Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 34 79 43.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
203 0 0 2 $conf and -r $conf
473 4 2 4 $d and $d =~ /failover/i
755 0 0 1 $network and $device
1077 0 0 0 -f $script and -x _
1465 10 0 15 $service and $device
10 0 15 $service and $device and $role
1567 0 2 0 ref $self and exists $self->{'_interface_info_cache'}
2029 0 0 6 defined $mark and defined $table

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
486 0 0 $self->{'dev_lookup_retries'} || 10
500 0 0 $self->{'dev_lookup_retry_delay'} || 1
576 0 12 $seen_rule{$_}++ or $self->sh('iptables', $_)
679 11 2 $self->{'firewall_op'} || 'append'
1475 8 7 $ping_dest // ''
1476 6 9 $weight // 1
1596 14 4 $bits ||= 32
2297 0 0 $signal ||= 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
202 2 0 0 $conf ||= $class->default_conf_file
216 0 2 0 ref $class || $class
853 3 0 0 $dhost ||= $host
854 2 1 0 $dport ||= $port
896 0 0 0 $dhost ||= $host
897 0 0 0 $dport ||= $port
1538 1 12 0 $s->{$svc}{'gateway'} || $info->{'gw'}
1614 0 6 0 $vnet{$dev}{$net} || $dev
1627 2 14 0 $nets{$dev} || ($peer ? "$peer/32" : undef) || "$block"
1628 0 12 0 $gws{$dev} || $peer || $self->_dhcp_gateway($dev) || $block->nth(1)
1650 2 0 0 eval { do { $self->{'dummy_data'}{'ip_addr_show'} } } || `ip addr show`
1655 2 0 0 eval { do { $self->{'dummy_data'}{'ip_route_show'} } } || `ip route show all`
1919 0 0 5 $f =~ /(~|\.bak)$/ or $f =~ /^#/