Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 5 937 0.5

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1131 0 0 $$table{$row}{'auto_increment'} && 1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
207 0 0 0 $errstr =~ /connect|Unknown message type: ''/i and not $errstr =~ /(?:column|relation) "/
221 0 0 0 $$self{'use_fulltext'} and $$self{'old_fulltext'}
319 0 0 0 $$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'sphinx'}
334 0 0 0 $stem and length $search_str_stem
0 0 0 $stem and length $search_str_stem and $$self{'auto_accurate_on_slow'}
0 0 0 $stem and length $search_str_stem and $$self{'auto_accurate_on_slow'} and $search_str_stem =~ /\b\w{$$self{'auto_accurate_on_slow'}}\b/
342 0 0 0 $double and ($$self{'accurate'} xor not $stem)
346 0 0 0 !$$self{'no_boolean'} && $$param{'adv_query' . $param_num} eq 'on'
415 0 0 0 $$self{'dbh'} and keys %{$$self{'dbh'};}
422 0 0 0 $$self{'dbh'} and $$self{'connected'}
504 0 0 0 $$self{'trace_level'} and $$self{'trace'}
527 0 0 0 $double and ($$self{'accurate'} xor not $stem)
682 0 0 0 $self->can_query and $self->err_parse(\$cmd, $DBI::err, $DBI::errstr)
701 0 0 0 !($work{'die'} || $$self{'die'} || $$self{'fatal'}) && (!$$self{'error_chain_tries'} || $$self{'errors_chain'} < $$self{'error_chain_tries'}) && (!$$self{'error_tries'} || $$self{'errors'} < $$self{'error_tries'})
716 0 0 0 $self->can_query and $self->err_parse(\$query, $DBI::err, $DBI::errstr)
721 0 0 0 $self->can_query and $self->err_parse(\$query, $DBI::err, $DBI::errstr, 1)
732 0 0 0 $$self{'no_dbirows'} && $ret
737 0 0 0 @_ and $self->prepare(@_)
759 0 0 0 $$self{'explain'} and $$self{'EXPLAIN'}
764 0 0 0 $$self{'sth'} and keys %$_
801 0 0 0 @hash and %{$hash[0];}
810 0 0 0 $$self{'no_quote_null'} and $s =~ /^null$/i
811 0 0 0 $$self{'dbh'} and not $q
864 0 0 0 $$self{'error_tries'} and $$self{'errors'} > $$self{'error_tries'}
0 0 0 $$self{'error_chain_tries'} and $$self{'errors_chain'} > $$self{'error_chain_tries'}
877 0 0 0 $sth and not $err || $$self{'sth'}
879 0 0 0 not $err and $$self{'dbh'}
885 0 0 0 $errtype and grep {$errtype eq $_;} 'fatal', 'syntax', 'ignore'
889 0 0 0 $errtype and grep {$errtype eq $_;} 'retry'
891 0 0 0 $errtype eq 'install_db' and $$self{'auto_install_db'}-- > 0
913 0 0 0 $$self{'auto_repair'} and $errtype eq 'repair'
921 0 0 0 $$self{'auto_repair_selected'} and !$repair || $$self{'auto_repair_selected'} && $$self{'table_param'}{$repair}{'no_auto_repair'}
990 0 0 0 $$table{$row}{'unique'} and $$table{$row}{'unique'} =~ /\D/
993 0 0 0 $$self{'driver'} =~ /pg/i and $$self{'use_fulltext'}
1025 0 0 0 $$table{$row}{'primary'} and $$table{$row}{'type'} =~ /char/i
1036 0 0 0 $$self{'codepage'} eq 'utf-8' and $$self{'driver'} =~ /mysql/
1049 0 0 0 $type eq 'varchar' and $$table{$_}{'type'} =~ /^smallint$/i
1050 0 0 0 $type eq 'varchar' and $$table{$_}{'type'} =~ /^int$/i
1051 0 0 0 $type eq 'varchar' and $$table{$_}{'type'} =~ /^bigint$/i
1054 0 0 0 $$table{$_}{$type} and $_ ne $row
1068 0 0 0 $$table{$_}{$type} and $_ ne $row
0 0 0 $$table{$_}{$type} and $_ ne $row and $$table{$_}{$type} eq $$table{$row}{$type}
1076 0 0 0 $$table{$_}{'length_max'} and $$table{$_}{'length_max'} < $want
1097 0 0 0 $$table{$row}{'type'} =~ /^varchar$/i and $$table{$row}{'primary'}
0 0 0 $$table{$row}{'type'} =~ /^varchar$/i and $$table{$row}{'primary'} and $$self{'codepage'} eq 'utf-8'
1131 0 0 0 $$table{$row}{'unsigned'} && $$self{'UNSIGNED'}
0 0 0 defined $$table{$row}{'default'} && !$$table{$row}{'auto_increment'}
0 0 0 $$table{$row}{'unique'} && $$table{$row}{'unique'} =~ /^\d+$/
1172 0 0 0 $$table{$row}{'index'} > 1 && $$table{$row}{'index'} < $$table{$row}{'length'}
0 0 0 $$table{$row}{'index'} and $$self{'index in create table'}
1228 0 0 0 $$self{'cp'} && $$self{'DEFAULT CHARACTER SET'}
1283 0 0 0 $$self{'driver'} =~ /pg/i and grep {$$self{'database'} eq $_;} @_
1332 0 0 0 $table_insert and @_
1381 0 0 0 $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'array_insert'} and not $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'no_insert_update'}
1468 0 0 0 ref $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'filter'} eq 'CODE' and $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'filter'}($self, $values)
1484 0 0 0 %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_};} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'primary'} || $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'unique'}
0 0 0 %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_};} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'primary'} || $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'unique'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'type'} ne 'serial'
1502 0 0 0 !($_ =~ /$bymask/) && $_ && %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_};} && defined $$values{$_}
0 0 0 $_ and %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_};}
1511 0 0 0 $where and $bywhere
1512 0 0 0 $whereignore and $where || $bywhere
1515 0 0 0 $set || $lwhere || !$$self{'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE'} and $bywhere || $where || $whereignore
1526 0 0 0 $set and int $_
1594 0 0 0 ref $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'filter'} eq 'CODE' and $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'filter'}($self, $hash)
1600 0 0 0 $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'type'} eq $$self{'char_type'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'length'}
1628 0 0 0 defined $$hash{$_} and length $$hash{$_}
0 0 0 defined $$hash{$_} and length $$hash{$_} and keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table}{$_};}
1659 0 0 0 $$self{'table'}{$table}{'name'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{'ext'}
0 0 0 $$self{'table'}{$table}{'name'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{'ext'} and $search_str =~ m[^([^/|"]+[^\s/|"])\.([^/\."|]+)$]
0 0 0 $$self{'table'}{$table}{'tiger'} and $search_str =~ /^\s*([A-Z0-9]{39})\s*$/i
1681 0 0 0 $param_num and not $questions
1686 0 0 0 defined $$param{'q' . $param_num} and $$param{'q' . $param_num} =~ s/(\w+\S?[=:](?:".+?"|\S+))//
1713 0 0 0 $$self{'enable_xor_query'} and $$param{'glueg' . $param_num} eq 'xor'
1714 0 0 0 $$self{'enable_xor_query'} and $$param{'gluel' . $param_num} eq 'xor'
1715 0 0 0 my($days) = $$param{'search_days' . $param_num} =~ /(\d+)/ and $1
0 0 0 my($days) = $$param{'search_days' . $param_num} =~ /(\d+)/ and $1 and %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{'time'};}
1724 0 0 0 not $$self{'no_online'} and defined $$param{'online' . $param_num}
1733 0 0 0 $$self{'path_complete'} and $$param{'path' . $param_num}
0 0 0 $$self{'path_complete'} and $$param{'path' . $param_num} and not $$param{'path' . $param_num} =~ m[^[ !/\*]]
0 0 0 $$self{'path_complete'} and $$param{'path' . $param_num} and not $$param{'path' . $param_num} =~ m[^[ !/\*]] and $$param{'path' . $param_num} ne 'EMPTY'
0 0 0 !$$self{'no_regex'} && ($$param{'path' . $param_num} =~ /^\s*reg?e?x?p?:\s*/i || $$param{'path_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[r~]/i)
0 0 0 $$self{'path_complete'} and $$param{'path' . $param_num} and not $$param{'path' . $param_num} =~ m[^[ !/\*]] and $$param{'path' . $param_num} ne 'EMPTY' and not !$$self{'no_regex'} && ($$param{'path' . $param_num} =~ /^\s*reg?e?x?p?:\s*/i || $$param{'path_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[r~]/i)
1778 0 0 0 $pib =~ s/\:$_(\W|$)/$config{$item}{$_}{'to'}$1/g and ++$group_not
1782 0 0 0 not $$self{'no_regex'} and $pib =~ /\s*reg?e?x?p?:\s*/ || $$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[r~]/i
1795 0 0 0 $pib and $num_cond < 50
1803 0 0 0 $$self{'enable_xor_query'} and $cond =~ /(xor)/i
1809 0 0 0 !$$self{'no_slow'} || $$self{'table'}{$table}{$item}{'fast_not'} and $pi =~ s/^\s*[\!\-]\s*//g
1822 0 0 0 not $$self{'no_regex'} and $pi =~ s/^\s*reg?e?x?p?:\s*//gi || $$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[r~]/i
0 0 0 not $$self{'no_soundex'} and $pi =~ s/^\s*sou?n?d?e?x?:\s*//gi || $$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[s\@]/i
1835 0 0 0 $$self{'no_empty'} and !($pi =~ /\S/) || $pi =~ /^\s*[%_]+\s*$/
1849 0 0 0 $$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$item}{'nav_num_field'}
0 0 0 $$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$item}{'nav_num_field'} and $pi =~ /^\d+$/
1864 0 0 0 (!$$self{'no_slow'} || $$self{'table'}{$table}{$item}{'fast_not'}) && ($$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[n!]/i ? ' NOT ' : ' ')
1886 0 0 0 $$param{'adv_query' . $param_num} eq 'on' and not $search_str =~ /((^|\s)\W+\S)|\S\W+(\s|$)/
0 0 0 $$param{'adv_query' . $param_num} eq 'on' and not $search_str =~ /((^|\s)\W+\S)|\S\W+(\s|$)/ and $search_str =~ /\s/
1892 0 0 0 not $$self{'use_q_file_fallback'} and my(%tparam) = $self->q_file($table, $search_str)
0 0 0 not $$self{'sphinx'} || $$self{'no_slow'} and $search_str =~ /^\s*\*+\S+/
0 0 0 not $$self{'sphinx'} || $$self{'no_slow'} and $search_str =~ /^\s*\*+\S+/ and $$self{'table'}{$table}{'path'}
0 0 0 not $$self{'sphinx'} || $$self{'no_slow'} and $search_str =~ /^\s*\*+\S+/ and $$self{'table'}{$table}{'path'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{'name'}
0 0 0 not $$self{'sphinx'} || $$self{'no_slow'} and $search_str =~ /^\s*\*+\S+/ and $$self{'table'}{$table}{'path'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{'name'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{'ext'}
1918 0 0 0 not $$param{'adv_query' . $param_num} and $$self{'ignore_index_fulltext'} || !grep({$$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'sphinx'} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'fulltext'};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};})
1931 0 0 0 !$$self{'no_slow'} && ($$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'like_bef'} || $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'like_bef'} || $$self{'like_bef'})
1961 0 0 0 not $$self{'sphinx'} and $local_cond > 1
1963 0 0 0 $after and $ask
1976 0 0 0 $ask && ($close ? ' ) ' x $close : '')
2012 0 0 0 ($$self{'allow_count_all'} || $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'allow_count'}) && $$param{'count_' . $_} eq 'on'
2028 0 0 0 $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'allow_count'} && $$param{'count_' . $_} eq 'on'
2045 0 0 0 $$self{'use_sphinx'} and $$self{'sphinx_dbi'}
0 0 0 $$self{'use_sphinx'} and $$self{'sphinx_dbi'} and length $$param{'q'}
2189 0 0 0 $$self{'use_q_file_fallback'} and not $$self{'sphinx'}
2195 0 0 0 $$self{'use_sphinx'} and $$self{'sphinx_dbi'}
0 0 0 $$self{'use_sphinx'} and $$self{'sphinx_dbi'} and length $$param{'q'}
0 0 0 $$self{'use_sphinx'} and $$self{'sphinx_dbi'} and length $$param{'q'} and $file_fallback || !$self->q_file($table, $$param{'q'})
2258 0 0 0 not $$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'shard'}
2295 0 0 0 $$self{'use_sphinx'} and $config{'client_bot'}
2296 0 0 0 $$self{'use_sphinx'} and $$self{'no_sphinx_like'}
2300 0 0 0 not $$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'shard'}
2342 0 0 0 $$self{'use_sphinx'} and @$ids
2506 0 0 0 $$self{'no_slow'} and not $min_data
2545 0 0 0 $$self{'ignore_index'} || $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index'} and not $$self{'no_index'} || $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'no_index'}
2554 0 0 0 $$self{'ignore_index_fulltext'} and $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index_fulltext'}
2561 0 0 0 $$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'stemmed_index'}
0 0 0 $$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'stemmed_index'} and not $$param{'accurate'}
2570 0 0 0 $table && !$$self{'no_column_prepend_table'}
2601 0 0 0 $$self{'OPTION'} and &psmisc::is_hash($$self{'option'})
2612 0 0 0 $$self{'limit_offset'} && !$$self{'OFFSET'}
0 0 0 $$self{'OFFSET'} && $$self{'limit_offset'}
2633 0 0 0 $$self{'page'} eq 'rnd' and $$param{'count_f'} eq 'on'
2832 0 0 0 $^O eq 'MSWin32' and $$self{'driver'} eq 'pgpp'
2919 0 0 0 $_ and $$self{'SET NAMES'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
458 0 0 $$self{'error_log'} ||= []
510 0 0 $$self{'default'} ||= \%default
553 0 0 $$self{'driver'} ||= 'mysql5'
567 0 0 $$self{'cp_int'} ||= 'utf-8'
568 0 0 $$self{'cp_out'} ||= 'utf-8'
622 0 0 $$self{'user_params'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); ($tq, $rq, $vq) = $self->quotes; my $param = {map({%$_;} @_)}; foreach my $from (keys %{$$self{'param_trans_int'};}) { my $to = $$self{'param_trans_int'}{$from} || $from; $$param{$from} = 1 if $$param{$from} eq 'on'; $$self{$to} = &psmisc::check_int($$param{$from}, $$self{$to . '_min'}, $$self{$to . '_max'}, $$self{$to . '_default'}); } ; $self->cp_client($work{'codepage'} || $$param{'codepage'} || $config{'codepage'}); }
627 0 0 $$self{'dump'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); $self->log('dmp', caller, ':=', join(':', %$self)); return 0; }
639 0 0 $$self{'quotes'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); $$self{'tq'} ||= $$self{'table quote'}; $$self{'rq'} ||= $$self{'row quote'}; $$self{'vq'} ||= $$self{'value quote'}; return $$self{'table quote'}, $$self{'row quote'}, $$self{'value quote'}; }
644 0 0 $$self{'sleep'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); $self->log('dev', 'sql_sleeper', @_); return &psmisc::sleeper(@_); }
649 0 0 $$self{'drh_init'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); $$self{'drh'} ||= 'DBI'->install_driver($$self{'dbi'}); return 0; }
666 0 0 $$self{'repair'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my $tim = &psmisc::timer(); @_ = sort(keys %{$$self{'table'};}) unless @_; @_ = grep({$$self{'table'}{$_} if $_;} @_); $self->log('info', 'Repairing table...', @_); $self->flush unless $$self{'no_repair_flush'}; local $$self{'error_tries'} = 0; $self->query_log('REPAIR TABLE ' . join(',', map($self->tquote("$$self{'table_prefix'}$_"), @_)) . ($$self{'rep_quick'} ? ' ' . $$self{'QUICK'} : '') . ($$self{'rep_ext'} ? ' ' . $$self{'EXTENDED'} : '') . ($$self{'rep_frm'} ? ' ' . $$self{'USE_FRM'} : '')); $self->flush; $self->log('time', 'Repair per', &psmisc::human('time_period', &$tim())); return 0; }
672 0 0 $$self{'queries_time'} / $$self{'queries'} || 1
673 0 0 $$self{'query_time'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); ++$$self{'queries'}; $$self{'queries_time'} += $_[0]; $$self{'queries_avg'} = $$self{'queries_time'} / $$self{'queries'} || 1; }
687 0 0 &$tim() || 1
697 0 0 $$self{'do'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my $ret; return $ret if $self->keep; $self->err(0); foreach my $cmd (@_) { next unless $cmd; do { { $self->log('dmpbef', 'do(' . $$self{'database'} . '):[', $cmd, '] '); my $tim = &psmisc::timer(); $ret += $$self{'dbh'}->do($cmd) if $$self{'dbh'}; $self->log('dmp', 'do(' . $$self{'database'} . '):[', $cmd, '] = ', $ret, ' per', &psmisc::human('time_period', &$tim()), 'rps', &psmisc::human('float', $ret / (&$tim() || 1))); $self->query_time(&$tim()); } } while $self->can_query and $self->err_parse(\$cmd, $DBI::err, $DBI::errstr); } ; return $ret; }
704 0 0 $$self{'can_query'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); return !($work{'die'} || $$self{'die'} || $$self{'fatal'}) && (!$$self{'error_chain_tries'} || $$self{'errors_chain'} < $$self{'error_chain_tries'}) && (!$$self{'error_tries'} || $$self{'errors'} < $$self{'error_tries'}); }
733 0 0 $$self{'prepare'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my($query) = @_; return 1 if $self->keep; $self->log('dmpbef', "prepare query {$query}"); return 2 unless $query; $self->err(0); my $ret; my $tim = &psmisc::timer(); do { { next unless $$self{'dbh'}; $$self{'sth'}->finish if $$self{'sth'}; $$self{'sth'} = $$self{'dbh'}->prepare($query); redo if $self->can_query and $self->err_parse(\$query, $DBI::err, $DBI::errstr, 1); last unless $$self{'sth'}; $ret = $$self{'sth'}->execute; } } while $self->can_query and $self->err_parse(\$query, $DBI::err, $DBI::errstr); $self->query_time(&$tim()); return 3 if $DBI::err; $$self{'dbirows'} = 0 if ($$self{'dbirows'} = $DBI::rows) == 4294967294; $$self{'dbirows'} = $$self{'limit'} if $$self{'no_dbirows'}; return $$self{'no_dbirows'} && $ret ? undef : !int($ret); }
742 0 0 $$self{'sth'}->fetchrow_hashref || {}
751 0 0 $$self{'line'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); return {} if @_ and $self->prepare(@_); return {} if not $$self{'sth'} or $$self{'sth'}->err; my $tim = &psmisc::timer(); local $_ = $$self{'sth'}->fetchrow_hashref || {}; $_ = scalar &psmisc::cp_trans_hash($$self{'codepage'}, $$self{'cp_out'}, $_) if $$self{'codepage'} ne $$self{'cp_out'}; $$self{'queries_time'} += &$tim(); $self->log('dmp', 'line(' . $$self{'database'} . '):[', @_, '] = ', scalar keys %$_, ' per', &psmisc::human('time_period', &$tim()), 'err=', $self->err) if (caller 2)[0] ne 'pssql'; return $_; }
778 0 0 &$tim() || 1
791 0 0 $$self{'query'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my $tim = &psmisc::timer(); my @hash; foreach my $query (@_) { next unless $query; local $$self{'explain'} = 0, $self->query_log($$self{'EXPLAIN'} . ' ' . $query) if $$self{'explain'} and $$self{'EXPLAIN'}; local $_ = $self->line($query); next unless keys %$_; push @hash, $_; next unless $$self{'sth'} and keys %$_; my $tim = &psmisc::timer(); while ($_ = $$self{'sth'}->fetchrow_hashref) { if ($$self{'codepage'} ne $$self{'cp_out'}) { push @hash, scalar &psmisc::cp_trans_hash($$self{'codepage'}, $$self{'cp_out'}, $_); } else { push @hash, $_; } ; } ; $$self{'queries_time'} += &$tim(); } ; $self->log('dmp', 'query(' . $$self{'database'} . '):[', @_, '] = ', scalar @hash, ' per', &psmisc::human('time_period', &$tim()), 'rps', &psmisc::human('float', scalar(@hash) / (&$tim() || 1)), 'err=', $self->err); $$self{'dbirows'} = scalar @hash if $$self{'no_dbirows'} or $$self{'dbirows'} <= 0; if ($$self{'codepage'} eq 'utf-8') { foreach $_ (@hash) { utf8::decode($_) foreach (grep {not ref $_;} %$_); } ; } ; return wantarray ? @hash : \@hash; }
797 0 0 $$self{'query_log'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my @ret; foreach $_ (@_) { push @ret, $self->query_print($self->query($_)); } ; return wantarray ? @ret : \@ret; }
806 0 0 $$self{'query_print'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my(@hash) = @_; return unless @hash and %{$hash[0];}; $self->log('dbg', 'sql query', $_); $self->log('dbg', '|', join("\t|", keys %{$hash[0];})) if keys %{$hash[0];}; $self->log('dbg', '|', join("\t|", values %{$_;})) foreach (@hash); return wantarray ? @_ : \@_; }
812 0 0 $q ||= q[']
816 0 0 $$self{'quote'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my($s, $q, $qmask) = @_; return $s if $$self{'no_quote_null'} and $s =~ /^null$/i; return $$self{'dbh'}->quote(defined $s ? $s : '') if $$self{'dbh'} and not $q; $q ||= q[']; if ($$self{'quote_slash'}) { $s =~ s/($q|\\)/\\$1/g; } else { $s =~ s/($q)/$1$1/g; } ; return $q . $s . $q; }
820 0 0 $$self{'squotes'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); return ' ' . $self->quote(@_) . ' '; }
824 0 0 $$self{'tquote'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); return $$self{'tq'} . $_[0] . $$self{'tq'}; }
828 0 0 $$self{'rquote'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); return $$self{'rq'} . $_[0] . $$self{'rq'}; }
836 0 0 $$self{'filter_row'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my($table, $filter, $values) = @_; local %_; map {$_{$_} = $$values{$_};} grep({$$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{$filter};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}); return wantarray ? %_ : \%_; }
844 0 0 $errtype ||= 'connection'
936 0 0 $$self{'err_parse'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my($cmd, $err, $errstr, $sth) = @_; $err ||= $DBI::err; $errstr ||= $DBI::errstr; my $state = $$self{'dbh'}->state if $$self{'dbh'}; my $errtype = $self->error_type($err, $errstr); $errtype ||= 'connection' unless $$self{'dbh'}; $$self{'fatal'} = 1 if $errtype eq 'fatal'; $self->log('dev', 'err_parse st0 ret1 ', 'wdi=', $work{'die'}, 'di=', $$self{'die'}, 'fa=', $$self{'fatal'}, 'er=', $$self{'errors'} >= $$self{'error_tries'}, $$self{'errors'}, $$self{'error_tries'}, $errtype, $state), CORE::sleep 1, (return $self->err(1)) if $work{'die'} or $$self{'die'} or $$self{'fatal'} or $$self{'error_tries'} and $$self{'errors'} > $$self{'error_tries'} or $$self{'error_chain_tries'} and $$self{'errors_chain'} > $$self{'error_chain_tries'}; $self->log('err', 'err_parse: IMPOSIBLE! !$err and !$self->{sth}'), $self->err('sth'), (return 0) if $sth and not $err || $$self{'sth'}; $$self{'errors_chain'} = 0, (return $self->err(0)) if not $err and $$self{'dbh'}; ++$$self{'errors_chain'}; ++$$self{'errors'}; $self->log('err', "SQL: error[$err,$errstr,$errtype,$state] on executing {$$cmd} [sleep:$$self{'error_sleep'}] dbh=[$$self{'dbh'}]"); $self->log('dev', "err_parse st3 ret0 fatal=$errtype"), $self->err($errtype), (return 0) if $errtype and grep {$errtype eq $_;} 'fatal', 'syntax', 'ignore'; $self->log('dev', "err_parse sleep($$self{'error_sleep'}), ret1 "); $self->sleep($$self{'error_sleep'}, 'sql_parse') if $$self{'error_sleep'}; $self->log('dev', "err_parse st3 ret1 fatal=$errtype"), (return $self->err($errtype)) if $errtype and grep {$errtype eq $_;} 'retry'; if ($errtype eq 'install_db' and $$self{'auto_install_db'}-- > 0) { $self->log('info', 'SQL: trying automatic install db'); $self->create_databases(@_); return $self->err($errtype); } ; $self->log('info', "SQL: trying reconnect[$$self{'connected'}]"), $self->reconnect, (return $self->err('dbh')) unless $$self{'dbh'}; if ($errtype eq 'install' or $errtype eq 'upgrade') { if ($$self{'auto_install'}-- > 0) { $self->log('dev', 'SQL:install err '); $self->log('info', 'SQL: trying automatic install'); $self->$errtype; return $self->err($errtype); } else { $self->log('dev', 'SQL:NOinstall err '); $self->err($errtype); return 0; } ; } ; $self->log('err', 'SQL: connection error, trying reconnect and retry last query'), $self->dropconnect, $self->reconnect, (return $self->err($errtype)) if $errtype eq 'connection'; if ($$self{'auto_repair'} and $errtype eq 'repair') { my($repair) = $errstr =~ m['(?:.*[\\/])*(\w+)(?:\.my\w)?']i; $repair = $$self{'current_table'} unless %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$repair};}; if ($$self{'auto_repairs'}{$repair} < $$self{'auto_repairs_max'}) { my $sl = int rand $$self{'auto_repair'} + 1; $self->log('info', 'pre repair sleeping', $sl); $self->sleep($sl); if ($sl == 0 or $$self{'force_repair'}) { $self->log('info', 'denied repair', $repair), (return $self->err(1)) if $$self{'auto_repair_selected'} and !$repair || $$self{'auto_repair_selected'} && $$self{'table_param'}{$repair}{'no_auto_repair'}; ++$$self{'auto_repairs'}{$repair}; $self->log('info', 'SQL: trying automatic repair', $repair); $self->repair($repair); $$self{'rep_ext'} = $$self{'rep_frm'} = 1; $$self{'rep_quick'} = 0; return $self->err($errtype); } ; } ; } ; $self->log('dev', 'err_parse st2 ret1 no dbh', $err, $errstr), (return $self->err('dbh')) unless $$self{'dbh'}; $self->log('dev', "err_parse unknown error ret($$self{'err_retry_unknown'}), end: [$err], [$errstr], [$errtype]"); return $self->err($$self{'err_retry_unknown'}); }
940 0 0 $$self{'install'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); return $self->create_databases(@_) + $self->create_tables; }
963 0 0 $$self{'create_database'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my $ret; local $_; local(@_) = $$self{'database'} unless @_; $self->drh_init if $$self{'use_drh'}; foreach my $db (@_) { if ($$self{'use_drh'}) { $ret += $_ = $$self{'drh'}->func('createdb', $db, $$self{'host'}, $$self{'user'}, $$self{'pass'}, 'admin'); } elsif ($$self{'driver'} =~ /pg/i) { { my $db = $$self{'dbname'}; local $$self{'dbname'} = 'postgres'; local $$self{'database'} = undef; local $$self{'in_connect'} = undef; $self->do("CREATE DATABASE $rq$db$rq WITH ENCODING $vq$$self{'cp'}$vq"); } ; $self->reconnect; } ; $self->log('info', 'install database ', $db, '=', $ret); } ; return $ret; }
967 0 0 $$self{'create_databases'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); return $self->create_database($$self{'database'}); }
978 0 0 $$self{'create_tables'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my(%table) = %{{} unless $$self{'table'};}; my @ret; foreach my $tab (sort keys %table) { $self->log('dev', 'creating table', $tab); push @ret, $$self{'create_table'}($self, $tab, $table{$tab}); push @ret, $$self{'create_index'}($self, $tab, $table{$tab}) unless $$self{'index in create table'}; } ; return @ret; }
1234 0 0 $$self{'create_table'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my($tab, $table) = @_; my(@subq, @ret); return undef if $tab =~ /^\W/; my(@primary, %unique, %fulltext, @do); foreach my $row (sort {$$table{$b}{'order'} <=> $$table{$a}{'order'};} keys %$table) { push @primary, $rq . $row . $rq if $$table{$row}{'primary'}; push @{$fulltext{$$table{$row}{'fulltext'}};}, $rq . $row . $rq if $$table{$row}{'fulltext'}; push @{$unique{$$table{$row}{'unique'}};}, $rq . $row . $rq if $$table{$row}{'unique'} and $$table{$row}{'unique'} =~ /\D/; } ; if ($$self{'driver'} =~ /pg/i and $$self{'use_fulltext'}) { push(@do, "DROP TRIGGER $$self{'IF EXISTS'} ${tab}_update_$_ ON $tab", $$self{'old_fulltext'} ? "CREATE TRIGGER ${tab}_update_$_ BEFORE UPDATE OR INSERT ON $tab FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tsearch2($rq$_$rq, " . join(', ', @{[] unless $fulltext{$_};}) . ')' : "CREATE TRIGGER ${tab}_update_$_ BEFORE UPDATE OR INSERT ON $tab FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tsvector_update_trigger($rq$_$rq, $vq$$self{'fulltext_config'}$vq, " . join(', ', @{[] unless $fulltext{$_};}) . ')'), $$table{$_} = {'order', -9999, 'type', 'tsvector'} foreach (keys %fulltext); } ; foreach my $row (grep {keys %{$$table{$_};};} keys %$table) { $$table{$row}{'varchar'} = 1 if $$table{$row}{'type'} =~ /^varchar$/i; } ; foreach my $row (sort {$$table{$b}{'order'} <=> $$table{$a}{'order'};} grep({keys %{$$table{$_};};} keys %$table)) { next if $row =~ /^\W/; $$table{$row}{'length'} = &psmisc::min($$self{'varchar_max'}, $$table{$row}{'length'}); my $length = $$table{$row}{'length'}; unless (defined $length) { { my(@types, @maxs); push @types, 'primary' if $$table{$row}{'primary'} and $$table{$row}{'type'} =~ /char/i; push @types, 'fulltext' if $$table{$row}{'fulltext'}; push @types, 'unique' if $$table{$row}{'unique'}; push @types, 'varchar' if $$table{$row}{'varchar'}; last unless @types; foreach my $type (@types) { my $max; $max = $$self{$type . '_max'}; $max /= 3 if $$self{'codepage'} eq 'utf-8' and $$self{'driver'} =~ /mysql/; my($same, $nowtotal); foreach $_ (grep {$_;} keys %{$table;}) { $nowtotal += 2 if $type eq 'varchar' and $$table{$_}{'type'} =~ /^smallint$/i; $nowtotal += 4 if $type eq 'varchar' and $$table{$_}{'type'} =~ /^int$/i; $nowtotal += 8 if $type eq 'varchar' and $$table{$_}{'type'} =~ /^bigint$/i; next unless $$table{$_}{$type} eq $$table{$row}{$type}; next unless $$table{$_}{$type} and $_ ne $row; $nowtotal += $$table{$_}{'length'}; ++$same unless $$table{$_}{'length'}; } ; $max -= $nowtotal; my $want = $max / ($same + 1); $nowtotal = 0; foreach $_ (grep {not $$table{$_}{'length'} if $$table{$_}{$type} and $_ ne $row and $$table{$_}{$type} eq $$table{$row}{$type};} keys %{$table;}) { --$same, $max -= $$table{$_}{'length_max'}, $nowtotal += $$table{$_}{'length_max'} if $$table{$_}{'length_max'} and $$table{$_}{'length_max'} < $want; } ; $max /= $same + 1 if $same; $max = int $max; push @maxs, $max; } ; push @maxs, $$table{$row}{'length_max'} if $$table{$row}{'length_max'}; push @maxs, $$self{'varchar_max'} if $$table{$row}{'type'} =~ /^varchar$/i; push @maxs, $$self{'key_length'} / 3 if $$table{$row}{'type'} =~ /^varchar$/i and $$table{$row}{'primary'} and $$self{'codepage'} eq 'utf-8'; $length = &psmisc::min(grep({$_ > 0;} @maxs)); $$table{$row}{'length'} ||= $length; $length = int $length; } ; } ; push @subq, $rq . $row . $rq . " $$table{$row}{'type'} " . ($length ? "($length) " : '') . ($$table{$row}{'unsigned'} && $$self{'UNSIGNED'} ? ' ' . $$self{'UNSIGNED'} : '') . (!$$table{$row}{'auto_increment'} ? $$table{$row}{'not null'} ? ' NOT NULL ' : '' : '') . (defined $$table{$row}{'default'} && !$$table{$row}{'auto_increment'} ? ' DEFAULT ' . ($$table{$row}{'default'} eq 'NULL' ? 'NULL' : "$vq$$table{$row}{'default'}$vq") . ' ' : '') . ($$table{$row}{'unique'} && $$table{$row}{'unique'} =~ /^\d+$/ ? ' UNIQUE ' : '') . ($$table{$row}{'auto_increment'} && 1 ? ' ' . $$self{'AUTO_INCREMENT'} . ' ' : '') . "$$table{$row}{'param'}"; } ; push @subq, 'PRIMARY KEY (' . join(',', @primary) . ')' if @primary; foreach my $row (sort {$$table{$b}{'order'} <=> $$table{$a}{'order'};} keys %$table) { push @subq, 'INDEX ' . $rq . $row . $$self{'index_postfix'} . $rq . ' (' . $rq . $row . $rq . ($$table{$row}{'index'} > 1 && $$table{$row}{'index'} < $$table{$row}{'length'} ? '(' . $$table{$row}{'index'} . ')' : '') . ')' if $$table{$row}{'index'} and $$self{'index in create table'}; push @primary, $rq . $row . $rq if $$table{$row}{'primary'}; } ; push @subq, 'UNIQUE ' . ($$self{'unique name'} ? $rq . $_ . $rq : '') . ' (' . join(',', @{$unique{$_};}) . ')' foreach (grep @{$unique{$_};}, keys %unique); if ($$self{'index in create table'}) { push @subq, "FULLTEXT $rq$_$rq (" . join(',', @{$fulltext{$_};}) . ')' foreach (grep @{$fulltext{$_};}, keys %fulltext); } ; return map({$self->do($_);} grep({$_;} !@subq ? () : 'CREATE TABLE ' . $$self{'IF NOT EXISTS'} . " $tq$$self{'table_prefix'}$tab$tq (" . join(',', @subq) . join(' ', '', grep({$_;} $$self{'table_constraint'}, $$self{'table_param'}{$tab}{'table_constraint'})) . ') ' . $$self{'table options'} . ' ' . $$self{'table_param'}{$tab}{'table options'} . ($$self{'cp'} && $$self{'DEFAULT CHARACTER SET'} ? " $$self{'DEFAULT CHARACTER SET'} $vq$$self{'cp'}$vq " : '') . ';', @do)); }
1260 0 0 $$self{'create_index'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my @ret; my($tab, $table) = @_; my @subq; foreach my $row (sort {$$table{$b}{'order'} <=> $$table{$a}{'order'};} keys %$table) { next if $row =~ /^\W/; push @ret, 'CREATE INDEX ' . $$self{'index_IF NOT EXISTS'} . ' ' . $rq . $row . ($$self{'index_name_table'} ? '_' . $tab : '') . $$self{'index_postfix'} . $rq . ' ON ' . " $tq$$self{'table_prefix'}$tab$tq ( $rq$row$rq )" if $$table{$row}{'index'}; } ; return $self->do(@ret); }
1264 0 0 $$self{'create_indexes'} ||= sub { $self->create_index($_, $$self{'table'}{$_}) foreach (keys %{$$self{'table'};}); }
1277 0 0 $$self{'drop_table'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my @ret; foreach my $tab (@_) { my $sql; next if $tab =~ /^\W/ or not $tab =~ /\w/; $sql .= 'DROP TABLE ' . $$self{'IF EXISTS'} . " $tq$$self{'table_prefix'}$tab$tq $$self{'CASCADE'}"; push @ret, $sql; } ; return $self->do(@ret); }
1301 0 0 $$self{'drop_database'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my @ret; @_ = $$self{'database'} unless @_; my $rec = 1 if $$self{'driver'} =~ /pg/i and grep {$$self{'database'} eq $_;} @_; if ($rec) { local $$self{'dbname'} = undef; local $$self{'database'} = undef; $$self{'dbname'} = $$self{'database'} = 'postgres' if $$self{'driver'} =~ /pg/i; $self->reconnect; } ; foreach my $tab (@_) { my $sql; next if $tab =~ /^\W/ or not $tab =~ /\w/; $sql .= 'DROP DATABASE ' . $$self{'IF EXISTS'} . " $tq$$self{'table_prefix'}$tab$tq"; push @ret, $sql; } ; @ret = $self->do(@ret); if ($rec) { $self->reconnect; } ; return @ret; }
1306 0 0 $$self{'drop_tables'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); @_ = keys %{{} unless $$self{'table'};} unless @_; return $self->drop_table(@_); }
1317 0 0 $$self{'insert_fields'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my $table = shift() || $$self{'current_table'}; return grep({$$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'array_insert'};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}); }
1324 0 0 $$self{'insert_order'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my $table = shift() || $$self{'current_table'}; return (sort {$$self{'table'}{$table}{$b}{'order'} <=> $$self{'table'}{$table}{$a}{'order'};} $self->insert_fields($table)); }
1400 0 0 $$self{'stat'}{'time'}{'time'} || 1
0 0 time - $$self{'stat'}{'time'}{'full'} || 1
1420 0 0 $$self{'insert_cached'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my $table = shift(); my $table_insert = $table || $$self{'current_table'}; my @dummy; ++$$self{'inserts'}, ++$$self{'table_updated'}{$table_insert}, push(@{$$self{'insert_buffer'}{$table_insert};}, \@_) if $table_insert and @_; foreach my $table ($table ? $table : keys %{$$self{'insert_buffer'};}) { $$self{'insert_block'}{$table} //= $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'insert_by'} || $$self{'insert_by'}; if ($$self{'insert_block'}{$table}-- <= 1 or not scalar @_ or time - ($$self{'insert_buffer_time'}{$table} ||= time) > $$self{'insert_cached_time'}) { $$self{'stat'}{'time'}{'count'} += scalar @{[] unless $$self{'insert_buffer'}{$table_insert};}; $$self{'insert_buffer_time'}{$table} = time; $$self{'current_table'} = $table; $self->do(join('', ($$self{'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE'} ? $$self{'INSERT'} : $$self{'REPLACE'}) . " $$self{$$self{'insert_options'}} INTO $tq$$self{'table_prefix'}$table$tq (", join(',', map({$rq . $_ . $rq;} $self->insert_order($table))), ") VALUES\n", join(",\n", map({join '', '(', join(',', map({$self->quote(scalar &psmisc::cp_trans($$self{'cp_in'}, $$self{'codepage'}, $$_));} @{$_;}[0 .. scalar($self->insert_fields($table)) - 1], @dummy = (map {\$$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'default'};} $self->insert_order($table))[scalar @{$_;} .. scalar($self->insert_fields($table)) - 1])), ')';} @{$$self{'insert_buffer'}{$table};})), !$$self{'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE'} ? '' : " \n" . $$self{'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE'} . ' ' . join(',', map({$rq . $_ . $rq . '=VALUES(' . $rq . $_ . $rq . ')';} (sort {$$self{'table'}{$table}{$b}{'order'} <=> $$self{'table'}{$table}{$a}{'order'};} grep({not $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'added'} if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'array_insert'} and not $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'no_insert_update'};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};})))), ';')), delete $$self{'insert_buffer'}{$table} if scalar @{[] unless $$self{'insert_buffer'}{$table};}; $$self{'insert_block'}{$table} = $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'insert_by'} || $$self{'insert_by'}; $$self{'stat'}{'time'}{'time'} += time - $$self{'insert_buffer_time'}{$table}; &psmisc::schedule([$$self{'stat_every'}, $$self{'stat_every'}], sub { $self->log('time', 'inserts', $$self{'stat'}{'time'}{'count'}, 'per', &psmisc::human('time_period', $$self{'stat'}{'time'}{'time'}), 'at', &psmisc::human('float', $$self{'stat'}{'time'}{'count'} / ($$self{'stat'}{'time'}{'time'} || 1)), 'rps', 'full', &psmisc::human('float', $$self{'stat'}{'time'}{'count'} / (time - $$self{'stat'}{'time'}{'full'} || 1)), 'rps'); $$self{'stat'}{'time'} = {'full', time}; } ) if $$self{'stat_every'}; } ; } ; return undef; }
1447 0 0 $$self{'flush_insert'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); $self->insert_cached(@_); 0; }
1453 0 0 $$self{'insert'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my(@ret) = $self->insert_cached(@_); $self->flush_insert($_[0]) if scalar @_ > 1; return @ret; }
1478 0 0 $by ||= [grep({$$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'unique'} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'primary'};} keys %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$table};})]
1529 0 0 $$self{'update'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my $table = shift() || $$self{'current_table'}; my($by, $values, $where, $set, $setignore, $whereignore) = @_; return unless %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$table};}; $$self{'current_table'} = $table; next if ref $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'filter'} eq 'CODE' and $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'filter'}($self, $values); $$self{'handler_insert'}($table, $values) if ref $$self{'handler_insert'} eq 'CODE'; $self->stem_insert($table, $values); local $$self{'handler_insert'} = undef; local $$self{'stem_insert'} = sub { } ; local @_; $by ||= [grep({$$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'unique'} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'primary'};} keys %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$table};})]; my $bymask = '^(' . join(')|(', @$by) . ')$'; my $bywhere = join(' AND ', map(("$rq$_$rq=" . $self->quote($$values{$_})), grep({not $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'auto_increment'} if %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_};} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'primary'} || $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'unique'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'type'} ne 'serial';} @$by))); $set ||= join(', ', map({$rq . $_ . $rq . '=' . $self->quote($self->cut($$values{$_}, $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'length'}));} @_ = grep((!($_ =~ /$bymask/) && $_ && %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_};} && defined $$values{$_}), keys %$values), @_ ? () : grep({defined $$values{$_} if $_ and %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_};};} keys %$values))); $set = 'SET ' . $set if $set; my $lwhere = $where; $where = '' if $where eq 1; $where = ' AND ' . $where if $where and $bywhere; $whereignore = ' AND ' . $whereignore if $whereignore and $where || $bywhere; local $_; $_ = $self->do("UPDATE $$self{$$self{'update_options'}} $$self{'IGNORE'} $tq$$self{'table_prefix'}$table$tq $set $setignore WHERE $bywhere $where $whereignore") if $set || $lwhere || !$$self{'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE'} and $bywhere || $where || $whereignore; $self->insert_data($table, $values), $self->flush_insert($table) unless $set and int $_ or $lwhere; return undef; }
1540 0 0 $$self{'insert_hash'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); return $self->insert_data(@_) unless $$self{'driver'} =~ /pg/i; my $table = shift() || $$self{'current_table'}; my $ret; foreach $_ (@_) { $ret += $self->update($table, undef, $_); } ; return $ret; }
1548 0 0 $$self{'cut'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); return $_[0] unless $_[1]; return $_[0] = substr($_[0], 0, $_[1]); }
1645 0 0 $$self{'insert_data'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my $table = shift() || $$self{'current_table'}; foreach my $hash (@_) { next unless $hash; $$hash{$_} = $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'default_insert'} || ($$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'array_insert'} ? $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'default'} : undef) foreach (grep {not defined $$hash{$_};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}); next if grep {not $$hash{$_} if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'insert_min'};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}; $self->handler_insert0($table, $hash); next if ref $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'filter'} eq 'CODE' and $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'filter'}($self, $hash); $self->handler_insert($table, $hash); $self->stem_insert($table, $hash); $self->cut($$hash{$_}, $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'length'}) foreach (grep {length $$hash{$_} > $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'length'} if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'type'} eq $$self{'char_type'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'length'};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}); local $$self{'table'}{$table} = $$self{'table'}{$table}; my $chanded; ++$chanded == 1 ? $self->flush_insert($table) : (), $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'array_insert'} = 1 foreach (grep {not $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'array_insert'} if defined $$hash{$_} and length $$hash{$_} and keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table}{$_};};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}); $self->insert_cached($table, \@{$hash;}{$self->insert_order($table)}); $self->handler_insert2($table, $hash); } ; return undef; }
1651 0 0 $$self{'insert_hash_hash'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my $table = shift() || $$self{'current_table'}; foreach my $hash (@_) { $self->insert_hash($table, values %$hash); } ; return undef; }
1668 0 0 $$self{'q_file'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my $table = shift() || $$self{'current_table'}; my $search_str = shift(); my %tparam; if ($$self{'table'}{$table}{'name'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{'ext'} and $search_str =~ m[^([^/|"]+[^\s/|"])\.([^/\."|]+)$]) { (%tparam) = ('name', $1, 'ext', $2); } elsif ($$self{'table'}{$table}{'tiger'} and $search_str =~ /^\s*([A-Z0-9]{39})\s*$/i) { (%tparam) = ('tiger', uc $1); } ; return %tparam; }
1980 0 0 $$self{'where_body'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my($param_orig, $param_num, $table, $after) = @_; my $param = {%{{} unless $param_orig;}}; $table ||= $$self{'current_table'}; my($search_str_add, $ask, $close); my $questions = 0; map((++$questions), grep(defined($$param{$_ . $param_num}), @{['q', keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}] unless $config{'user_param_founded'};})); return if $param_num and not $questions or ++$$self{'rec_stop'} > 20; my $first = 1; my $local_cond = 0; while (defined $$param{'q' . $param_num} and $$param{'q' . $param_num} =~ s/(\w+\S?[=:](?:".+?"|\S+))//) { local $_ = $1; s/^(\S+):/$1=/; my $lparam = get_params_one(undef, $_); $$lparam{$_} =~ s/^"|"$//g, $$param{$_} = $$lparam{$_} foreach (keys %$lparam); } ; foreach my $preset ($$param{'q' . $param_num} =~ /:(\S+)/g) { foreach my $sets (keys %{$config{'preset'};}) { if ($config{'preset'}{$sets}{$preset}) { $$param{'q' . $param_num} =~ s/:$preset//; foreach $_ (keys %{$config{'preset'}{$sets}{$preset}{'set'};}) { $$param{$_ . $param_num} .= ($$param{$_ . $param_num} ? ' ' : '') . $config{'preset'}{$sets}{$preset}{'set'}{$_}; } ; } ; } ; } ; my $search_str = $$param{'q' . $param_num}; my $glueg = $$param{'glueg' . $param_num} eq 'or' ? ' OR ' : ' AND '; my $gluel = $$param{'gluel' . $param_num} eq 'or' ? ' OR ' : ' AND '; $glueg = ' XOR ' if $$self{'enable_xor_query'} and $$param{'glueg' . $param_num} eq 'xor'; $gluel = ' XOR ' if $$self{'enable_xor_query'} and $$param{'gluel' . $param_num} eq 'xor'; if (my($days) = $$param{'search_days' . $param_num} =~ /(\d+)/ and $1 and %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{'time'};}) { $ask .= ' ' . ($$self{'no_column_prepend_table'} ? () : "$tq$$self{'table_prefix'}$table$tq.") . "$rq" . "time$rq "; if ($$param{'search_days_mode' . $param_num} eq 'l') { $ask .= '<'; } else { $ask .= '>'; } ; $days = int(time) - $days * 24 * 60 * 60; $ask .= '= ' . ($$self{'sphinx'} ? $days : $self->squotes($days)); } ; if (not $$self{'no_online'} and defined $$param{'online' . $param_num}) { if ($$param{'online' . $param_num} eq 'on') { $$param{'online' . $param_num} = $config{'online_minutes'}; } ; if ($$param{'online' . $param_num} > 0) { $$param{'live' . $param_num} = int(time) + $$self{'timediff'} - int($$param{'online' . $param_num}) * 60; $$param{'live_mode' . $param_num} = 'g'; } ; } ; if ($$self{'path_complete'} and $$param{'path' . $param_num} and not $$param{'path' . $param_num} =~ m[^[ !/\*]] and $$param{'path' . $param_num} ne 'EMPTY' and not !$$self{'no_regex'} && ($$param{'path' . $param_num} =~ /^\s*reg?e?x?p?:\s*/i || $$param{'path_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[r~]/i)) { $search_str_add .= ' /' . $$param{'path' . $param_num} . '/ '; delete $$param{'path' . $param_num}; } ; foreach my $item ((sort {$$self{'table'}{$table}{$b}{'order'} <=> $$self{'table'}{$table}{$a}{'order'} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$b}{'weight'} <=> $$self{'table'}{$table}{$a}{'weight'};} grep({$$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'nav_hide'} unless $$self{'nav_all'} or $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'nav_num_field'} or $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'nav_field'};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};})), @{$$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'join_fields'};}) { next if $$self{'no_index'} or $$self{'ignore_index'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'no_index'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index'} or not $$param{$item . $param_num} =~ /\S/; my $lask; ++$local_cond, $lask .= $gluel if $ask; my $pib = $$param{$item . $param_num}; $pib =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g; my($group_not, $group_not_close); $pib =~ s/\:$_(\W|$)/$config{$item}{$_}{'to'}$1/g and ++$group_not foreach (grep {defined $config{$item}{$_}{'to'};} keys %{ref $config{$item} eq 'HASH' ? $config{$item} : {};}); next if $pib eq ''; my($brstr, $space); if ($$self{'table'}{$table}{$item}{'no_split_space'} or not $$self{'no_regex'} and $pib =~ /\s*reg?e?x?p?:\s*/ || $$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[r~]/i) { $space = '\\s+'; } else { $brstr = '|\\s+'; } ; $brstr = $space . '\\&+' . $space . '|' . $space . '\\|+' . $space . '|(\\s+AND\\s+)|\\s+OR\\s+' . $brstr; my $num_cond = 0; my($next_cond, $llask); do { my($pi, $cond); $cond = $next_cond; if ($pib =~ /($brstr)/) { ($pib, $pi, $next_cond) = ($', $`, $1); } else { $pi = $pib, $pib = ''; } ; if ($num_cond++) { if ($cond =~ /(and)|\&+/i) { $llask .= ' AND '; } elsif ($$self{'enable_xor_query'} and $cond =~ /(xor)/i) { $llask .= ' XOR '; } elsif ($cond =~ /(or)|\|+|\s+|^$/i) { $llask .= ' OR '; } ; } ; my $not = 1 if !$$self{'no_slow'} || $$self{'table'}{$table}{$item}{'fast_not'} and $pi =~ s/^\s*[\!\-]\s*//g; $llask .= ' NOT ' . ($group_not ? (++$group_not_close, ' ( ') : '') if $not; if ($$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'name_to_base'}{$item}) { $llask .= ' ' . $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'name_to_base'}{$item} . ' '; } else { $llask .= ' ' . ($$self{'no_column_prepend_table'} ? () : "$tq$$self{'table_prefix'}$table$tq.") . "$rq$item" . "$rq "; } ; my $dequote_; if (not $$self{'no_regex'} and $pi =~ s/^\s*reg?e?x?p?:\s*//gi || $$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[r~]/i) { $llask .= ' REGEXP '; } elsif (not $$self{'no_soundex'} and $pi =~ s/^\s*sou?n?d?e?x?:\s*//gi || $$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[s\@]/i) { $llask .= ' SOUNDS LIKE '; } elsif ($pi =~ /[*?]/) { $pi =~ s/%/\\%/g; ++$dequote_ if $pi =~ s/_/\\_/g; $pi =~ tr/*?/%_/; next if $$self{'no_empty'} and !($pi =~ /\S/) || $pi =~ /^\s*[%_]+\s*$/; $llask .= ' LIKE '; } elsif ($$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /notnull/i) { $llask .= 'IS NOT NULL'; next; } elsif ($$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /null/i) { $llask .= 'IS NULL'; next; } elsif ($$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[g>]/i) { $llask .= ($not ? '<' : '>') . '= '; } elsif ($$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[l<]/i) { $llask .= ($not ? '>' : '<') . '= '; } else { $llask .= '= '; } ; $pi =~ s/(^\s*)|(\s*$)//g; $pi = &psmisc::human('number_k', $pi) if $item eq 'size'; $work{'bold_' . $item} .= ' ' . $pi; unless ($$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$item}{'nav_num_field'} and $pi =~ /^\d+$/) { $pi = $pi ne 'EMPTY' ? $self->squotes($pi) : $self->squotes(''); } ; $pi =~ s/\\_/_/g if $dequote_; $llask .= $pi } while $pib and $num_cond < 50; $llask .= ' ) ' x $group_not_close; $group_not_close = 0; $lask .= ($num_cond > 1 ? ' ( ' : '') . $llask . ($num_cond > 1 ? ' ) ' : ''); $ask .= ((!$$self{'no_slow'} || $$self{'table'}{$table}{$item}{'fast_not'}) && ($$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[n!]/i ? ' NOT ' : ' ')) . $lask; } ; $work{'search_str'} .= ' ' . $search_str . ' ' . $search_str_add; if ($search_str =~ /\S/ or $search_str_add) { unless ($$param{'page'} > 1 or $$param{'order'} or $$param{'no_querystat'}) { ++$work{'query'}{$search_str}; map {++$work{'word'}{$_};} grep($_, split(/[\W_]+/, $search_str, 0)); } ; ++$local_cond, $ask .= $gluel if $ask; $$param{'adv_query' . $param_num} = 'on' if $search_str =~ /\S+\*+\s*/ or $search_str =~ /(^|\s+)(([+\-><~]+\()|\")[^"()]*\S+\s+\S+[^"()]*[\"\)]($|\s+)/ or $search_str =~ /(^|\s+)[\~\+\-\<\>]\S+/; $search_str =~ s/(\S+)/+$1/g if $$param{'adv_query' . $param_num} eq 'on' and not $search_str =~ /((^|\s)\W+\S)|\S\W+(\s|$)/ and $search_str =~ /\s/; $ask .= $search_str =~ s/^\s*\!\s*// ? ' NOT ' : ''; if (not $$self{'use_q_file_fallback'} and my(%tparam) = $self->q_file($table, $search_str)) { $ask .= ' ( ' . $self->where_body(\%tparam, undef, $table) . ' ) '; } elsif (not $$self{'sphinx'} || $$self{'no_slow'} and $search_str =~ /^\s*\*+\S+/ and $$self{'table'}{$table}{'path'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{'name'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{'ext'}) { my(%tparam) = ('path', '/' . $search_str, 'name', $search_str, 'ext', $search_str, 'gluel', 'or'); $ask .= ' ( ' . $self->where_body(\%tparam, undef, $table) . ' ) '; } else { $search_str .= $search_str_add; $$self{'handler_search_str'}($table, \$search_str) if ref $$self{'handler_search_str'} eq 'CODE'; my $search_str_stem = $self->stem($search_str) if grep {$$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'stem'};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}; local $$param{'adv_query' . $param_num} = 'on' if $$self{'ignore_index'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index'}; if (not $$param{'adv_query' . $param_num} and $$self{'ignore_index_fulltext'} || !grep({$$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'sphinx'} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'fulltext'};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}) or not $$self{'match'}) { $_ = join(' OR ', map({"$rq$_$rq LIKE " . $self->squotes((!$$self{'no_slow'} && ($$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'like_bef'} || $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'like_bef'} || $$self{'like_bef'}) ? '%' : '') . $search_str . '%');} grep({not $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'q_skip'} if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'q'} or $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'nav_field'};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}))); $ask .= ' ( ' . $_ . ' ) ' if $_; } else { $ask .= $self->match($param, $param_num, $table, $search_str, $search_str_stem); } ; } ; } ; if (not $$self{'sphinx'} and $local_cond > 1) { $ask = ' ( ' . $ask . ' ) '; } ; $ask = $glueg . $ask if $after and $ask; return $ask . ($ask && ($close ? ' ) ' x $close : '')) . $self->where_body($param, $param_num + (defined $param_num ? 1 : ($$param{'search_prev'} ? 0 : 1)), $table, $ask ? 1 : 0); }
1997 0 0 $$self{'where'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my($param, undef, $table) = @_; $$self{'rec_stop'} = 0; my $where = $self->where_body(@_); if ($$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'where_extra'}) { $where .= ' AND ' if length $where; $where .= $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'where_extra'}; } ; return ' WHERE ' . $where if $where; return undef; }
2039 0 0 $$self{'count'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my($param, $table) = @_; $self->limit_calc($self, $param, $table); return undef if $$self{'query_count'}{$table}++ or $$self{'ignore_index'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index'}; my @ask; $$param{'count_f'} = 'on' if $$self{'page'} eq 'rnd'; push @ask, ' COUNT(*) ' if $$param{'count_f'} eq 'on'; push @ask, " SUM($tq$table$tq.$rq$_$rq) " foreach (grep((($$self{'allow_count_all'} || $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'allow_count'}) && $$param{'count_' . $_} eq 'on'), sort(keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}))); if (@ask) { my(%tmp_para) = %$param; local $$self{'dbirows'}; delete $tmp_para{'online'}; my $where = $self->where(\%tmp_para, undef, $table); return unless $$self{'allow_null_count'} or $where; my $from = join(' ', $tq . $$self{'table_prefix'} . $table . $tq, $self->join_what(undef, $param, $table)); my $req = ' SELECT ' . join(' , ', @ask) . " FROM $from $where "; &psmisc::flush(); @ask = values %{$self->query($req)->[0];}; $$self{'stat'}{'found'}{'files'} = pop @ask if $$param{'count_f'} eq 'on'; foreach $_ (grep(($$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'allow_count'} && $$param{'count_' . $_} eq 'on'), sort(keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}))) { my $t = pop @ask; $$self{'stat'}{'found'}{$_} = $t if $t; } ; } ; $$self{'calc_count'}($self, $param, $table); return undef; }
2046 0 0 $$self{'can_select'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my($param, $table) = @_; my $where = $self->where($param, undef, $table); return $where if $where; return '0E0' if $$self{'use_sphinx'} and $$self{'sphinx_dbi'} and length $$param{'q'}; }
2050 0 0 $opt ||= {}
2266 0 0 $ids{$from} ||= []
2274 0 0 $ids{$from} || (next)
2375 0 0 $$self{'select'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my($table, $param, $opt) = @_; $opt ||= {}; $$self{'current_table'} = $table; my $select; my $ids = []; my $idsh = {}; my %id; my $ret = []; $$self{'founded_max'} = $$self{'dbirows'} = 0; my(@fail, @selects); my $file_fallback; my $n; my $post_process = sub ($) { my($ret) = @_; foreach my $r (@$ret) { $$r{$_} ||= $$idsh{$$r{'id'}}{$_} foreach (keys %{{} unless $$idsh{$$r{'id'}};}); } ; @$ret = (sort {$$idsh{$$a{'id'}}{'n'} <=> $$idsh{$$b{'id'}}{'n'};} @$ret); foreach $_ (@fail) { next if scalar @$ret < $$_{'n'}; $$ret[$$_{'n'}]{'__fulltext_fail'} = $$_{'q'}; } ; @fail = (); } ; my $do_select = sub { my $count; foreach my $s (@_) { my $select; my($count_add, $idst); ($select, $idst, $count_add) = &$s() if &psmisc::is_code($s); if (&psmisc::is_array_size($idst)) { $ids = $idst; my $nn = $$self{'sphinx_dbi'}{'limit_offset'} || $$self{'limit_offset'}; $idsh = {map({$$_{'n'} //= ++$nn; $$_{'id'}, $_;} @$ids)}; } ; $count += $count_add; ($select) = $s if &psmisc::is_hash($s); local $$self{'limit_body'} = sub { } if &psmisc::is_array_size($ids); if (&psmisc::is_hash($select)) { foreach my $s (sort {$$select{$a} <=> $$select{$b};} keys %$select) { my $r; $r = $$self{'shard_dbis'}{$$select{$s}}->query(scalar &psmisc::cp_trans($$self{'cp_in'}, $$self{'codepage'}, $self->select_body($s, $param))) if $s; next unless $r; foreach my $l (@$r) { $$l{'id'} //= &psmisc::join_url($l); } ; $r = [grep({not $id{$$_{'id'}}++;} @$r)]; &$post_process($r); $count += scalar @$r; $$opt{'row'}(@$r), &psmisc::code_run($$opt{'flush'}), next if &psmisc::is_code($$opt{'row'}); push @$ret, @$r; } ; } else { foreach my $select (&psmisc::array($select)) { my $r; $r = $self->query(scalar &psmisc::cp_trans($$self{'cp_in'}, $$self{'codepage'}, $self->select_body($select, $param))) if $select; next unless $r; map {$$_{'id'} //= &psmisc::join_url($_);} @$r; $r = [grep({not $id{$$_{'id'}}++;} @$r)]; $count += scalar @$r; push @$ret, @$r; } ; } ; last if $count >= $$self{'limit'}; } continue { ++$n; } ; return $count; } ; push @selects, sub { my $ask; my $search_str = $$param{'q'}; if (my(%tparam) = $self->q_file($table, $search_str)) { $ask .= ' ( ' . $self->where_body(\%tparam, undef, $table) . ' ) '; } ; } if $$self{'use_q_file_fallback'} and not $$self{'sphinx'}; push @selects, sub { my $ids = []; my %id; if ($$self{'use_sphinx'} and $$self{'sphinx_dbi'} and length $$param{'q'} and $file_fallback || !$self->q_file($table, $$param{'q'})) { ($tq, $rq, $vq) = $self->quotes; local $$self{'sphinx_dbi'}{'option'}{'max_query_time'} = 2000 if $config{'client_bot'}; my $idsl = []; push @$idsl, grep({not $id{$$_{'id'}}++;} @{$$self{'sphinx_dbi'}->select($table, $param);}); $$self{'founded_max'} = $$self{'sphinx_dbi'}{'option'}{'cutoff'}; if (@$ids + @$idsl < $$self{'limit'}) { ++$work{'fulltext_fail'} unless @$ids; local $$param{'q'} = $$param{'q'}; foreach my $func (sub { $_[0] =~ s/\s*"\s*$// if $_[0] =~ s/^\s*"\s*//; } , sub { $_[0] =~ s/(\w\s+)(\w)/$1 | $2/g; } ) { if (&$func($$param{'q'})) { local $$param{'no_querystat'} = 1; local $$self{'sphinx_dbi'}{'limit_minus'} = scalar @$idsl; local $$self{'sphinx_dbi'}{'limit_offset'}; local $$self{'sphinx_dbi'}{'page'} = 0 if $$self{'sphinx_dbi'}{'limit_minus'}; my $ids_add = $$self{'sphinx_dbi'}->select($table, $param); $$self{'founded_max'} = $$self{'sphinx_dbi'}{'option'}{'cutoff'}; push @fail, {'n', scalar @$ids + scalar(@$idsl), 'q', $$param{'q'}} if @$ids_add; unless (@$ids_add) { ++$work{'fulltext_fail_or'}; } ; push @$idsl, grep({not $id{$$_{'id'}}++;} @$ids_add); } ; last if @$ids + @$idsl >= $$self{'limit'}; } ; } ; if (@$idsl) { my $wheregen = sub { @_ = &psmisc::array(@_); return " WHERE ${rq}id$rq IN (" . join(',', map({$$_{'id'};} @_)) . ')' if @_; } ; if (not $$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'shard'}) { my %ids; foreach my $r (@$idsl) { foreach my $from (reverse sort keys %{$$self{'shard_dbis'};}) { if ($$r{'id'} >= $from) { push @{$ids{$from} ||= [];}, $r; last; } ; } ; } ; $select = {}; foreach my $from (keys %{$$self{'shard_dbis'};}) { my $w = $ids{$from} || (next); $$select{&$wheregen($w)} = $from; } ; } else { $select = &$wheregen($idsl); } ; push @$ids, @$idsl; } ; } ; local $$self{'limit_body'} = sub { } if @$ids; ($tq, $rq, $vq) = $self->quotes; my $count; unless ($select or $$self{'use_sphinx'} and $config{'client_bot'}) { unless ($$self{'use_sphinx'} and $$self{'no_sphinx_like'}) { if (not $$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'shard'}) { foreach my $from (sort keys %{$$self{'shard_dbis'};}) { local $$self{'limit_from'} = $$self{'limit_offset'} + $count if $count; local $$self{'limit_minus'} = $count; $select = {}; $$select{"/* $from */" . $self->where($param, undef, $table)} = $from; $count += &$do_select($select); $select = undef; last if $count >= $$self{'limit'}; } ; } else { $select = $self->where($param, undef, $table); } ; } ; $$self{'founded_max'} = 0; } ; return $select, $ids, $count; } ; my $count = &$do_select(@selects); if ($$self{'use_sphinx'} and @$ids) { my $n = 0; &$post_process($ret); } ; $$self{'dbirows'} ||= $count; return wantarray ? @$ret : $ret; }
2380 0 0 $$self{'select_log'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my($table, $param) = @_; return $self->query_log($self->select_body($self->where($param, undef, $table), $param, $table)); }
2458 0 0 $$self{'join_what'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my($where, $param, $table) = @_; $table ||= $$self{'current_table'}; my @join; foreach my $jt (keys %{$$self{'table_join'}{$table};}) { local(@_) = grep({$$self{'table'}{$jt}{$_} if $_;} keys %{$$self{'table_join'}{$table}{$jt}{'on'};}); push @join, ' LEFT JOIN ' . $tq . $$self{'table_prefix'} . $jt . $tq . ' ON ' . '(' . join(', ', map({$tq . $$self{'table_prefix'} . $table . $tq . '.' . $rq . $$self{'table_join'}{$table}{$jt}{'on'}{$_} . $rq . ' = ' . $tq . $$self{'table_prefix'} . $jt . $tq . '.' . $rq . $_ . $rq;} @_)) . ')' if @_; unless (@_) { @_ = grep({$$self{'table'}{$jt}{$_} if $_;} keys %{$$self{'table_join'}{$table}{$jt}{'using'};}); @_ = grep({$$self{'table'}{$jt}{$_}{'primary'};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$jt};}) unless @_; push @join, ' LEFT JOIN ' . $tq . $$self{'table_prefix'} . $jt . $tq . ' USING ' . '(' . join(', ', map({$rq . $_ . $rq;} @_)) . ')' if @_; } ; } ; return join(' ', @join); }
2490 0 0 $$self{'join_where'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my($where, $param, $table) = @_; my @what; $table ||= $$self{'current_table'}; foreach my $jt (sort keys %{$$self{'table_join'}{$table};}) { local $_ = join(', ', map({$tq . $$self{'table_prefix'} . $jt . $tq . '.' . $rq . $$self{'table_join'}{$table}{$jt}{'fields'}{$_} . $rq . ' AS ' . $rq . $_ . $rq;} grep({$$self{'table'}{$jt}{$$self{'table_join'}{$table}{$jt}{'fields'}{$_}};} sort(keys %{$$self{'table_join'}{$table}{$jt}{'fields'};})))); $_ ||= "$tq$$self{'table_prefix'}$jt" . "$tq.*"; push @what, $_; } ; return join(', ', grep({$_;} @what)); }
2500 0 0 $$param{$by . $ordern} || (next)
2533 0 0 $$self{$by . 'by'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my($param, $table) = @_; $table ||= $$self{'current_table'}; my($sql, %order); foreach my $ordern ('', 0..10) { my $order = $$param{$by . $ordern} || (next); last if $$self{'ignore_index'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index'}; my $min_data; ++$min_data foreach (grep {defined $$param{$_} if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'sort_min'};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}); last if $$self{'no_slow'} and not $min_data; foreach my $join (grep {$order eq $_;} grep({not $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'no_order'} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'sort'};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}), @{$$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'join_fields'};}) { my($intable) = grep({keys %{$$self{'table'}{$_}{$join};};} $table, keys %{$config{'sql'}{'table_join'}{$table};}); $order{($$self{'no_column_prepend_table'} ? '' : $tq . $intable . $tq . '.') . $rq . $join . $rq . ($$param{$by . '_mode' . $ordern} ? ' DESC ' : ' ASC')} = $ordern; } ; } ; if (keys %order) { $sql .= ' ' . uc($by) . ' BY ' . join(', ', (sort {$order{$a} <=> $order{$b};} keys %order)); } ; return $sql; }
2606 0 0 $$self{'select_body'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my($where, $param, $table) = @_; $table ||= $$self{'current_table'}; ($tq, $rq, $vq) = $self->quotes; $self->limit_calc($param, $table); if ($$self{'ignore_index'} || $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index'} and not $$self{'no_index'} || $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'no_index'}) { local(@_) = (); local(%_) = (); foreach $_ (keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}) { ++$_{$$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'fulltext'}} if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'fulltext'}; push @_, $_ if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'index'}; } ; push @_, keys %_ unless $$self{'ignore_index_fulltext'} and $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index_fulltext'}; $work{'sql_select_index'} = 'IGNORE INDEX (' . join(',', @_) . ')'; } ; my $from; if ($table) { if ($$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'stemmed_index'} and not $$param{'accurate'}) { $from .= "$tq$$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'stemmed_index'}$tq "; } else { $from .= "$tq$$self{'table_prefix'}$table$tq "; } ; } ; unless ($$self{'no_join'}) { $from .= $work{'sql_select_index'} . ' ' . $self->join_what($where, $param, $table); } ; $from = 'FROM ' . $from if $from; my $sql = $from . ' ' . $where; my(@what) = (($table && !$$self{'no_column_prepend_table'} ? $tq . $$self{'table_prefix'} . $table . $tq . '.' : '') . '*', $work{'what_relevance'}{$table}, $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'what_extra'}); if (defined $$self{'table'}{$table}{$$param{'distinct'}}) { @what = ("DISTINCT $rq$$param{'distinct'}$rq", $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'what_extra'}); } else { unless ($$self{'no_join'}) { @what = ($self->join_where($where, $param, $table), @what); } ; } ; $sql = join(', ', grep({$_;} @what)) . ' ' . $sql; my $priority; $priority = $$self{'HIGH_PRIORITY'} unless $config{'client_bot'} or $config{'client_no_high_priority'}; $sql = " SELECT $$self{'SELECT_FLAGS'} $priority " . $sql; $sql .= $self->groupby($param, $table); $sql .= $self->orderby($param, $table); $sql .= $self->limit_body; if ($$self{'OPTION'} and &psmisc::is_hash($$self{'option'})) { $sql .= $$self{'OPTION'} . ' ' . join(', ', map({"$_=$$self{'option'}{$_}";} keys %{$$self{'option'};})); } ; $sql .= $$self{'select_append'}; return $sql; }
2617 0 0 $$self{'limit_body'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); return unless $$self{'limit_offset'} or $$self{'limit'}; return ' LIMIT ' . ($$self{'limit_offset'} && !$$self{'OFFSET'} ? $$self{'limit_offset'} . ',' : '') . $$self{'limit'} . ($$self{'OFFSET'} && $$self{'limit_offset'} ? ' ' . $$self{'OFFSET'} . ' ' . $$self{'limit_offset'} : '') . ' '; return ''; }
2629 0 0 $$self{'limit'} || 1
0 0 $$self{'limit'} || 1
2635 0 0 $$self{'calc_count'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my($param, $table, $count) = @_; return if $work{'calc_count'}{$table}++; $$self{'founded'} = $count || ($$self{'dbirows'} > $$self{'stat'}{'found'}{'files'} && $$self{'dbirows'} < $$self{'limit'} ? $$self{'dbirows'} + $$self{'limit_offset'} : $$self{'stat'}{'found'}{'files'}); $$self{'founded'} = 0 if $$self{'founded'} < 0 or not $$self{'founded'}; $$self{'page_last'} = $$self{'limit'} > 0 ? int($$self{'founded'} / ($$self{'limit'} || 1)) + ($$self{'founded'} % ($$self{'limit'} || 1) ? 1 : 0) : 0; $$self{'page'} = int rand $$self{'page_last'} if $$self{'page'} eq 'rnd' and $$param{'count_f'} eq 'on'; }
2645 0 0 $$param{'show_from'} || 0
2652 0 0 $$self{'limit_calc'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my($param) = @_; $$self{'limit_offset'} = int($$self{'page'} > 0 ? $$self{'limit'} * ($$self{'page'} - 1) : $$param{'show_from'} || 0); $$self{'limit_offset'} -= $$self{'limit_from'} - $$self{'limit_minus'} if $$self{'limit_offset'}; $$self{'limit'} -= $$self{'limit_minus'}; return undef; }
2659 0 0 $$self{'lock_tables'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); return $self->do($$self{'LOCK TABLES'} . ' ' . join(' ', @_)) if $$self{'LOCK TABLES'}; }
2666 0 0 $$self{'unlock_tables'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); return $self->do($$self{'UNLOCK TABLES'} . ' ' . join(' ', @_)) if $$self{'UNLOCK TABLES'}; }
2679 0 0 $$self{'stat_string'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); return 'sqlstat: ' . join(' ', map({"$_=$$self{$_};";} grep({$$self{$_};} @_ || sort(keys %{$$self{'statable'};}))), map({"$_=" . &psmisc::human('time_period', $$self{$_}) . ';';} grep({$$self{$_};} @_ || sort(keys %{$$self{'statable_time'};})))); }
2683 0 0 $$self{'log_stat'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); $self->log('stat', $self->stat_string(@_)); }
2691 0 0 $$self{'check_data'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); local(@_) = sort(grep({$_;} keys %{$$self{'table'};})); return 0 unless @_; return 0; return $self->query('SELECT * FROM ' . join(',', map({"$tq$_$tq";} @_)) . ' WHERE 1 LIMIT 1'); }
2700 0 0 $$self{'check_data_every_table'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); local(@_) = sort(grep({$_;} keys %{$$self{'table'};})); return 0 unless @_; foreach my $table (@_) { $self->query_log("SELECT * FROM $tq$table$tq LIMIT 1"); } ; }
2707 0 0 $$self{'on_connect1'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); $self->check_data if $$self{'auto_check'}; }
2713 0 0 $$self{'table_stat'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); $self->log('info', 'totals:', @_, map({$_, '=', values %{$self->line("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $rq$$self{'table_prefix'}$_$rq ");};} grep({$_;} @_ || keys %{$$self{'table'};}))); }
2725 0 0 $$self{'next_user_prepare'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); delete $$self{$_} foreach ('founded', 'queries', 'queries_time', 'errors_chain', 'errors', 'connect_tried', 'error_log'); $$self{'stat'}{'found'} = {}; $$self{'on_user' . $_}($self) foreach (grep {ref $$self{'on_user' . $_} eq 'CODE';} '', 1..5); }
2731 0 0 $$self{'next_user'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); $self->user_params(@_); $self->next_user_prepare(@_); $$self{'sphinx_dbi'}->next_user(@_) if $$self{'sphinx_dbi'}; }
2817 0 0 $$self{'stem'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); local $_ = lc scalar &psmisc::cp_trans($$self{'cp_in'}, $$self{'cp_int'}, $_[0]); $$self{'stem_version'} = 4 if $$self{'stem_version'} <= 1; if ($$self{'stem_version'} == 2) { s/(\d)(\D)/$1 $2/g; s/(\D)(\d)/$1 $2/g; tr/\x{410}-\x{42f}/\x{430}-\x{44f}/; s/[\x{44a}\x{44c}]//g; s/kn/n/g; tr/\x{430}\x{431}\x{432}\x{433}\x{434}\x{435}\x{436}\x{437}\x{438}\x{439}\x{43a}\x{43b}\x{43c}\x{43d}\x{43e}\x{43f}\x{440}\x{441}\x{442}\x{443}\x{444}\x{445}\x{446}\x{447}\x{448}\x{449}\x{44b}\x{44d}\x{44e}\x{44f}\x{451}/abvgdejsiiklmnoprstufhccssieuae/; tr/ekouw/acaav/; s/'//g; s/\W/ /g if $_[1]; s/_/ /g; s/(?:rd|nd)\b/d/g; s/ay\b/y/g; s/\B[aeisuo]\b//g; s/av/af/g; s/sch/s/g; s/ph/f/g; s/\s+/ /g; s/(\w)\1+/$1/g; } elsif ($$self{'stem_version'} == 3) { s/(\d)(\D)/$1 $2/g; s/(\D)(\d)/$1 $2/g; tr/\x{410}-\x{42f}/\x{430}-\x{44f}/; s/[\x{44a}\x{44c}]//g; s/kn/n/g; tr/\x{430}\x{431}\x{432}\x{433}\x{434}\x{435}\x{436}\x{437}\x{438}\x{439}\x{43a}\x{43b}\x{43c}\x{43d}\x{43e}\x{43f}\x{440}\x{441}\x{442}\x{443}\x{444}\x{445}\x{446}\x{447}\x{448}\x{449}\x{44b}\x{44d}\x{44e}\x{44f}\x{451}/abvgdejsiiklmnoprstufhccssieuae/; s/ks/x/g; tr/kw/cv/; s/'//g; s/\W/ /g if $_[1]; s/_/ /g; s/(?:rd|nd)\b/d/g; s/ay\b/y/g; s/\B[aeisuo]\b//g; s/av/af/g; s/sch/s/g; s/ph/f/g; s/\s+/ /g; s/(?:(?!xxx)|(?=xxxx))(\w)\1+(?:(?
2828 0 0 $$self{'stem_insert'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my($table, $col) = @_; return 1 unless ref $$self{'stem'} eq 'CODE'; $$col{'stem'} = join(' ', map({$self->stem($$col{$_}, 1);} grep({$$col{$_} if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'stem'};} keys %$col))); return undef; }
2842 0 0 $$self{'last_insert_id'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my $table = shift() || $$self{'current_table'}; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and $$self{'driver'} eq 'pgpp') { my($field) = grep({$$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'auto_increment'} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'type'} eq 'serial';} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}); return $self->line("SELECT currval('${table}_${field}_seq') as lastid")->{'lastid'}; } else { return $$self{'dbh'}->last_insert_id(undef, undef, $table, undef); } ; }
2845 0 0 $$self{'dump_cp'} ||= sub { $self->log('dev', map({"$_ = $$self{$_}; ";} 'codepage', 'cp', 'cp_in', 'cp_out', 'cp_int', 'cp_set_names')); }
2851 0 0 $$self{'cp_client'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); $$self{'cp_in'} = $_[0] if $_[0]; $$self{'cp_out'} = $_[1] || $$self{'cp_in'} if $_[1] or $_[0]; return $$self{'cp_in'}, $$self{'cp_out'}; }
2862 0 0 $$self{'index_disable'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my $tim = &psmisc::timer(); $self->log('info', 'Disabling indexes on', @_); $self->log('err', 'ALTER TABLE ... DISABLE KEYS available in mysql >= 4'), return if $$self{'driver'} eq 'mysql3' or not $$self{'driver'} =~ /mysql/; $self->do("ALTER TABLE $tq$config{'table_prefix'}$_$tq DISABLE KEYS") foreach (@_); $self->log('time', 'Disable index per', &psmisc::human('time_period', &$tim()), 'sec'); }
2873 0 0 $$self{'index_enable'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); my $tim = &psmisc::timer(); $self->log('info', 'Enabling indexes on', @_); $self->log('err', 'ALTER TABLE ... DISABLE KEYS available in mysql >= 4'), return if $$self{'driver'} eq 'mysql3' or not $$self{'driver'} =~ /mysql/; $self->do("ALTER TABLE $tq$config{'table_prefix'}$_$tq ENABLE KEYS") foreach (@_); $self->log('time', 'Enable index per ', &psmisc::human('time_period', &$tim())); }
2887 0 0 $$self{$action} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); @_ = sort(keys %{$$self{'table'};}) unless @_; @_ = grep({$$self{'table'}{$_} if $_;} @_); $self->log('err', 'not defined action', $action), return unless $$self{uc $action}; $self->log('info', $action, @_); my $tim = &psmisc::timer(); foreach $_ ($$self{'bulk_service'} ? \@_ : @_) { $self->query_log($$self{uc $action} . ' ' . join(',', map($self->tquote("$$self{'table_prefix'}$_"), &psmisc::array($_)))); } ; $self->log('time', $action, 'per ', &psmisc::human('time_period', &$tim())); }
2909 0 0 $$self{'retry_off'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); return if %{{} unless $$self{'retry_save'};}; $$self{'retry_save'}{$_} = $$self{$_}, $$self{$_} = 0 foreach (@{$$self{'retry_vars'};}); }
2915 0 0 $$self{'retry_on'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); return unless %{{} unless $$self{'retry_save'};}; $$self{$_} = $$self{'retry_save'}{$_} foreach (@{$$self{'retry_vars'};}); $$self{'retry_save'} = {}; }
2920 0 0 $$self{'set_names'} ||= sub { my $self = shift(); local $_ = $_[0] || $$self{'cp_set_names'}; $self->do($$self{'SET NAMES'} . " $vq$_$vq") if $_ and $$self{'SET NAMES'}; }

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
90 0 4 0 defined $config{'row'} ? $config{'row'}{$row} : undef or $row{$row}
127 0 1 0 $row{'id'} ||= row('uint', 'auto_increment', 1, 'primary', 1)
0 1 0 $row{'added'} ||= row('time', 'default_insert', int time, 'no_insert_update', 1)
129 0 1 0 $row{'year'} ||= row('uint16')
130 0 1 0 $row{'size'} ||= row('uint64')
154 0 0 0 $errstr =~ /syntax|unrecognized token/i or $errstr =~ /misuse of aggregate/
302 0 0 0 $ENV{'MOD_PERL'} || $ENV{'FCGI_ROLE'}
306 0 0 0 $ENV{'MOD_PERL'} or $ENV{'FCGI_ROLE'}
354 0 0 0 $work{'what_relevance'}{$table} ||= $match . " AS $rq" . "relev$rq"
0 0 0 $$self{'select_relevance'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'select_relevance'}
500 0 0 0 $$self{'dbname'} ||= $$self{'database'}
530 0 0 0 $glue ||= $$self{'fulltext_glue'}
557 0 0 0 $$self{$_} //= $$self{'default'}{$$self{'driver'}}{$_}
561 0 0 0 $$self{'dbi'} ||= $$self{'driver'}
563 0 0 0 $$self{$$self{'codepage'}} || $$self{'codepage'}
565 0 0 0 $$self{'cp_set_names'} ||= $_
616 0 0 0 $$self{'param_trans_int'}{$from} || $from
621 0 0 0 $work{'codepage'} || $$param{'codepage'} || $config{'codepage'}
631 0 0 0 $$self{'tq'} ||= $$self{'table quote'}
632 0 0 0 $$self{'rq'} ||= $$self{'row quote'}
633 0 0 0 $$self{'vq'} ||= $$self{'value quote'}
647 0 0 0 $$self{'drh'} ||= 'DBI'->install_driver($$self{'dbi'})
739 0 0 0 not $$self{'sth'} or $$self{'sth'}->err
783 0 0 0 $$self{'no_dbirows'} or $$self{'dbirows'} <= 0
829 0 0 0 $$self{'vquote'} ||= $$self{'quote'}
840 0 0 0 $err ||= $DBI::err
841 0 0 0 $errstr ||= $DBI::errstr
864 0 0 0 $work{'die'} or $$self{'die'}
0 0 0 $work{'die'} or $$self{'die'} or $$self{'fatal'}
0 0 0 $work{'die'} or $$self{'die'} or $$self{'fatal'} or $$self{'error_tries'} and $$self{'errors'} > $$self{'error_tries'}
0 0 0 $work{'die'} or $$self{'die'} or $$self{'fatal'} or $$self{'error_tries'} and $$self{'errors'} > $$self{'error_tries'} or $$self{'error_chain_tries'} and $$self{'errors_chain'} > $$self{'error_chain_tries'}
877 0 0 0 $err || $$self{'sth'}
898 0 0 0 $errtype eq 'install' or $errtype eq 'upgrade'
920 0 0 0 $sl == 0 or $$self{'force_repair'}
921 0 0 0 !$repair || $$self{'auto_repair_selected'} && $$self{'table_param'}{$repair}{'no_auto_repair'}
1105 0 0 0 $$table{$row}{'length'} ||= $length
1272 0 0 0 $tab =~ /^\W/ or not $tab =~ /\w/
1294 0 0 0 $tab =~ /^\W/ or not $tab =~ /\w/
1312 0 0 0 shift() || $$self{'current_table'}
1320 0 0 0 shift() || $$self{'current_table'}
1328 0 0 0 $table || $$self{'current_table'}
1336 0 0 0 $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'insert_by'} || $$self{'insert_by'}
0 0 0 $$self{'insert_block'}{$table} //= $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'insert_by'} || $$self{'insert_by'}
1340 0 0 0 $$self{'insert_block'}{$table}-- <= 1 or not scalar @_
0 0 0 $$self{'insert_buffer_time'}{$table} ||= time
0 0 0 $$self{'insert_block'}{$table}-- <= 1 or not scalar @_ or time - ($$self{'insert_buffer_time'}{$table} ||= time) > $$self{'insert_cached_time'}
1394 0 0 0 $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'insert_by'} || $$self{'insert_by'}
1456 0 0 0 shift() || $$self{'current_table'}
1484 0 0 0 $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'primary'} || $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'unique'}
1502 0 0 0 $set ||= join(', ', map({$rq . $_ . $rq . '=' . $self->quote($self->cut($$values{$_}, $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'length'}));} @_ = grep((!($_ =~ /$bymask/) && $_ && %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_};} && defined $$values{$_}), keys %$values), @_ ? () : grep({defined $$values{$_} if $_ and %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_};};} keys %$values)))
1512 0 0 0 $where || $bywhere
1515 0 0 0 $set || $lwhere || !$$self{'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE'}
0 0 0 $bywhere || $where || $whereignore
1526 0 0 0 $set and int $_ or $lwhere
1533 0 0 0 shift() || $$self{'current_table'}
1553 0 0 0 shift() || $$self{'current_table'}
1572 0 0 0 $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'default_insert'} || ($$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'array_insert'} ? $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'default'} : undef)
1648 0 0 0 shift() || $$self{'current_table'}
1654 0 0 0 shift() || $$self{'current_table'}
1674 0 0 0 $table ||= $$self{'current_table'}
1681 0 0 0 $param_num and not $questions or ++$$self{'rec_stop'} > 20
1751 0 0 0 $$self{'nav_all'} or $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'nav_num_field'}
0 0 0 $$self{'nav_all'} or $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'nav_num_field'} or $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'nav_field'}
1765 0 0 0 $$self{'no_index'} or $$self{'ignore_index'}
0 0 0 $$self{'no_index'} or $$self{'ignore_index'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'no_index'}
0 0 0 $$self{'no_index'} or $$self{'ignore_index'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'no_index'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index'}
0 0 0 $$self{'no_index'} or $$self{'ignore_index'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'no_index'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index'} or not $$param{$item . $param_num} =~ /\S/
1782 0 0 0 $pib =~ /\s*reg?e?x?p?:\s*/ || $$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[r~]/i
0 0 0 $$self{'table'}{$table}{$item}{'no_split_space'} or not $$self{'no_regex'} and $pib =~ /\s*reg?e?x?p?:\s*/ || $$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[r~]/i
1809 0 0 0 !$$self{'no_slow'} || $$self{'table'}{$table}{$item}{'fast_not'}
1822 0 0 0 $pi =~ s/^\s*reg?e?x?p?:\s*//gi || $$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[r~]/i
0 0 0 $pi =~ s/^\s*sou?n?d?e?x?:\s*//gi || $$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[s\@]/i
1835 0 0 0 !($pi =~ /\S/) || $pi =~ /^\s*[%_]+\s*$/
1872 0 0 0 $search_str =~ /\S/ or $search_str_add
1873 0 0 0 $$param{'page'} > 1 or $$param{'order'}
0 0 0 $$param{'page'} > 1 or $$param{'order'} or $$param{'no_querystat'}
1882 0 0 0 $search_str =~ /\S+\*+\s*/ or $search_str =~ /(^|\s+)(([+\-><~]+\()|\")[^"()]*\S+\s+\S+[^"()]*[\"\)]($|\s+)/
0 0 0 $search_str =~ /\S+\*+\s*/ or $search_str =~ /(^|\s+)(([+\-><~]+\()|\")[^"()]*\S+\s+\S+[^"()]*[\"\)]($|\s+)/ or $search_str =~ /(^|\s+)[\~\+\-\<\>]\S+/
1892 0 0 0 $$self{'sphinx'} || $$self{'no_slow'}
1914 0 0 0 $$self{'ignore_index'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index'}
1918 0 0 0 $$self{'ignore_index_fulltext'} || !grep({$$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'sphinx'} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'fulltext'};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};})
0 0 0 not $$param{'adv_query' . $param_num} and $$self{'ignore_index_fulltext'} || !grep({$$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'sphinx'} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'fulltext'};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}) or not $$self{'match'}
1935 0 0 0 $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'q'} or $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'nav_field'}
2005 0 0 0 $$self{'query_count'}{$table}++ or $$self{'ignore_index'}
0 0 0 $$self{'query_count'}{$table}++ or $$self{'ignore_index'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index'}
2020 0 0 0 $$self{'allow_null_count'} or $where
2072 0 0 0 $$r{$_} ||= $$idsh{$$r{'id'}}{$_}
2100 0 0 0 $$self{'sphinx_dbi'}{'limit_offset'} || $$self{'limit_offset'}
2101 0 0 0 $$_{'n'} //= ++$nn
2125 0 0 0 $$l{'id'} //= &psmisc::join_url($l)
2149 0 0 0 $$_{'id'} //= &psmisc::join_url($_)
2195 0 0 0 $file_fallback || !$self->q_file($table, $$param{'q'})
2295 0 0 0 $select or $$self{'use_sphinx'} and $config{'client_bot'}
2373 0 0 0 $$self{'dbirows'} ||= $count
2385 0 0 0 $table ||= $$self{'current_table'}
2464 0 0 0 $table ||= $$self{'current_table'}
2481 0 0 0 $_ ||= "$tq$$self{'table_prefix'}$jt" . "$tq.*"
2496 0 0 0 $table ||= $$self{'current_table'}
2501 0 0 0 $$self{'ignore_index'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index'}
2539 0 0 0 $table ||= $$self{'current_table'}
2545 0 0 0 $$self{'ignore_index'} || $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index'}
0 0 0 $$self{'no_index'} || $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'no_index'}
2588 0 0 0 $config{'client_bot'} or $config{'client_no_high_priority'}
2610 0 0 0 $$self{'limit_offset'} or $$self{'limit'}
2624 0 0 0 $count || ($$self{'dbirows'} > $$self{'stat'}{'found'}{'files'} && $$self{'dbirows'} < $$self{'limit'} ? $$self{'dbirows'} + $$self{'limit_offset'} : $$self{'stat'}{'found'}{'files'})
2628 0 0 0 $$self{'founded'} < 0 or not $$self{'founded'}
2676 0 0 0 @_ || sort(keys %{$$self{'statable'};})
0 0 0 @_ || sort(keys %{$$self{'statable_time'};})
2712 0 0 0 @_ || keys %{$$self{'table'};}
2831 0 0 0 shift() || $$self{'current_table'}
2849 0 0 0 $_[1] || $$self{'cp_in'}
0 0 0 $_[1] or $_[0]
2856 0 0 0 $$self{'driver'} eq 'mysql3' or not $$self{'driver'} =~ /mysql/
2867 0 0 0 $$self{'driver'} eq 'mysql3' or not $$self{'driver'} =~ /mysql/
2918 0 0 0 $_[0] || $$self{'cp_set_names'}

xor 4 conditions

line l&&r l&&!r !l&&r !l&&!r condition
342 0 0 0 0 $$self{'accurate'} xor not $stem
527 0 0 0 0 $$self{'accurate'} xor not $stem