Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 88 27.2

line true false branch
94 0 2 unless $id
97 0 2 if ($USE_HYBRID) { }
98 0 0 unless ($$self{'loaded_way'} and $$self{'loaded_way'} eq 'api' and $id == $self->id)
128 2 0 unless blessed $tree
149 1 1 if $att_tag
159 2 0 if ($header and $header->as_text =~ /(\d+) \w+ starred this issue/)
173 5 4 if (my $k = $meta->find_by_tag_name('th')) { }
183 5 0 if ($v)
189 5 0 if ($self->can($key)) { }
190 0 5 if ($key eq 'merged' and $value =~ /issue\s+(\d+)/)
201 4 0 if ($href =~ /list\?q=label:(.+)/)
212 2 7 unless $tag->look_down('class', 'author')
234 2 21 if exists $$updates{$_}
236 0 7 if ($$updates{'labels'})
239 0 0 if ($label =~ /^-(.*)$/) { }
257 2 0 if $need_delete
278 0 0 unless blessed $tree
283 0 0 if $att_tag
294 0 0 if (my $k = $meta->find_by_tag_name('th'))
304 0 0 if ($v)
309 0 0 if ($self->can($key)) { }
310 0 0 if ($key eq 'merged' and $value =~ /issue\s+(\d+)/)
326 0 0 unless $tag->look_down('class', 'author')
348 0 0 if exists $$updates{$_}
350 0 0 if ($$updates{'labels'})
353 0 0 if ($label =~ /^-(.*)$/) { }
368 0 0 if $need_delete
379 222 110 if ($self->can($k))
398 0 0 if ($args{'files'} or not $USE_HYBRID) { }
402 0 0 if ($args{'files'})
417 0 0 if $args{'labels'}
419 0 0 if ($args{'files'})
438 0 0 if ($contains) { }
462 0 0 if ($res->is_success) { }
495 0 0 if ($args{'files'} or $args{'merge_into'} or $args{'blocked_on'} or not $USE_HYBRID) { }
504 0 0 if ($args{'files'})
519 0 0 if $args{'labels'}
520 0 0 if ($args{'files'})
534 0 0 if ($self->html_tree_contains('html', $self->mech->content, 'look_down', ['class', 'notice'], 'as_text', qr/has been updated/)) { }
569 0 0 if ($res->is_success) { }
585 1 0 $last_comment ? :
612 0 1 unless $args{$k}
620 2 0 if ($res->is_success) { }
631 2 0 wantarray ? :