Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 9 32 28.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
262 2 0 0 defined $$self{'pid'} and kill 0, $$self{'pid'}
302 0 2 0 defined $$self{'pid'} and kill 0, $$self{'pid'}
336 2 2 0 defined $$self{'pid'} and kill 0, $$self{'pid'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
112 0 2 ref $_[0] || ''
124 0 2 $params{'address'} || ''
0 2 $params{'port'} || '4500'
0 2 $params{'autenticate'} || sub { return 1; }
354 0 0 'IO::Socket::INET'->new('LocalHost', $$self{'address'}, 'LocalPort', $$self{'port'}, 'Proto', 'tcp', 'Listen', 10, 'ReuseAddr', 1, 'Blocking', 1) || die('Cannot listen on ' . $$self{'address'} . ':' . $$self{'port'} . ", Error: $!")
402 0 0 $$self{'subscriptions'}{'all'} ||= []
406 0 0 $$self{'subscriptions'}{'groups'}{$$data{'group'}} ||= []
410 0 0 $$self{'subscriptions'}{'senders'}{$$data{'sender'}} ||= []
414 0 0 $$self{'subscriptions'}{'types'}{$$data{'type'}} ||= []
463 0 0 $message->type or ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
124 0 2 0 $params{'logger'} || Net::MessageBus::Base::create_default_logger()