Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 28 60.7

line true false branch
117 8 0 if (-f $self->spore_rx) { }
145 0 8 unless $base_url
173 5 1 if ($self->has_default_params)
180 0 6 defined $param_spec{'spore_payload'} ? :
185 0 6 if ($method_args{'required_payload'} and not $payload)
188 0 6 if ($payload and not $method =~ /^(?:POST|PUT|PATCH)$/i)
196 3 3 if ($method_args{'required_params'})
198 1 2 unless (grep {$required eq $_;} keys %param_spec)
211 0 2 if defined $param_spec{$_}
214 0 5 if (%param_spec)
215 0 0 if ($self->lax_optionals)
223 0 5 $base_url->path eq '/' ? :
266 2 3 if (defined $prev_response)
267 2 0 unless defined $knork_response->raw_body