Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 14 24 58.3

line true false branch
33 7 12 if defined $op and $op ne 'create'
41 2 19 if $d =~ /^(?:aso|gnso|icann|internic|ccnso|afrinic|apnic|arin|example|gtld-servers|iab|iana|iana-servers|iesg|ietf|irtf|istf|lacnic|latnic|rfc-editor|ripe|root-servers)$/o
44 1 2 if length $d > 3 and substr($d, 2, 2) eq '--' and not $d =~ /^xn--/
51 0 9 if ($d[-1] eq 'tel')
53 0 0 if length $d[-2] == 1
54 0 0 if length $d[-2] == 2 and exists $Net::DRI::Util::CCA2{$d[-2]}
55 0 0 if $d[-2] =~ /^[\d-]+$/ and length $d[-2] > 7
59 2 7 if length $d[-2] == 1 and not exists $ALLOW1{$d[-1]}
62 1 6 if length $d[-2] == 2 and not exists $ALLOW2{$d[-1]}
65 1 5 if $d[-2] =~ /^(?:nic|whois|www)$/o
68 0 5 if ($d[-1] eq 'name')
70 0 0 if @d == 2 and $d[-2] =~ /-(?:familie|family|perhe|famille|parivaar|keluarga|famiglia|angkan|rodzina|familia|mischpoche|umdeni)$/