Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 56 48.2

line true false branch
104 0 36 wantarray ? :
120 0 3 unless my $user_class = $self->user_class
152 3 43 wantarray ? :
214 0 5 unless my $name = delete $opts{'cn'} || $self->cn
247 5 0 if (exists $self->{'users'})
262 0 5 if $attr eq 'cn'
263 0 5 if $attr eq 'objectSID'
264 0 5 if $attr eq 'primaryGroupToken'
269 0 5 if (defined $old and not defined $new) { }
2 3 elsif (not defined $old and defined $new) { }
0 3 elsif (not defined $old || defined $new) { }
3 0 elsif ($old ne $new) { }
285 5 0 if (%replace)
301 0 5 if (exists $self->{'_was_set'}{'cn'})
307 0 0 if ($self->debug)
311 0 0 unless my $oldgroup = $class->new('ldap', $self->ldap, 'cn', $old_name)->read
324 0 5 unless (@actions)
346 0 0 unless ($name)
352 0 0 ref $self ? :
356 0 0 unless ($group)
385 0 4 unless ($user and ref $user and $user->isa('Net::LDAP::Class::User::AD'))
389 0 4 unless ($user->username)
393 2 2 unless (defined $self->{'users'})
398 0 3 if ("$u" eq "$user")
416 0 5 unless ($user and ref $user and $user->isa('Net::LDAP::Class::User::AD'))
420 0 5 unless ($user->username)
424 3 2 unless (defined $self->{'users'})
428 0 5 unless (exists $users{$user->username})