 3 0 if ($resp) { }
727 3 0 if ($tagstore)
729 0 3 unless ($tagstore->$tagmethod($tag))
745 0 1 unless &$rest(\@tocreate, 'PUT', 'add')
749 0 1 unless &$rest(\@toremove, 'DELETE', 'delete')