Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 18 0.0

line true false branch
12 0 0 if (ref $entry and $entry->isa('HTML::Widget'))
19 0 0 unless $name and $entry->exists($name) and $element->can('value')
21 0 0 if ($DECODE)
31 0 0 if (ref $entry and $entry->isa('HTML::Widget::Result'))
37 0 0 if ref $self and $self->isa('Net::LDAP') || $self->isa('Catalyst::Model::LDAP::Connection')
38 0 0 if ref $self and ($self->isa('Catalyst::Model::LDAP::Entry') and $self->_ldap_client)
40 0 0 unless $ldap
42 0 0 ref $entry->get_value('objectClass') ? :
46 0 0 if defined $result->param($$attr{'name'})