Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 78 0.0

line true false branch
65 0 0 $self->[$__raw] ? :
91 0 0 if (not $NoUnableToUnpackWarnings and $encapsulate eq 1)
104 0 0 unless $raw
109 0 0 if ($@)
110 0 0 unless ($NoModuleNotFoundWarnings)
115 0 0 if ($prevLayer)
120 0 0 unless my $l = $layer->new('raw', $raw)->unpack
130 0 0 unless $encapsulate
132 0 0 if (not $NoUnableToUnpackWarnings and $encapsulate eq 1)
142 0 0 if (@layers > 0)
182 0 0 unless $NoComputeLengths
183 0 0 unless $NoComputeChecksums
191 0 0 if ($last and defined $last->payload)
195 0 0 if $self->[$__padding]
211 0 0 unless defined $last->payload and length $last->payload
221 0 0 if ($l->layer eq 'IPv4') { }
0 0 elsif ($l->layer eq 'IPv6') { }
234 0 0 if $rawLength == $tLen
238 0 0 if ($rawLength > $tLen) { }
249 0 0 if ($payloadLength > $pLen) { }
264 0 0 unless $self->[$__reply]
269 0 0 if ($l->can('match'))
280 0 0 if ($l->can('getKey'))
290 0 0 if ($l->can('getKeyReverse'))
304 0 0 unless $this->[$__timestamp] gt $self->[$__timestamp]
308 0 0 if (exists $this->[$__ref]{'ICMPv4'} and exists $this->[$__ref]{'UDP'} || exists $this->[$__ref]{'TCP'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $this->[$__ref]{$layer->layer}) { }
310 0 0 if (exists $this->[$__ref]{$layer->layer})
312 0 0 if $this->[$__ref]{$layer->layer}->getKey eq $layer->getKey
316 0 0 if $layer->match($this->[$__ref]{$layer->layer})
328 0 0 if $self->[$__reply]
331 0 0 unless my $h = $oDump->next
336 0 0 if (my $reply = $self->_recv($oDump))
345 0 0 unless +(shift())->[$___getKey]
346 0 0 unless +(shift())->[$___getKeyReverse]
360 0 0 if ($last and $last->payload)
365 0 0 if ($self->[$__padding])
382 0 0 if ($last and defined $last->payload)
386 0 0 if $self->[$__padding]