Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 77 112 68.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
225 0 5 2 @$rs and my $match_in_progress = $self->{'off_passed'}[$dir] - $self->{'off_buf'}[$dir]
237 0 2 0 @$rs and $rs->[0]
239 0 0 2 @$ors and not $ors->[0]
277 0 1 14 @$ors == 1 and @{$ors->[0];} == 1
1 13 1 @$ors == 1 and @{$ors->[0];} == 1 and $self->{'off_passed'}[$odir] - $self->{'off_buf'}[$odir] > 0
286 2 8 4 $max_unbound && $max_unbound->[$dir]
330 0 0 9 @$ors and $ors->[0]
0 4 5 @$ors and $ors->[0] and my $omatch_in_progress = $self->{'off_passed'}[$odir] - $self->{'off_buf'}[$odir]
338 0 5 0 @$ors and $ors->[0]
346 2 2 0 $type > 0 and $self->{'matched'}
2 0 0 $type > 0 and $self->{'matched'} and $self->{'buf'}[$dir] eq ''
2 0 0 $type > 0 and $self->{'matched'} and $self->{'buf'}[$dir] eq '' and my $matched = $self->{'matched'}[$dir]
409 2 0 2 @$rs and $rs->[0]
411 0 2 0 @$ors and not $ors->[0]
463 10 4 4 @$rs and $rs->[0]
465 3 1 10 @$ors and not $ors->[0]
476 1 0 5 $self->{'matched'} and my $dup = $self->{'matched'}[$dir]
514 26 0 18 not $removed and @$crs == 1
26 9 9 not $removed and @$crs == 1 and @$rs == 1
518 0 8 1 $ma && $ma->[$dir]
536 0 9 7 @$crs == 1 and @$rs == 1
539 0 5 2 @$ors == 1 and not $ors->[0]
0 1 4 @$ors == 1 and @{$ors->[0];} == 1
1 3 1 @$ors == 1 and @{$ors->[0];} == 1 and $self->{'off_passed'}[$dir ? 0 : 1] - $self->{'off_buf'}[$dir ? 0 : 1] > 0
570 20 3 2 @$rs and $rs->[0]
572 9 7 7 @$ors and not $ors->[0]
581 13 7 8 $final_match and $self->{'buf'}[$dir] ne ''

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
76 132 0 $dir // -1
77 132 0 $r->[$i]{'rxlen'} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
84 44 26 6 $lastdir //= $dir ? 0 : 1
97 38 82 12 $allow_reorder or not @{$ruleset[$dir][-1];}
339 5 0 0 @$ors or @$rs
412 2 0 0 @$ors or @$rs
415 0 3 1 $type > 0 or $self->{'buf'}[$dir] ne ''
447 6 3 0 $self->{'matched_seed'} //= pack('N', rand 4294967296)
539 0 2 5 not @$ors or @$ors == 1 and not $ors->[0]
2 1 4 not @$ors or @$ors == 1 and not $ors->[0] or @$ors == 1 and @{$ors->[0];} == 1 and $self->{'off_passed'}[$dir ? 0 : 1] - $self->{'off_buf'}[$dir ? 0 : 1] > 0
573 10 0 13 @$ors or @$rs