Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 26 0.0

line true false branch
18 0 0 unless ($prop and ref $prop and ref $prop eq 'HASH' and $$prop{'priority'} and ref $$prop{'priority'} eq 'ARRAY')
27 0 0 if (not $type) { }
0 0 elsif (not $_->isa('Net::DNSServer::Base')) { }
40 0 0 unless GetOptions 'help', \$help, 'config-file|boot-file=s', \$conf_file, 'foreground', \$nodaemon, 'user=s', \$user, 'group=s', \$group, 'port=s', \$server_port, 'Pidfile=s', \$pidfile
49 0 0 if $help
57 0 0 unless $nodaemon
60 0 0 if defined $user
63 0 0 if defined $group
121 0 0 if /^(.*)$/
125 0 0 if $ENV{$_} =~ /^(.*)$/
135 0 0 $$self{'server'}{'udp_true'} ? :
138 0 0 if ($$self{'server'}{'udp_true'}) { }
153 0 0 if $answer_packet