Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 5 54 9.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
220 0 0 0 defined $read and $read eq length $packet
224 0 0 0 defined $written and $written eq length $packet
329 0 0 0 $clie_cmd =~ /^[Gg][Ee][Tt]\s/ and length $clie_cmd > 4
366 0 0 0 defined $read and $read eq length $packet
370 0 0 0 defined $written and $written eq length $packet
472 0 0 0 $clie_cmd ne $Net::FileShare::GET and $clie_cmd ne $Net::FileShare::LIST
501 0 0 0 -e "$directory/$local_file" and -r "$directory/$local_file"
533 0 0 0 defined $read and defined $wrote

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
60 1 0 $args{'_send_only'} || '0'
0 1 $args{'_socket'} || '1'
1 0 $args{'_directory'} || '???'
1 0 $args{'_debug'} || '0'
84 0 1 $_[1] || '3000'
100 0 0 $_[1] || '3000'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
162 0 0 0 ref $file || ref \$file eq 'GLOB'
165 0 0 0 $cmd =~ /[Gg][Ee][Tt]/ or $cmd =~ /[Ll][Ii][Ss][Tt]|[Ll][Ss]|[Dd][Ii][Rr]/
271 0 0 0 ref $local_file || ref \$local_file eq 'GLOB'
487 0 0 0 $local_file =~ m[^/] or $local_file =~ /^\.\.?$/
513 0 0 0 ref $local_file || ref \$local_file eq 'GLOB'
571 0 0 0 $file =~ /^\./ or -d "$directory/$file"