Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 50 0.0

line true false branch
76 0 0 unless exists $$rr{$whois}
78 0 0 if ($s =~ /^\s*(\S.+\S)\s+\((\S+)\)\s*$/) { }
98 0 0 unless exists $$rr{$k}
104 0 0 unless exists $$rr{$k}
115 0 0 if (exists $$rr{'Domain Status'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $$rr{'Status'}) { }
122 0 0 if @s
133 0 0 if exists $$rr{$whois . ' ID'} and length $$rr{$whois . ' ID'}[0]
134 0 0 if exists $$rr{$whois . ' Name'} and length $$rr{$whois . ' Name'}[0]
135 0 0 if exists $$rr{$whois . ' Organization'} and length $$rr{$whois . ' Organization'}[0]
140 0 0 if exists $$rr{$k . $_}
141 0 0 unless @s
145 0 0 if exists $$rr{$whois . ' City'} and length $$rr{$whois . ' City'}[0]
146 0 0 if exists $$rr{$whois . ' State/Province'} and length $$rr{$whois . ' State/Province'}[0]
147 0 0 if exists $$rr{$whois . ' Postal Code'} and length $$rr{$whois . ' Postal Code'}[0]
148 0 0 if exists $$rr{$whois . ' Country'} and length $$rr{$whois . ' Country'}[0]
153 0 0 unless $t
160 0 0 unless $t
164 0 0 if exists $$rr{$whois . ' Email'} and length $$rr{$whois . ' Email'}[0]
165 0 0 if grep {length $_;} $c->srid, $c->name, $c->city, $c->cc, $c->email
174 0 0 unless exists $$rr{$key} and $$rr{$key}[0]
176 0 0 if exists $$rr{$key . ' Ext.'} and $$rr{$key . ' Ext.'}[0]
183 0 0 unless exists $$rr{'Name Server'}
184 0 0 if defined $_
185 0 0 if @ns