Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 34 58.8

line true false branch
21 1 1 if not $ip =~ /:/ and ip_is_ipv4($ip)
24 1 0 if ip_is_ipv6($ip)
33 0 3 unless ($ip =~ /^[\d\.]+$/)
37 0 3 if ($ip =~ /^\./)
41 0 3 if ($ip =~ /\.$/)
46 0 3 if ($ip =~ /^(\d+)$/ and $1 < 256)
52 0 3 unless ($n >= 0 and $n < 4)
57 0 3 if ($ip =~ /\.\./)
64 0 12 unless ($_ >= 0 and $_ < 256)
76 0 3 unless $n > 0 and $n < 8
85 2 18 if $_ eq ''
88 17 1 if /^[a-f\d]{1,4}$/i
91 1 0 if ($k == $n + 1 and ip_is_ipv4($_))
100 0 3 if ($ip =~ /^:[^:]/)
105 0 3 if ($ip =~ /[^:]:$/)
110 0 3 if ($ip =~ s/:(?=:)/:/g > 1)
115 0 3 if ($n != 7 and not $ip =~ /::/)