Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 12 0.0

line true false branch
93 0 0 unless ($change)
95 0 0 unless $self->identification and Net::DRI::Util::has_key($self->identification, 'value')
98 0 0 if $self->type and not $self->type =~ /^(?:individual|organization)$/
99 0 0 if $self->identification and $self->identification->{'type'} && !($self->identification->{'type'} =~ /^(?:010|020|030|040|110)$/) || !Net::DRI::Util::xml_is_token($self->identification->{'value'}, 1, 20)
100 0 0 if $self->mobile and not Net::DRI::Util::xml_is_token($self->mobile, undef, 17) and not $self->mobile =~ /^\+[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,14}(?:x\d+)?$/
102 0 0 if @errs