Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 14 302 4.6

line true false branch
156 1 0 if (defined $params{'debug'})
157 0 1 if ($params{'test'} and $params{'test'} == 1) { }
1 0 elsif ($params{'ote'} and $params{'ote'} == 1) { }
159 0 0 if ($params{'testssl'} and $params{'testssl'} == 1) { }
169 0 1 if ($params{'testssl'} and $params{'testssl'} == 1) { }
183 0 1 if $Debug
184 1 0 int($params{'timeout'} || 0) > 0 ? :
185 0 1 if ($params{'ssl'})
186 0 0 if ($params{'verify'}) { }
194 0 0 if ($params{'ssl'} and $params{'ciphers'})
199 1 0 unless ($self->{'timeout'})
200 0 1 $Debug > 1 ? :
204 0 1 if (defined $params{'def_years'})
206 0 0 if ($years =~ /^[0-9]+$/) { }
207 0 0 if ($years > 0 and $years < 11) { }
222 1 0 unless $self->_go_connect(%params)
225 0 0 unless (defined $params{'login'} and $params{'login'} == 0)
231 0 0 $Net::EPP::Registry::Nominet::Error ? :
236 1 0 if (scalar keys %params) { }
244 1 0 unless ($self->{'greeting'})
247 0 1 if $@
276 0 0 if ($self->{'authenticated'})
282 0 0 unless (defined $user)
288 0 0 unless (defined $pass)
294 0 0 unless $self->{'connected'}
308 0 0 if ($options->{'tag_list'}) { }
321 0 0 if $ns eq "secDNS"
323 0 0 if $ns =~ /-/
328 0 0 if (scalar @svcs)
340 0 0 if ($Net::EPP::Registry::Nominet::Code != 1000)
353 0 0 if $res
386 0 0 unless (defined $identifier)
394 0 0 $type eq 'contact' ? :
395 0 0 if ($type eq 'domain' or $type eq 'contact' or $type eq 'host') { }
404 0 0 if $Debug
408 0 0 unless my $response = $self->_send_frame($frame)
410 0 0 unless wantarray
414 0 0 if defined $extra
415 0 0 if $Debug and defined $count
419 0 0 if defined $extra
451 0 0 unless (defined $renew)
455 0 0 unless (ref $renew and ref $renew eq "HASH")
459 0 0 unless ($renew->{'name'})
473 0 0 unless (defined $expiry and $expiry =~ /^2\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$/)
474 0 0 if $Debug
476 0 0 unless ($dominfo->{'exDate'} and $dominfo->{'exDate'} =~ /^2\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d/)
496 0 0 if (my $response = $self->_send_frame($frame))
498 0 0 if $Debug
535 0 0 if (my $response = $self->_send_frame($frame))
590 0 0 if ($Net::EPP::Registry::Nominet::Code > 999 and $Net::EPP::Registry::Nominet::Code < 1002)
653 0 0 if (ref $domain->{'registrant'})
655 0 0 if ($contyes and $contyes == 1) { }
681 0 0 if (scalar keys %$ns)
686 0 0 if ($$ns{"nsid$i"}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$ns{"nsname$i"}) { }
714 0 0 if ($domain->{$exttype})
730 0 0 unless $Net::EPP::Registry::Nominet::Code == 1000
732 0 0 if $Debug
784 0 0 unless (defined $contact->{'fax'})
785 0 0 defined $contact->{'voice'} ? :
798 0 0 unless $contact->{$field}
807 0 0 if (defined $contact->{'disclose'})
811 0 0 unless $contact->{'disclose'}{$field}
816 0 0 if $add->hasChildNodes
821 0 0 $Net::EPP::Registry::Nominet::Code == 1000 ? :
953 0 0 if ($data->{$action})
955 0 0 if ($action ne 'chg' and $data->{$action}{'ns'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($action eq 'chg') { }
962 0 0 if ($data->{$action}{'registrant'}) { }
980 0 0 unless $data->{$field}
985 0 0 if ($data->{'notes'})
1000 0 0 if ($data->{$action}{$exttype})
1015 0 0 $Net::EPP::Registry::Nominet::Code == 1000 ? :
1083 0 0 if exists $data->{'new-id'}
1105 0 0 if (defined $data->{'postalInfo'})
1108 0 0 unless $data->{'postalInfo'}{$intloc}
1113 0 0 if ($thisone->{'name'})
1118 0 0 if ($thisone->{'addr'})
1121 0 0 unless defined $thisone->{'addr'}{$addrbitkey}
1123 0 0 if (ref $addrbit eq 'ARRAY') { }
1141 0 0 if (defined $data->{'voice'} and not $self->valid_voice($data->{'voice'}))
1146 0 0 unless defined $data->{$field}
1151 0 0 if (defined $data->{'disclose'})
1154 0 0 if ($#flags > 0 and $flags[0] != $flags[1])
1167 0 0 unless defined $data->{'disclose'}{$field}
1170 0 0 $data->{'disclose'}{$field} ? :
1173 0 0 if $child->hasChildNodes
1176 0 0 if ($chg->hasChildNodes)
1182 0 0 unless $data->{$field}
1192 0 0 $Net::EPP::Registry::Nominet::Code == 1000 ? :
1212 0 0 $Net::EPP::Registry::Nominet::Code == 1000 ? :
1257 0 0 if ($data->{$action})
1259 0 0 if ($data->{$action}{'addr'})
1272 0 0 $Net::EPP::Registry::Nominet::Code == 1000 ? :
1304 0 0 if (defined $old_id)
1309 0 0 if (defined $new_id)
1322 0 0 unless $Net::EPP::Registry::Nominet::Code == 1000
1324 0 0 if $Debug
1344 0 0 if $Debug
1345 0 0 if ($type eq 'domain') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'contact') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'host') { }
1373 0 0 unless my $response = $self->_send_frame($frame)
1376 0 0 if ($type eq 'domain') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'contact') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'host') { }
1407 0 0 if ($secdns)
1425 0 0 unless $disc
1446 0 0 unless $child->nodeType == 1
1470 0 0 if $child->nodeType != 1
1473 0 0 if ($hash->{$tag}) { }
1480 0 0 if ($namelist)
1518 0 0 unless my $response = $self->_send_frame($frame)
1519 0 0 if ($Net::EPP::Registry::Nominet::Code != 1000)
1525 0 0 if $txt =~ /\./
1569 0 0 unless my $response = $self->_send_frame($frame)
1570 0 0 if ($Net::EPP::Registry::Nominet::Code != 1000)
1575 0 0 unless $node->nodeType == 1
1601 0 0 unless ($self->{'connected'})
1602 0 0 if $Debug
1607 0 0 if $Debug > 1
1609 0 0 if $Debug > 1 and defined $greeting
1612 0 0 unless ($greeting)
1642 0 0 unless $type
1644 0 0 if ($type eq "domain")
1649 0 0 if ($type eq "domain-ext" or $type eq "domain-nom-ext")
1654 0 0 if ($type eq "secDNS")
1660 0 0 if ($type eq "contact")
1665 0 0 if ($type eq "contact-ext" or $type eq "contact-nom-ext")
1670 0 0 if ($type eq "contact-ext" or $type eq "contact-id")
1675 0 0 if ($type eq "host")
1680 0 0 if ($type eq "l")
1685 0 0 if ($type eq "u")
1690 0 0 if ($type eq "r")
1695 0 0 if ($type eq "f")
1700 0 0 if ($type eq "tag")
1721 0 0 unless my $phone = shift()
1722 0 0 unless ($phone =~ /^\+\d{1,3}\.[0-9x]+$/)
1755 0 0 if $num == 38 or $num == 60
1798 0 0 $reasonnode ? :
1812 0 0 unless $debug =~ /^\d+$/
1814 0 0 $Debug > 1 ? :
1821 0 0 if $Debug > 1
1823 0 0 unless (defined $response)
1830 0 0 if ($self->{'reconnect'})
1834 0 0 if $self->_go_connect
1835 0 0 if ($self->{'authenticated'})
1845 0 0 if $Debug > 1
1848 0 0 if ($Net::EPP::Registry::Nominet::Code < 1000 or $Net::EPP::Registry::Nominet::Code > 1999) { }
1850 0 0 if $Debug
1854 0 0 $#$reason >= 0 ? :