Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 20 0.0

line true false branch
27 0 0 unless my $conntrack = can_run($$config{'conntrack'}{'progname'})
53 0 0 if ($got_alrm)
57 0 0 if $$tracker{$p}{$k} < $^T - $ttl
67 0 0 if /^\s+$/
70 0 0 unless scalar @fields > 12
72 0 0 unless $fields[1] =~ /^(NEW|DESTROY)$/
74 0 0 unless $fields[2] =~ /^(1|6|17)$/
77 0 0 if $proto == 1 and ($fields[5] ne '8' and $fields[6] ne '8')
80 0 0 if ($mode eq 'NEW')
87 0 0 unless exists $$tracker{$proto}{$key}