Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 77 198 38.8

line true false branch
102 0 0 defined $self->{'profile'} ? :
109 0 0 $full ? :
131 4 51 unless defined $self->{'profile'}
132 0 51 unless exists $self->{'profiles'}{$self->{'profile'}}
133 0 51 unless defined $what and exists $self->{'profiles'}{$self->{'profile'}}{$what}
135 10 41 if ($what eq 'status' and $tostore)
151 0 14 unless $self and $f
159 0 3 unless defined $p
160 0 3 unless exists $self->{'profiles'}{$p}{'status'}
162 0 3 unless Net::DRI::Util::is_class($rc, 'Net::DRI::Protocol::ResultStatus')
163 0 3 if $f eq 'self'
164 0 3 unless $f and $rc->can($f)
184 0 20 unless defined $p
198 0 5 unless (Net::DRI::Util::all_valid($type, $key, $action))
202 5 0 if (not defined $a or $a ne $action)
208 0 0 unless (keys %{$$self{'last_data'};})
238 0 28 unless defined $what and $what
240 5 23 if (Net::DRI::Util::all_valid($type, $key)) { }
243 0 5 unless defined $p
248 0 23 unless exists $self->{'last_data'}{$what}
258 0 0 if (Net::DRI::Util::all_valid($type, $key)) { }
261 0 0 unless defined $p
269 0 0 unless defined $rh and ref $rh and keys %$rh
288 0 1 unless $profile and exists $self->{'profiles'}{$profile}
297 11 0 unless defined $p
305 0 0 unless $profile and exists $self->{'profiles'}{$profile}
310 0 0 unless exists $rh->{$otype}
319 11 0 unless exists $at->{$otype}
320 11 0 unless exists $at->{$otype}
322 0 0 unless defined $ac and ref $ac
323 0 0 unless exists $ac->{$oaction}
324 0 0 unless exists $ac->{$oaction}
332 1 0 if $rc->is_success
347 0 66 unless (Net::DRI::Util::all_valid($name, $type))
348 0 66 if ($self->exist_profile($name))
349 0 66 if (defined $trans_p and ref $trans_p ne 'HASH')
350 0 66 if (defined $prot_p and ref $prot_p ne 'HASH')
355 66 0 if (exists $INC{'Test/'} and defined $trans_p and exists $trans_p->{'f_send'})
363 0 66 if (not Net::DRI::Util::all_valid($tc, $tp, $pc, $pp) or ref $tp ne 'HASH' or ref $pp ne 'HASH')
365 66 0 if defined $trans_p
366 32 34 if defined $prot_p
368 2 64 if $drd->can('transport_protocol_init')
376 1 0 if $po->can('transport_default')
384 0 1 unless ($ok)
387 0 0 if ref $err eq 'Net::DRI::Protocol::ResultStatus'
388 0 0 unless ref $err
391 0 1 if defined $rc and not $rc->is_success
397 1 0 unless defined $rc
405 0 0 if (defined $name) { }
407 0 0 unless $self->exist_profile($name)
410 0 0 unless defined $self->{'profile'}
415 0 0 if ref $p->{'protocol'} and $p->{'protocol'}->can('end')
416 0 0 if ref $p->{'transport'} and $p->{'transport'}->can('end')
418 0 0 if $self->{'profile'} eq $name
428 1 0 if ref $p->{'transport'} and $p->{'transport'}->can('end')
429 0 1 if ref $p->{'protocol'} and $p->{'protocol'}->can('end')
433 0 66 if $self->{'driver'}->can('end')
456 0 11 unless defined $pa
457 11 0 unless defined $ta
470 0 10 unless ($ok)
488 0 10 if defined $pause and $pause and $count > 1
489 0 10 if $count > 1
493 10 0 if $timeout
498 10 0 if $to->is_sync
504 10 0 if $timeout
505 0 10 unless (defined $r and $r)
508 0 0 if ref $err eq 'Net::DRI::Protocol::ResultStatus'
509 0 0 !ref($err) && $err =~ /timeout/ ? :
510 0 0 $is_timeout ? :
0 0 unless ref $err
511 0 0 $is_timeout ? :
512 0 0 if $to->try_again($ctx, $po, $err, $count, $is_timeout, $self->{'ops'}{$trid}[0], \$pause, \$timeout)
515 10 0 if defined $r
517 0 10 if ($prevalarm)
520 0 0 if $prevalarm > 0
522 0 10 unless defined $r
529 0 0 if (ref $err eq 'Net::DRI::Protocol::ResultStatus')
534 0 0 unless ref $err
549 0 10 unless defined $res
556 0 0 if ($rc->is_closing or exists $ri->{'_internal'} and exists $ri->{'_internal'}{'must_reconnect'} and $ri->{'_internal'}{'must_reconnect'})
575 10 10 if $oname and $type eq $otype and $key eq $oname
581 10 0 if ($oname and $otype)
584 10 0 if exists $ri->{$otype} and exists $ri->{$otype}{$oname}
594 10 10 if exists $v2->{'result_status'}
601 10 0 if $oname
611 0 10 if $otype eq 'account' and $oaction eq 'list_domains'
613 0 10 unless defined $o
614 0 10 if ref $o eq 'ARRAY'
615 10 0 unless ref $o
616 0 0 $otype eq 'nsgroup' ? :
0 0 if Net::DRI::Util::isa_hosts($o)
617 0 0 if Net::DRI::Util::isa_contact($o)
626 0 7 unless $op and $subop
632 0 7 unless $cap and ref $cap eq 'HASH' and exists $cap->{$op} and ref $cap->{$op} eq 'HASH' and exists $cap->{$op}{$subop} and ref $cap->{$op}{$subop} eq 'ARRAY'
634 3 4 unless defined $action and $action
638 4 2 if $a eq $action
647 67 69 if defined $self->{'profile'}
659 0 13 unless $attr =~ /[^A-Z]/
662 0 13 unless ref $drd and $drd->can($attr)