Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 36 0.0

line true false branch
17 0 0 unless $ipa1 <=> $ipb1 or $ipa2 <=> $ipb2 or $ipa3 <=> $ipb3
40 0 0 if ($hashref->addr eq $addr)
43 0 0 if defined $$hashref{$item}
71 0 0 if ($self->encrypt)
98 0 0 if ($self->user)
113 0 0 if ($self->message and @{$self->message;}) { }
129 0 0 if ($self->message and @{$self->message;}) { }
136 0 0 if ($command->get_secret)
157 0 0 unless (defined $sendto)
163 0 0 if ($user->nickname eq $sendto)
164 0 0 if ($user->encrypt and $self->encrypt and not $user->pubkey)
180 0 0 unless defined $target
195 0 0 unless defined $data
197 0 0 if ($data eq '.') { }
202 0 0 if ($peeraddr and $peerport)
205 0 0 if $self->use_secret
207 0 0 if ($target->encrypt and $self->encrypt)
236 0 0 if (exists $$self{'_write_buffer'})