Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 11 30 36.6

line true false branch
158 0 7 if (substr($name, 0, 4) eq 'SSL_')
163 0 3 unless (exists $args{'PeerPort'})
168 0 3 unless my $self = 'Net::HTTP'->new(%args)
172 0 3 unless $class->start_SSL($self, %ssl_opts, 'SSL_startHandshake', 0)
175 2 1 if (not exists $args{'Blocking'} or $args{'Blocking'})
177 2 0 unless $self->connected
197 0 3 if (exists do { *$self }->{'httpsnb_connected'})
202 0 3 if ($self->connect_SSL) { }
2 2 elsif ($! != 11 and $! != 11) { }
238 0 0 unless (do { *$self }->{'httpsnb_reading'})
244 0 0 if (do { *$self }->{'httpsnb_read_count'}++)
262 0 0 if ($@)
263 0 0 if $@ eq "Multi-read\n" or $Net::HTTPS::NB::HTTPS_ERROR == 46206848
284 0 0 if ($@ or not defined $n and $Net::HTTPS::NB::HTTPS_ERROR == 46206848)
285 0 0 if ($@ eq "Multi-read\n")