Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 78 0.0

line true false branch
85 0 0 ref $contact eq 'ARRAY' ? :
86 0 0 Net::DRI::Util::isa_contact($_) ? :
89 0 0 unless @c
93 0 0 unless defined $n and $n and not ref $n
95 0 0 unless Net::DRI::Util::xml_is_token($n, 3, 16)
100 0 0 ref $command ? :
105 0 0 if ($tcommand =~ /^(?:info|transfer)$/ and ref $contact[0] and Net::DRI::Util::isa_contact($contact[0]))
109 0 0 if ($az and ref $az and exists $$az{'pw'})
125 0 0 unless $mes->is_success
128 0 0 unless $infdata
135 0 0 if defined $ai and defined $ai->getFirstChild and $ai->getFirstChild->nodeType == 3
148 0 0 unless $az and ref $az and exists $$az{'pw'}
156 0 0 unless $d and ref $d
158 0 0 unless keys %v == 1
161 0 0 if exists $$d{'name'}
162 0 0 if exists $$d{'org'}
163 0 0 if exists $$d{'addr'}
164 0 0 if exists $$d{'voice'}
165 0 0 if exists $$d{'fax'}
166 0 0 if exists $$d{'email'}
179 0 0 if (defined $tmp[0])
182 0 0 if (defined $tmp[0])
185 0 0 if (defined $tmp[0])
190 0 0 if (defined $tmp[0])
193 0 0 if (defined $tmp[0])
196 0 0 if (defined $tmp[0])
199 0 0 if (defined $tmp[0])
201 0 0 if @addr
203 0 0 if defined $contact->voice
205 0 0 if defined $contact->fax
207 0 0 if defined $contact->email
221 0 0 unless Net::DRI::Util::isa_contact($contact)
234 0 0 unless Net::DRI::Util::isa_changes($todo)
237 0 0 if (grep {not /^(?:add|del)$/;} $todo->types('status') or grep {not /^(?:set)$/;} $todo->types('info'))
249 0 0 if $sadd
251 0 0 if $sdel
255 0 0 if ($newc)
257 0 0 unless Net::DRI::Util::isa_contact($newc)
262 0 0 if @c